LINE WebChat is a modified LINE Messaging App based on web platform.
- Chatting
- Group Chat
- Chat Notification
- Authentication
- Login with QR
- Login with authToken
- Console
- Chatting
- Square Chat
- Person Chat
- SendImage
- Authentication
- Login with email & pass
If you have an idea for new feature, you can contact me.
This repo require a NodeJS >= 8.0.0.
First of all, you need to install Git & NodeJS. Then open your git bash, and follow this:
$ git clone
$ cd LINE-WebChat
$ npm i
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install git-all
$ apt-get install nodejs-current
$ git clone
$ cd LINE-WebChat
$ npm i
You can run with
$ npm start
- On windows you just open start.bat.
- On linux you just open
- How to access the main chat page ?. simple, just go to
- How to access the console ?. go to