An extension for Chrome that is an alternative frontend for the BroncoDirect website. This extension allows Cal Poly Pomona students to access BroncoDirect information from anywhere while browsing the web.
This repository contains all required code to drive the frontend for the BroncoDirectMe Chromium extension. This mainly includes the composition and rendering of the user interface.
##Recommended IDE Settings for Various IDEs
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Function: allows Developers to modify the DOM of the app.
Function: A centralized place for the user to adjust the settings of the extension.
Function: This button is used to enable or disable the extension.
- Displays on top right of extension.
- State is logged when the button is pressed.
- Logging passes state to parents.
Function: This module allows the user to have a list of professors generated based on their search query.
Function: Search bar meant to log searches made in the app.
Function: This button is used to provide user feedback on the professors. Upon pressing, the button logs either one upvote or one downvote towards the professor's rating.
Function: This feature is used to display some information on a selected professor. The info comes in a popup that can be closed.
Function: The extension must know what page its on. It must only work on the various pages of BroncoDirect.
Function Displays relevant professors' ratings.