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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:
# | Title | Solution | Tags | Submitted |
480 | D - Paths in a Complete Binary Tree | GNU C++17 | bitmasks trees *1900 |
Jan/09/2021 20:03 |
479 | E - Subsequences (easy version) | GNU C++17 | dp graphs implementation shortest paths *2000 |
Jan/09/2021 19:28 |
478 | A - Median Smoothing | GNU C++17 | implementation *1700 |
Jan/09/2021 18:57 |
477 | A - Distinct Digits | GNU C++17 | brute force implementation *800 |
Jan/09/2021 18:24 |
476 | A - Vasya the Hipster | GNU C++17 | implementation math *800 |
Jan/09/2021 18:21 |
475 | D - Yet Another Array Queries Problem | GNU C++17 | data structures implementation *1800 |
Jan/08/2021 16:39 |
474 | A - Game Outcome | GNU C++17 | brute force *800 |
Jan/08/2021 16:21 |
473 | A - Stock Arbitraging | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation *800 |
Jan/08/2021 16:14 |
472 | D - 13th Labour of Heracles | GNU C++17 | data structures greedy sortings trees *1500 |
Jan/07/2021 21:16 |
471 | E - Apollo versus Pan | GNU C++17 | bitmasks brute force math *1800 |
Jan/07/2021 20:50 |
470 | C - Building a Fence | GNU C++17 | dp greedy implementation two pointers *1600 |
Jan/07/2021 17:22 |
469 | B - Fair Division | GNU C++17 | dp greedy math *800 |
Jan/07/2021 17:00 |
468 | C - Messy | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms *1700 |
Jan/07/2021 03:37 |
467 | D - Shurikens | GNU C++17 | data structures greedy implementation *1700 |
Jan/07/2021 03:22 |
466 | F - Consecutive Subsequence | GNU C++17 | dp *1700 |
Jan/07/2021 03:02 |
465 | D - Graph And Its Complement | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms graphs implementation *1700 |
Jan/07/2021 02:46 |
464 | B - XOR-gun | GNU C++17 | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms math *2000 |
Nov/29/2020 14:54 |
463 | A - Bouncing Ball | GNU C++17 | brute force dp implementation *1400 |
Nov/29/2020 14:16 |
462 | C - New Game Plus! | GNU C++17 | binary search dp greedy sortings *2200 |
Nov/29/2020 14:06 |
461 | C - Greedy Shopping | GNU C++17 | binary search data structures divide and conquer greedy implementation *2600 |
Nov/17/2020 22:21 |
460 | A1 - Binary Table (Easy Version) | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms implementation *1500 |
Nov/17/2020 21:22 |
459 | C - Xor Tree | GNU C++17 | binary search bitmasks data structures divide and conquer dp trees *2100 |
Nov/15/2020 22:09 |
458 | B - Catching Cheaters | GNU C++17 | dp strings *1800 |
Nov/15/2020 20:58 |
457 | A - Knapsack | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1300 |
Nov/15/2020 20:45 |
456 | D - Powerful Ksenia | GNU C++17 | bitmasks constructive algorithms math *2200 |
Nov/13/2020 22:33 |
455 | E - Yurii Can Do Everything | GNU C++17 | binary search bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms divide and conquer two pointers *2500 |
Nov/13/2020 22:11 |
454 | C - Engineer Artem | PyPy 3 | 2-sat chinese remainder theorem constructive algorithms fft flows *2000 |
Nov/13/2020 21:02 |
453 | B - Valerii Against Everyone | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1000 |
Nov/13/2020 20:54 |
452 | A - Specific Tastes of Andre | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *800 |
Nov/13/2020 20:49 |
451 | C - Graph Transpositions | GNU C++17 | dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths *2400 |
Nov/03/2020 17:11 |
450 | B - Identify the Operations | GNU C++17 | combinatorics data structures dsu greedy implementation *1800 |
Nov/02/2020 21:29 |
449 | A - Extreme Subtraction | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms dp greedy *1800 |
Nov/02/2020 21:15 |
448 | C - Team-Building | GNU C++17 | data structures dfs and similar dsu graphs *2500 |
Nov/01/2020 18:43 |
447 | B - Divide and Sum | GNU C++17 | combinatorics math sortings *1900 |
Nov/01/2020 17:43 |
446 | A - Division | GNU C++17 | brute force math number theory *1500 |
Nov/01/2020 17:17 |
445 | D - Bouncing Boomerangs | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1900 |
Oct/17/2020 21:08 |
444 | F - Fruit Sequences | GNU C++17 | binary search data structures divide and conquer dp two pointers *2400 |
Oct/17/2020 21:00 |
443 | B - Belted Rooms | GNU C++17 | graphs implementation *1200 |
Oct/17/2020 19:30 |
442 | C - ABBB | GNU C++17 | brute force data structures greedy strings *1100 |
Oct/17/2020 19:19 |
441 | A - Box is Pull | GNU C++17 | math *800 |
Oct/17/2020 19:13 |
440 | D - Unshuffling a Deck | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms implementation *2000 |
Oct/10/2020 22:05 |
439 | C - The Hard Work of Paparazzi | GNU C++17 | dp *2000 |
Oct/10/2020 21:27 |
438 | B - Chess Cheater | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation sortings *1400 |
Oct/10/2020 21:10 |
437 | A - Avoiding Zero | GNU C++17 | math sortings *900 |
Oct/10/2020 20:57 |
436 | E - Avoid Rainbow Cycles | GNU C++17 | data structures dsu graphs greedy sortings trees *2400 |
Sep/30/2020 22:25 |
435 | D - Searchlights | GNU C++17 | binary search brute force data structures dp implementation sortings two pointers *2000 |
Sep/30/2020 22:11 |
434 | C - Discrete Acceleration | GNU C++17 | binary search dp implementation math two pointers *1500 |
Sep/30/2020 21:18 |
433 | A - Circle Coloring | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms *800 |
Sep/30/2020 20:41 |
432 | C - XOR Inverse | GNU C++17 | bitmasks data structures divide and conquer dp greedy math sortings strings trees *2000 |
Sep/27/2020 21:43 |
431 | A - k-Amazing Numbers | GNU C++17 | binary search data structures implementation two pointers *1500 |
Sep/27/2020 21:15 |
430 | C1 - Pokémon Army (easy version) | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms dp greedy *1300 |
Sep/24/2020 22:05 |
429 | C2 - Pokémon Army (hard version) | GNU C++17 | data structures divide and conquer dp greedy implementation *2100 |
Sep/24/2020 22:05 |
428 | E - Battle Lemmings | GNU C++17 | dp greedy *2500 |
Sep/24/2020 21:45 |
427 | D - Rescue Nibel! | GNU C++17 | combinatorics data structures sortings *1800 |
Sep/24/2020 21:03 |
426 | B - Rock and Lever | GNU C++17 | bitmasks math *1200 |
Sep/24/2020 20:47 |
425 | A - Cubes Sorting | GNU C++17 | math sortings *900 |
Sep/24/2020 20:41 |
424 | E - Expected Damage | GNU C++17 | binary search combinatorics probabilities *2400 |
Sep/14/2020 22:01 |
423 | G - Three Occurrences | GNU C++17 | data structures divide and conquer hashing two pointers *2500 |
Sep/14/2020 21:21 |
422 | A - Buying Torches | GNU C++17 | math *1000 |
Sep/14/2020 20:48 |
421 | D - Three Sequences | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy math *2200 |
Sep/12/2020 20:51 |
420 | C - Link Cut Centroids | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees *1700 |
Sep/12/2020 20:17 |
419 | B - Maximum Product | GNU C++17 | brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1200 |
Sep/12/2020 20:05 |
418 | A - Subset Mex | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation math *900 |
Sep/12/2020 19:50 |
417 | C - Fixed Point Removal | GNU C++17 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy two pointers *2300 |
Sep/06/2020 22:23 |
416 | A - Balanced Bitstring | GNU C++17 | implementation strings *1500 |
Sep/06/2020 20:47 |
415 | C - Monster Invaders | GNU C++17 | dp greedy implementation *2300 |
Aug/30/2020 22:31 |
414 | B - Stoned Game | GNU C++17 | brute force constructive algorithms games greedy *1800 |
Aug/30/2020 21:13 |
413 | A - Multiples of Length | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms greedy number theory *1600 |
Aug/30/2020 20:58 |
412 | B - Ternary Sequence | Java 11 | constructive algorithms greedy math *1100 |
Aug/22/2020 00:02 |
411 | A - Distance and Axis | Java 11 | constructive algorithms math *900 |
Aug/22/2020 00:02 |
410 | E - Divide Square | GNU C++14 | data structures geometry implementation sortings *2400 |
Aug/22/2020 00:01 |
409 | D - Maximum Distributed Tree | Java 11 | dfs and similar dp greedy implementation math number theory sortings trees *1800 |
Aug/22/2020 00:01 |
408 | C - Mere Array | Java 11 | constructive algorithms math number theory sortings *1300 |
Aug/22/2020 00:01 |
407 | G - Tree Modification | Java 11 | brute force constructive algorithms dfs and similar graph matchings graphs trees *2800 |
Aug/20/2020 00:39 |
406 | F - Integer Game | Java 11 | constructive algorithms games interactive math *2600 |
Aug/20/2020 00:22 |
405 | E - Inversion SwapSort | Java 11 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings *2500 |
Aug/19/2020 21:46 |
404 | D - Replace by MEX | Java 11 | brute force constructive algorithms sortings *1900 |
Aug/19/2020 21:22 |
403 | C - Element Extermination | Java 11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 |
Aug/19/2020 21:00 |
402 | B - Omkar and Infinity Clock | GNU C++17 | implementation math *800 |
Aug/19/2020 15:10 |
401 | D - Omkar and Bed Wars | GNU C++17 | dp greedy *1700 |
Aug/19/2020 15:09 |
400 | C - Omkar and Waterslide | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation *1200 |
Aug/19/2020 15:09 |
399 | E - Omkar and Duck | Java 11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms interactive math *2100 |
Aug/19/2020 15:08 |
398 | F - Omkar and Landslide | Java 11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures greedy math *2400 |
Aug/19/2020 14:57 |
397 | A - Omkar and Password | Java 11 | greedy math *800 |
Aug/19/2020 00:27 |
396 | G - Running Competition | GNU C++11 | bitmasks fft math number theory *2600 |
Aug/14/2020 22:22 |
395 | E - Two Types of Spells | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures greedy implementation math sortings *2200 |
Aug/14/2020 21:58 |
394 | F - Controversial Rounds | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dp greedy two pointers *2500 |
Aug/14/2020 21:32 |
393 | D - Colored Rectangles | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings *1800 |
Aug/14/2020 21:04 |
392 | C - Good Subarrays | GNU C++11 | data structures dp math *1600 |
Aug/14/2020 20:55 |
391 | B - Substring Removal Game | GNU C++11 | games greedy sortings *800 |
Aug/14/2020 20:51 |
390 | A - Bad Triangle | GNU C++11 | geometry math *800 |
Aug/14/2020 20:43 |
389 | D - Boboniu and Jianghu | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings trees *2800 |
Aug/13/2020 16:38 |
388 | B - Boboniu Walks on Graph | GNU C++11 | brute force dfs and similar graphs hashing *2300 |
Aug/12/2020 21:53 |
387 | A - Boboniu Chats with Du | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings two pointers *1800 |
Aug/12/2020 20:52 |
386 | E - Little Pony and Lord Tirek | GNU C++11 | data structures *3100 |
Aug/12/2020 16:30 |
385 | E - Pairs of Pairs | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2600 |
Aug/09/2020 22:33 |
384 | D - 505 | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms dp greedy implementation *2000 |
Aug/09/2020 21:24 |
383 | C - Cyclic Permutations | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp graphs math *1500 |
Aug/09/2020 21:01 |
382 | B - Fix You | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation *800 |
Aug/09/2020 20:49 |
381 | A - Suborrays | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *800 |
Aug/09/2020 20:43 |
380 | D - Anti-Sudoku | Java 11 | constructive algorithms implementation *1300 |
Aug/08/2020 21:57 |
379 | A - Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Chess Coloring | GNU C++11 | greedy math *800 |
Aug/07/2020 20:42 |
378 | E - Strange Operation | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures dp *2800 |
Aug/06/2020 20:35 |
377 | F - Yet Another Segments Subset | GNU C++11 | data structures dp graphs sortings *2300 |
Aug/06/2020 00:01 |
376 | E2 - Weights Division (hard version) | GNU C++11 | binary search dfs and similar greedy sortings trees two pointers *2200 |
Aug/05/2020 23:33 |
375 | E1 - Weights Division (easy version) | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar greedy trees *2000 |
Aug/05/2020 22:02 |
374 | D - Binary String To Subsequences | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1500 |
Aug/05/2020 21:25 |
373 | C - Boats Competition | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy two pointers *1200 |
Aug/05/2020 21:10 |
372 | B - Gifts Fixing | GNU C++11 | greedy *800 |
Aug/05/2020 20:55 |
371 | A - Remove Smallest | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *800 |
Aug/05/2020 20:49 |
370 | C - Uncle Bogdan and Country Happiness | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar greedy math trees *1800 |
Jul/30/2020 21:59 |
369 | D - Captain Flint and Treasure | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2000 |
Jul/30/2020 21:35 |
368 | B - Captain Flint and a Long Voyage | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1000 |
Jul/30/2020 21:13 |
367 | A - Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy math number theory *800 |
Jul/30/2020 20:47 |
366 | E - Calendar Ambiguity | GNU C++11 | math number theory *2200 |
Jul/29/2020 21:53 |
365 | D - Segment Intersections | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation math *2100 |
Jul/29/2020 21:28 |
364 | C - Good String | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy two pointers *1500 |
Jul/29/2020 21:00 |
363 | B - Array Walk | GNU C++11 | brute force dp greedy *1600 |
Jul/29/2020 20:52 |
362 | A - LCM Problem | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *800 |
Jul/29/2020 20:38 |
361 | B - GameGame | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms dp games greedy math *1900 |
Jul/24/2020 21:48 |
360 | A - String Transformation 1 | GNU C++11 | dsu graphs greedy sortings strings trees two pointers *1700 |
Jul/24/2020 21:01 |
359 | B2 - Village (Maximum) | GNU C++11 | *special problem dfs and similar trees *2500 |
Jul/23/2020 19:03 |
358 | B1 - Village (Minimum) | GNU C++11 | *special problem dp greedy trees *2100 |
Jul/23/2020 18:42 |
357 | A - Graph | GNU C++11 | *special problem binary search dfs and similar dp math ternary search *2100 |
Jul/23/2020 18:24 |
356 | C - Mastermind | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graph matchings greedy implementation sortings two pointers *2500 |
Jul/22/2020 02:21 |
355 | B - Unmerge | GNU C++11 | dp *1800 |
Jul/21/2020 21:30 |
354 | A2 - Prefix Flip (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures implementation strings two pointers *1700 |
Jul/21/2020 21:08 |
353 | A1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures strings *1300 |
Jul/21/2020 20:51 |
352 | E - Inverse Genealogy | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms divide and conquer dp math trees *2800 |
Jul/20/2020 23:53 |
351 | B - Dubious Cyrpto | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force math number theory *1500 |
Jul/19/2020 15:25 |
350 | A - Acacius and String | GNU C++11 | brute force implementation strings *1500 |
Jul/19/2020 15:12 |
349 | A - Even But Not Even | GNU C++11 | greedy math strings *900 |
Jul/19/2020 02:56 |
348 | C - Johnny Solving | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs math *2700 |
Jul/19/2020 02:39 |
347 | D - Coffee Varieties (hard version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs interactive *3000 |
Jul/18/2020 17:20 |
346 | C - Prefix Enlightenment | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu graphs *2400 |
Jul/18/2020 02:19 |
345 | G - Columns Swaps | GNU C++11 | 2-sat dfs and similar dsu graphs implementation *2300 |
Jul/17/2020 22:27 |
344 | F - Removing Leaves | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy implementation trees *2300 |
Jul/17/2020 22:02 |
343 | E - Directing Edges | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2000 |
Jul/17/2020 21:25 |
342 | D - a-Good String | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force divide and conquer dp implementation *1500 |
Jul/17/2020 21:13 |
341 | C - Make It Good | GNU C++11 | greedy *1200 |
Jul/17/2020 21:04 |
340 | B - Restore the Permutation by Merger | GNU C++11 | greedy *800 |
Jul/17/2020 20:58 |
339 | A - Three Pairwise Maximums | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Jul/17/2020 20:54 |
338 | F - Johnny and New Toy | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation math *3300 |
Jul/17/2020 02:11 |
337 | E - James and the Chase | GNU C++17 | dfs and similar graphs probabilities trees *3000 |
Jul/16/2020 22:03 |
336 | D - Johnny and James | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation math trees *2900 |
Jul/16/2020 19:49 |
335 | F - How to Learn You Score | GNU C++11 | Jul/16/2020 17:32 | |
334 | L - Odd Federalization | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *2600 |
Jul/16/2020 04:31 |
333 | D - Bags and Coins | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms dp greedy *2700 |
Jul/16/2020 03:49 |
332 | C - Upgrading Tree | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs math trees *2600 |
Jul/14/2020 17:23 |
331 | B - Berland Army | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy *2600 |
Jul/14/2020 16:07 |
330 | C - Kamil and Making a Stream | GNU C++11 | math number theory trees *2000 |
Jul/14/2020 03:52 |
329 | E2 - Array and Segments (Hard version) | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation *2100 |
Jul/14/2020 03:27 |
328 | F - Strange Addition | GNU C++11 | data structures dp matrices *2600 |
Jul/12/2020 23:43 |
327 | C - Create The Teams | PyPy 3 | brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1400 |
Jul/12/2020 22:10 |
326 | B - Universal Solution | PyPy 3 | greedy *1400 |
Jul/12/2020 21:39 |
325 | A - Three Indices | PyPy 3 | brute force data structures *900 |
Jul/12/2020 21:26 |
324 | D - Omkar and Circle | PyPy 3 | brute force dp games greedy *2100 |
Jul/11/2020 22:07 |
323 | B - Omkar and Last Class of Math | PyPy 3 | greedy math number theory *1300 |
Jul/11/2020 21:17 |
322 | A - Omkar and Completion | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *800 |
Jul/11/2020 21:09 |
321 | B - Neighbor Grid | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy *1200 |
Jul/04/2020 21:00 |
320 | A - Sign Flipping | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math *1100 |
Jul/04/2020 20:49 |
319 | E2 - Asterism (Hard Version) | PyPy 3 | binary search combinatorics dp math number theory sortings *2300 |
Jul/01/2020 21:31 |
318 | E1 - Asterism (Easy Version) | PyPy 3 | binary search brute force combinatorics math number theory sortings *1900 |
Jul/01/2020 21:22 |
317 | D - Grid-00100 | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1600 |
Jul/01/2020 20:10 |
316 | C - A Cookie for You | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation math *1300 |
Jul/01/2020 19:57 |
315 | B - Magical Calendar | PyPy 3 | math *1200 |
Jul/01/2020 19:51 |
314 | A - Magical Sticks | PyPy 3 | math *800 |
Jul/01/2020 19:41 |
313 | E - Restore Array | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms *2400 |
Jun/25/2020 05:13 |
312 | C - Lock Puzzle | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation strings *2300 |
Jun/25/2020 03:20 |
311 | E - DeadLee | PyPy 3 | data structures dfs and similar greedy implementation sortings *2400 |
Jun/23/2020 23:26 |
310 | D - TediousLee | PyPy 3 | dp graphs greedy math trees *1900 |
Jun/23/2020 21:21 |
309 | C - RationalLee | PyPy 3 | greedy math sortings two pointers *1400 |
Jun/23/2020 20:49 |
308 | B - AccurateLee | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation strings *1200 |
Jun/23/2020 20:30 |
307 | A - FashionabLee | PyPy 3 | geometry math *800 |
Jun/23/2020 20:10 |
306 | E - Anton and Ira | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math *2300 |
Jun/21/2020 15:22 |
305 | D - Odd-Even Subsequence | GNU C++11 | binary search dp dsu greedy implementation *2000 |
Jun/20/2020 22:42 |
304 | F1 - The Hidden Pair (Easy Version) | GNU C++11 | binary search dfs and similar graphs interactive shortest paths trees *2400 |
Jun/20/2020 22:06 |
303 | C - Number Game | PyPy 3 | games math number theory *1400 |
Jun/20/2020 21:16 |
302 | B - GCD Compression | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math number theory *1100 |
Jun/20/2020 20:54 |
301 | A - Maximum GCD | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation math number theory *800 |
Jun/20/2020 20:42 |
300 | D - Sonya and Matrix | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms implementation *2300 |
Jun/20/2020 16:26 |
299 | E - Delete a Segment | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms data structures dp graphs sortings trees two pointers *2300 |
Jun/19/2020 04:14 |
298 | D - AND, OR and square sum | PyPy 3 | bitmasks greedy math *1700 |
Jun/18/2020 21:29 |
297 | C - Even Picture | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms *1500 |
Jun/18/2020 21:19 |
296 | B - Codeforces Subsequences | PyPy 3 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math strings *1500 |
Jun/18/2020 21:02 |
295 | A - C+= | PyPy 3 | brute force greedy implementation math *800 |
Jun/18/2020 20:49 |
294 | B - Looksery Party | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy *2300 |
Jun/18/2020 15:59 |
293 | C - Divide by Three | GNU C++17 | dp greedy math number theory *2000 |
Jun/18/2020 15:44 |
292 | C - Swaps | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy *2200 |
Jun/18/2020 06:29 |
291 | D - The table | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy *2100 |
Jun/18/2020 05:53 |
290 | C - Prefix Product Sequence | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math number theory *2300 |
Jun/18/2020 04:12 |
289 | C - Ice cream coloring | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy *2200 |
Jun/17/2020 23:54 |
288 | B - Complete The Graph | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms graphs shortest paths *2300 |
Jun/17/2020 20:43 |
287 | B - The minimal unique substring | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math strings *2200 |
Jun/17/2020 19:49 |
286 | E - Square Root of Permutation | PyPy 3 | combinatorics constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs math *2200 |
Jun/17/2020 18:40 |
285 | B - Little C Loves 3 II | PyPy 3 | brute force constructive algorithms flows graph matchings *2200 |
Jun/17/2020 17:20 |
284 | G - Happy Line | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings *2200 |
Jun/17/2020 15:18 |
283 | B - String | GNU C++11 | brute force constructive algorithms hashing implementation string suffix structures strings *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 18:10 |
282 | E - Underground Lab | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 16:52 |
281 | F - Berland Beauty | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy sortings trees *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 15:56 |
280 | E - Kuroni and the Score Distribution | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *2200 |
Jun/16/2020 05:32 |
279 | C - Points on Plane | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms divide and conquer geometry greedy sortings *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 05:23 |
278 | E - The LCMs Must be Large | PyPy 3 | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms math number theory *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 04:59 |
277 | B1 - Send Boxes to Alice (Easy Version) | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory ternary search two pointers *1800 |
Jun/16/2020 04:22 |
276 | C - Point Ordering | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms geometry interactive math *2300 |
Jun/16/2020 04:21 |
275 | B2 - Send Boxes to Alice (Hard Version) | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory ternary search two pointers *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 04:19 |
274 | H - Binary Median | PyPy 3 | binary search bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 03:17 |
273 | B - Timofey and rectangles | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms geometry *2100 |
Jun/16/2020 01:58 |
272 | C - Money Transfers | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *2100 |
Jun/15/2020 23:22 |
271 | D - Police Stations | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths trees *2100 |
Jun/15/2020 22:49 |
270 | D - Ehab's Last Corollary | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2100 |
Jun/13/2020 23:00 |
269 | E - X-OR | PyPy 3 | bitmasks constructive algorithms divide and conquer interactive probabilities *2700 |
Jun/13/2020 22:26 |
268 | B - Most socially-distanced subsequence | PyPy 3 | greedy two pointers *1300 |
Jun/13/2020 21:31 |
267 | A - XXXXX | PyPy 3 | brute force data structures number theory two pointers *1200 |
Jun/13/2020 21:23 |
266 | E - Maximum Subsequence Value | PyPy 3 | brute force constructive algorithms *1900 |
Jun/13/2020 04:37 |
265 | F - Swaps Again | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation sortings *2100 |
Jun/13/2020 04:30 |
264 | G - Secure Password | PyPy 3 | bitmasks combinatorics constructive algorithms interactive math *2800 |
Jun/13/2020 03:59 |
263 | E - Two Arrays | PyPy 3 | binary search brute force combinatorics constructive algorithms dp two pointers *2100 |
Jun/12/2020 01:44 |
262 | D - Two Divisors | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math number theory *2000 |
Jun/12/2020 00:28 |
261 | C - Palindromic Paths | PyPy 3 | greedy math *1500 |
Jun/11/2020 22:33 |
260 | B - Shuffle | PyPy 3 | math two pointers *1300 |
Jun/11/2020 22:23 |
259 | F - Jog Around The Graph | GNU C++11 | binary search dp geometry graphs *2700 |
Jun/11/2020 22:16 |
258 | A - Shovels and Swords | PyPy 3 | binary search greedy math *1100 |
Jun/11/2020 20:52 |
257 | C - Johnny and Megan's Necklace | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs *2500 |
Jun/04/2020 22:26 |
256 | B - Johnny and Grandmaster | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math sortings *1900 |
Jun/04/2020 21:44 |
255 | A - Johnny and Contribution | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms graphs greedy sortings *1700 |
Jun/04/2020 20:50 |
254 | C - Game On Leaves | GNU C++11 | games trees *1600 |
May/31/2020 23:52 |
253 | E - Tree Shuffling | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 |
May/31/2020 22:26 |
252 | B - Subsequence Hate | PyPy 3 | implementation strings *1400 |
May/31/2020 22:11 |
251 | A - Odd Selection | PyPy 3 | brute force implementation math *1200 |
May/31/2020 21:56 |
250 | F - Rotating Substrings | GNU C++11 | dp strings *2600 |
May/31/2020 21:45 |
249 | C - Mixing Water | PyPy 3 | binary search math *1700 |
May/28/2020 23:19 |
248 | D - Yet Another Yet Another Task | GNU C++11 | data structures dp implementation two pointers *2000 |
May/28/2020 22:22 |
247 | E - Modular Stability | PyPy 3 | combinatorics math number theory *2000 |
May/28/2020 22:05 |
246 | B - New Theatre Square | PyPy 3 | brute force dp greedy implementation two pointers *1000 |
May/28/2020 20:56 |
245 | A - Berland Poker | PyPy 3 | brute force greedy math *1000 |
May/28/2020 20:47 |
244 | B - Maria Breaks the Self-isolation | PyPy 3 | greedy sortings *1000 |
May/26/2020 20:58 |
243 | A - Points in Segments | PyPy 3 | implementation *800 |
May/16/2020 01:01 |
242 | B - Orac and Medians | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms greedy math *2000 |
May/12/2020 20:43 |
241 | C - Orac and Game of Life | GNU C++17 | dfs and similar graphs implementation shortest paths *2000 |
May/12/2020 20:33 |
240 | A - Orac and LCM | GNU C++17 | data structures math number theory *1600 |
May/12/2020 19:00 |
239 | I - Intriguing Selection | GNU C++17 | brute force constructive algorithms implementation interactive sortings *2600 |
May/12/2020 03:46 |
238 | A - Hilbert's Hotel | GNU C++17 | math number theory sortings *1600 |
May/06/2020 20:57 |
237 | B - Phoenix and Beauty | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1400 |
May/01/2020 20:56 |
236 | A - Phoenix and Balance | PyPy 3 | greedy math *800 |
May/01/2020 20:47 |
235 | E - Opening Portals | GNU C++11 | dsu graphs shortest paths *2600 |
Apr/29/2020 20:34 |
234 | B - Apple Tree | Java 8 | dfs and similar number theory trees *2100 |
Apr/29/2020 14:50 |
233 | F - Kuroni and the Punishment | PyPy 3 | math number theory probabilities *2500 |
Apr/28/2020 05:00 |
232 | E - 1-Trees and Queries | PyPy 3 | data structures dfs and similar shortest paths trees *2000 |
Apr/27/2020 23:08 |
231 | E - Playing on Graph | PyPy 3 | graphs shortest paths *2600 |
Apr/27/2020 05:47 |
230 | C - Nastya and Unexpected Guest | GNU C++17 (64) | dfs and similar dp graphs shortest paths *2400 |
Apr/27/2020 03:35 |
229 | C - Lunar New Year and Number Division | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation math sortings *900 |
Apr/27/2020 02:21 |
228 | A - Road To Zero | PyPy 3 | greedy math *1000 |
Apr/26/2020 22:04 |
227 | E - Placing Rooks | PyPy 3 | combinatorics fft math *2300 |
Apr/26/2020 21:53 |
226 | B - Nastya and Scoreboard | GNU C++17 | bitmasks dp graphs greedy *1700 |
Apr/23/2020 21:41 |
225 | A - Nastya and Strange Generator | GNU C++17 | brute force data structures greedy implementation *1500 |
Apr/23/2020 21:24 |
224 | C - Stripe | GNU C++17 | data structures implementation *1200 |
Apr/23/2020 15:56 |
223 | C - Kaavi and Magic Spell | GNU C++17 | dp strings *2200 |
Apr/15/2020 22:16 |
222 | B - Xenia and Colorful Gems | GNU C++17 | binary search greedy math sortings two pointers *1700 |
Apr/15/2020 21:23 |
221 | A - Linova and Kingdom | GNU C++17 | dfs and similar dp greedy sortings trees *1600 |
Apr/15/2020 21:06 |
220 | C - Perfect Triples | GNU C++17 | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms divide and conquer math *2200 |
Apr/12/2020 21:43 |
219 | B - Edge Weight Assignment | GNU C++17 | bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar greedy math trees *1800 |
Apr/12/2020 20:40 |
218 | A - Powered Addition | GNU C++17 | greedy math *1500 |
Apr/12/2020 20:15 |
217 | E - Road to 1600 | GNU C++17 | brute force constructive algorithms *2400 |
Apr/09/2020 16:21 |
216 | F - Kate and imperfection | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation math number theory sortings two pointers *2200 |
Apr/08/2020 21:51 |
215 | D - Challenges in school â„–41 | GNU C++17 | brute force constructive algorithms games graphs greedy implementation sortings *2100 |
Apr/08/2020 21:29 |
214 | C - Eugene and an array | GNU C++17 | binary search data structures implementation two pointers *1700 |
Apr/08/2020 21:10 |
213 | B - Kind Anton | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Apr/08/2020 21:03 |
212 | A - Little Artem | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms *1000 |
Apr/08/2020 20:49 |
211 | A - Divisibility Problem | Python 3 | math *800 |
Apr/08/2020 04:21 |
210 | E - Height All the Same | GNU C++11 | combinatorics constructive algorithms math matrices *2100 |
Apr/01/2020 16:52 |
209 | E - Scheme | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs trees *2300 |
Mar/31/2020 17:46 |
208 | A - Writing Code | GNU C++11 | dp *1800 |
Mar/24/2020 22:54 |
207 | C - Permutation Partitions | GNU C++11 | combinatorics greedy math *1300 |
Mar/19/2020 21:05 |
206 | B - Maximums | GNU C++11 | implementation math *900 |
Mar/19/2020 20:58 |
205 | A - Bad Ugly Numbers | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms number theory *1000 |
Mar/19/2020 20:45 |
204 | E - Ehab's REAL Number Theory Problem | GNU C++11 | brute force dfs and similar graphs number theory shortest paths *2600 |
Mar/14/2020 22:16 |
203 | F - Ehab's Last Theorem | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy *2500 |
Mar/14/2020 21:33 |
202 | D - Count the Arrays | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math *1700 |
Mar/09/2020 22:57 |
201 | F - Attack on Red Kingdom | GNU C++11 | games two pointers *2500 |
Mar/09/2020 22:22 |
200 | C - Adding Powers | GNU C++11 | bitmasks greedy implementation math number theory ternary search *1400 |
Mar/09/2020 21:17 |
199 | B - Bogosort | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms sortings *1000 |
Mar/09/2020 21:10 |
198 | A - Two Regular Polygons | GNU C++11 | geometry greedy math number theory *800 |
Mar/09/2020 21:05 |
197 | C - Instant Noodles | GNU C++11 | graphs hashing math number theory *2300 |
Mar/07/2020 16:33 |
196 | B - Present | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks constructive algorithms data structures math sortings *2100 |
Mar/07/2020 16:08 |
195 | A - Unusual Competitions | GNU C++11 | greedy *1300 |
Mar/07/2020 15:57 |
194 | D - Nash Matrix | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs implementation *2000 |
Mar/04/2020 21:58 |
193 | E - Team Building | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp greedy sortings *2300 |
Mar/04/2020 21:36 |
192 | C - Primitive Primes | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms math ternary search *1800 |
Mar/04/2020 21:10 |
191 | B - String Modification | GNU C++17 | brute force constructive algorithms implementation sortings strings *1400 |
Mar/04/2020 20:54 |
190 | A - Grade Allocation | GNU C++17 | implementation *800 |
Mar/04/2020 20:41 |
189 | D - Reachable Strings | GNU C++11 | data structures hashing strings *2500 |
Mar/01/2020 21:05 |
188 | C - World of Darkraft: Battle for Azathoth | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures sortings *2000 |
Mar/01/2020 20:13 |
187 | B - Navigation System | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths *1700 |
Mar/01/2020 19:42 |
186 | A - Journey Planning | GNU C++11 | data structures dp greedy math sortings *1400 |
Mar/01/2020 19:25 |
185 | F - Cow and Vacation | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dsu trees *3300 |
Feb/18/2020 21:45 |
184 | E - Cow and Treats | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics dp greedy implementation math *2500 |
Feb/17/2020 23:48 |
183 | D - Cow and Fields | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths sortings *1900 |
Feb/17/2020 22:42 |
182 | C - Cow and Message | GNU C++11 | brute force dp math strings *1500 |
Feb/17/2020 22:07 |
181 | B - Cow and Friend | GNU C++11 | geometry greedy math *1300 |
Feb/17/2020 22:00 |
180 | A - Cow and Haybales | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *800 |
Feb/17/2020 21:48 |
179 | G - Sum of Prefix Sums | GNU C++11 | data structures divide and conquer geometry trees *2700 |
Feb/12/2020 21:46 |
178 | E - Cow Tennis Tournament | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures math *2800 |
Feb/11/2020 15:51 |
177 | C - Water Balance | GNU C++11 | data structures geometry greedy *2100 |
Feb/09/2020 21:44 |
176 | B - Aerodynamic | GNU C++14 | geometry *1800 |
Feb/09/2020 21:20 |
175 | A - Anu Has a Function | GNU C++17 | brute force greedy math *1500 |
Feb/09/2020 20:17 |
174 | B - Irreducible Anagrams | GNU C++17 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures strings two pointers *1800 |
Feb/02/2020 21:32 |
173 | A - Mind Control | GNU C++17 | brute force data structures implementation *1600 |
Feb/02/2020 20:45 |
172 | B - Numbers on Tree | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *1800 |
Jan/05/2020 20:49 |
171 | A - Garland | GNU C++11 | dp greedy sortings *1800 |
Jan/05/2020 20:25 |
170 | D - New Year and Conference | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures hashing sortings *2100 |
Jan/04/2020 19:15 |
169 | C - New Year and Permutation | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math *1600 |
Jan/04/2020 18:36 |
168 | B - New Year and Ascent Sequence | GNU C++11 | binary search combinatorics data structures dp implementation sortings *1400 |
Jan/04/2020 18:25 |
167 | A - New Year and Naming | GNU C++11 | implementation strings *800 |
Jan/04/2020 18:12 |
166 | G - Subset with Zero Sum | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs math *2700 |
Jan/03/2020 04:33 |
165 | F - Awesome Substrings | GNU C++11 | math strings *2600 |
Jan/03/2020 03:55 |
164 | E - Divide Points | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms geometry math *2300 |
Dec/30/2019 02:00 |
163 | D - Strange Device | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms interactive math sortings *1900 |
Dec/29/2019 21:23 |
162 | C - Make Good | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms math *1400 |
Dec/29/2019 21:00 |
161 | B - Interesting Subarray | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 |
Dec/29/2019 20:19 |
160 | A - Card Game | GNU C++11 | games greedy math *800 |
Dec/29/2019 20:10 |
159 | A - Temporarily unavailable | GNU C++17 | implementation math *900 |
Dec/24/2019 20:48 |
158 | C - K Integers | GNU C++17 | binary search data structures *2300 |
Dec/21/2019 18:05 |
157 | B - Domino for Young | GNU C++17 | dp greedy math *2000 |
Dec/21/2019 17:39 |
156 | A - Long Beautiful Integer | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1700 |
Dec/21/2019 17:26 |
155 | A - Beautiful Regional Contest | GNU C++17 | greedy implementation *1500 |
Dec/05/2019 22:09 |
154 | C - Beautiful Mirrors with queries | GNU C++17 | data structures probabilities *2400 |
Dec/05/2019 22:01 |
153 | C - Everyone is a Winner! | GNU C++17 | binary search math meet-in-the-middle number theory *1400 |
Nov/29/2019 22:23 |
152 | D - Secret Passwords | GNU C++17 | dfs and similar dsu graphs *1500 |
Nov/29/2019 22:17 |
151 | E - Editor | GNU C++17 | data structures implementation *2100 |
Nov/29/2019 22:11 |
150 | E - Ladies' Shop | GNU C++17 | constructive algorithms fft math *2800 |
Oct/25/2019 04:21 |
149 | D - Salary Changing | GNU C++17 | binary search greedy sortings *1900 |
Oct/24/2019 22:56 |
148 | C - Minimize The Integer | GNU C++17 | greedy two pointers *1600 |
Oct/24/2019 22:37 |
147 | A - Broken Keyboard | GNU C++17 | brute force strings two pointers *1000 |
Oct/24/2019 22:09 |
146 | F - Red-White Fence | GNU C++17 | combinatorics fft *2500 |
Oct/24/2019 22:01 |
145 | F - The Maximum Subtree | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp graphs trees *2200 |
Oct/08/2019 21:30 |
144 | B - Kill `Em All | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1300 |
Oct/08/2019 21:05 |
143 | A - Prime Subtraction | GNU C++11 | math number theory *900 |
Oct/08/2019 20:40 |
142 | F - Gardener Alex | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures *2700 |
Sep/19/2019 18:48 |
141 | D - Coloring Edges | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs *2100 |
Sep/05/2019 21:27 |
140 | C - The Number Of Good Substrings | GNU C++11 | binary search bitmasks brute force *1700 |
Sep/05/2019 21:21 |
139 | B - Zmei Gorynich | GNU C++11 | greedy math *1600 |
Sep/05/2019 20:57 |
138 | A - Creating a Character | GNU C++11 | binary search math *1300 |
Sep/05/2019 20:49 |
137 | B - Square Filling | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1200 |
Aug/22/2019 22:27 |
136 | A - There Are Two Types Of Burgers | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy implementation math *800 |
Aug/22/2019 22:19 |
135 | G - Indie Album | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar hashing string suffix structures strings trees *2700 |
Aug/22/2019 22:11 |
134 | D - Parquet Re-laying | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *2700 |
Aug/16/2019 16:41 |
133 | E - Rainbow Coins | GNU C++11 | interactive *3000 |
Aug/01/2019 16:37 |
132 | B - Magic Tree | GNU C++11 | *special problem data structures dp trees |
Jul/28/2019 18:12 |
131 | B - Dynamic Diameter | GNU C++11 | *special problem data structures dfs and similar divide and conquer trees |
Jul/26/2019 00:33 |
130 | C - Cubeword | GNU C++11 | *special problem brute force dp meet-in-the-middle |
Jul/25/2019 22:47 |
129 | C2 - Heidi and the Turing Test (Medium) | GNU C++11 | data structures *2200 |
Jul/07/2019 17:29 |
128 | A1 - Heidi Learns Hashing (Easy) | GNU C++11 | brute force math number theory *1200 |
Jul/07/2019 17:03 |
127 | E3 - Daleks' Invasion (hard) | GNU C++11 | data structures dsu graphs trees *2400 |
Jul/07/2019 16:55 |
126 | E1 - Daleks' Invasion (easy) | GNU C++11 | graphs trees *1900 |
Jul/07/2019 16:49 |
125 | E2 - Daleks' Invasion (medium) | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs shortest paths trees *2100 |
Jul/07/2019 16:26 |
124 | B1 - The Doctor Meets Vader (Easy) | GNU C++11 | binary search sortings *1400 |
Jul/07/2019 16:03 |
123 | B2 - The Doctor Meets Vader (Medium) | GNU C++11 | flows graph matchings graphs shortest paths sortings *2200 |
Jul/07/2019 15:58 |
122 | B3 - The Doctor Meets Vader (Hard) | GNU C++11 | flows shortest paths *2700 |
Jul/07/2019 15:16 |
121 | F - Vus the Cossack and a Graph | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation *2400 |
Jun/28/2019 16:25 |
120 | E1 - A Story of One Country (Easy) | GNU C++11 | brute force divide and conquer sortings *2500 |
Jun/16/2019 16:16 |
119 | F - Foo Fighters | GNU C++11 | bitmasks constructive algorithms *2700 |
Jun/06/2019 15:53 |
118 | B - Born This Way | GNU C++11 | binary search brute force two pointers *1600 |
Jun/02/2019 17:03 |
117 | D - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1800 |
Jun/02/2019 16:56 |
116 | E - Earth Wind and Fire | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math sortings two pointers *2300 |
Jun/02/2019 16:17 |
115 | C - Crazy Diamond | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms sortings *1700 |
Jun/02/2019 15:29 |
114 | A - Another One Bites The Dust | GNU C++11 | greedy *800 |
Jun/02/2019 14:58 |
113 | B - Good Triple | GNU C++11 | brute force two pointers *1900 |
May/26/2019 22:30 |
112 | A - Increasing by Modulo | GNU C++11 | binary search greedy *1700 |
May/26/2019 22:07 |
111 | C - And Reachability | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp *2200 |
May/26/2019 21:56 |
110 | C - Permutation recovery | GNU C++14 | constructive algorithms data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy math sortings *2100 |
May/12/2019 21:41 |
109 | A - The Party and Sweets | GNU C++14 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy implementation math sortings two pointers *1500 |
May/12/2019 21:14 |
108 | F - Indecisive Taxi Fee | Java 8 | data structures graphs shortest paths *3000 |
May/10/2019 11:47 |
107 | E - Candies Game | Java 8 | constructive algorithms greedy *3000 |
May/03/2019 04:27 |
106 | E - Triple Flips | Java 8 | constructive algorithms *2600 |
May/03/2019 00:25 |
105 | F - Double Knapsack | Java 8 | constructive algorithms two pointers *3000 |
May/02/2019 20:49 |
104 | E - Mike and code of a permutation | Java 8 | constructive algorithms data structures graphs sortings *3000 |
May/02/2019 17:10 |
103 | C - Tree Generator™ | GNU C++11 | data structures implementation trees *2700 |
Apr/29/2019 21:58 |
102 | A - Prefix Sum Primes | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1200 |
Apr/29/2019 21:03 |
101 | C1 - Increasing Subsequence (easy version) | GNU C++11 | greedy *1300 |
Apr/26/2019 21:08 |
100 | B - Long Number | GNU C++11 | greedy *1300 |
Apr/26/2019 20:45 |
99 | A - Reachable Numbers | GNU C++11 | implementation *1100 |
Apr/26/2019 20:40 |
98 | A - Neko Finds Grapes | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *800 |
Apr/24/2019 22:29 |
97 | F1 - Neko Rules the Catniverse (Small Version) | GNU C++11 | bitmasks dp matrices *2800 |
Apr/24/2019 22:22 |
96 | B - Lynyrd Skynyrd | GNU C++11 | data structures dfs and similar dp math trees *2000 |
Apr/04/2019 13:22 |
95 | D - Nastya Is Buying Lunch | GNU C++11 | greedy *1800 |
Mar/12/2019 00:20 |
94 | C - Nastya Is Transposing Matrices | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms sortings *1500 |
Mar/11/2019 23:42 |
93 | B - Nastya Is Playing Computer Games | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *1000 |
Mar/11/2019 23:33 |
92 | A - Nastya Is Reading a Book | GNU C++11 | implementation *800 |
Mar/11/2019 23:27 |
91 | E - Nastya Hasn't Written a Legend | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures *2200 |
Mar/11/2019 23:21 |
90 | C - Museums Tour | GNU C++11 | dp graphs implementation *2500 |
Mar/09/2019 00:54 |
89 | C - Painting the Fence | GNU C++11 | brute force *1700 |
Mar/05/2019 23:08 |
88 | B - Discounts | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *900 |
Mar/05/2019 22:58 |
87 | A - Regular Bracket Sequence | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Mar/05/2019 22:49 |
86 | E - Knapsack | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar dp greedy *2300 |
Mar/05/2019 22:42 |
85 | F - Clear the String | GNU C++11 | dp *2000 |
Mar/05/2019 22:03 |
84 | G - Greedy Subsequences | GNU C++11 | data structures dp trees *2400 |
Mar/05/2019 21:45 |
83 | E - Legendary Tree | GNU C++11 | binary search interactive trees *3100 |
Feb/28/2019 16:02 |
82 | B - Wrong Answer | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms *2000 |
Feb/24/2019 23:23 |
81 | C - Morse Code | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures dp hashing sortings string suffix structures strings *2400 |
Feb/24/2019 22:31 |
80 | A2 - Toy Train | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy *1800 |
Feb/24/2019 22:07 |
79 | A1 - Toy Train (Simplified) | GNU C++11 | brute force greedy *1700 |
Feb/24/2019 22:06 |
78 | B - Sasha and One More Name | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms hashing strings *1800 |
Feb/17/2019 00:26 |
77 | A - Sasha and a Bit of Relax | GNU C++11 | dp implementation *1600 |
Feb/17/2019 00:05 |
76 | D - Sasha and Interesting Fact from Graph Theory | GNU C++11 | brute force combinatorics dp math trees *2400 |
Feb/16/2019 23:55 |
75 | D - Jongmah | GNU C++11 | dp *2200 |
Feb/07/2019 21:09 |
74 | E - Magic Stones | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math sortings *2200 |
Feb/07/2019 20:49 |
73 | C - Meaningless Operations | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 |
Feb/07/2019 20:00 |
72 | B - Tape | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1400 |
Feb/07/2019 19:50 |
71 | A - Parity | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Feb/07/2019 19:40 |
70 | C - Construct a tree | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy trees *2400 |
Jan/06/2019 16:59 |
69 | C - Polygon for the Angle | GNU C++11 | brute force geometry *1600 |
Dec/28/2018 22:25 |
68 | F - Inversion Expectation | GNU C++11 | dp math probabilities *2300 |
Dec/28/2018 22:11 |
67 | D - Easy Problem | GNU C++11 | dp *1800 |
Dec/28/2018 21:10 |
66 | B - Substring Removal | GNU C++11 | combinatorics math strings *1300 |
Dec/28/2018 20:49 |
65 | A - Find Divisible | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *800 |
Dec/28/2018 20:37 |
64 | F - Make It Connected | Java 8 | dsu graphs greedy *1900 |
Dec/27/2018 21:46 |
63 | E - Almost Regular Bracket Sequence | Java 8 | implementation *1900 |
Dec/27/2018 21:33 |
62 | D - Circular Dance | Java 8 | implementation *1600 |
Dec/27/2018 21:20 |
61 | C - Powers Of Two | Java 8 | bitmasks greedy *1400 |
Dec/27/2018 21:04 |
60 | B - Array Stabilization | Java 8 | implementation *900 |
Dec/27/2018 20:52 |
59 | A - Repeating Cipher | Java 8 | implementation *800 |
Dec/27/2018 20:42 |
58 | E - Beautiful Matrix | GNU C++11 | combinatorics data structures dp *2900 |
Dec/26/2018 19:15 |
57 | B - Minimum Diameter Tree | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation trees *1700 |
Dec/23/2018 21:22 |
56 | A - Connect Three | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation *1600 |
Dec/23/2018 21:03 |
55 | D - Rock-Paper-Scissors Champion | GNU C++11 | data structures greedy *2500 |
Dec/23/2018 20:47 |
54 | E - Missing Numbers | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1900 |
Dec/16/2018 23:02 |
53 | A - Definite Game | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms math *800 |
Dec/16/2018 22:47 |
52 | F - Tricky Interactor | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms implementation interactive *2600 |
Dec/16/2018 22:44 |
51 | D - Beautiful Graph | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *1700 |
Dec/15/2018 21:48 |
50 | C - Mishka and the Last Exam | GNU C++11 | greedy *1300 |
Dec/15/2018 21:36 |
49 | B - Letters Rearranging | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings strings *900 |
Dec/15/2018 21:24 |
48 | A - Dice Rolling | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Dec/15/2018 21:17 |
47 | G - Multidimensional Queries | GNU C++11 | bitmasks data structures *2300 |
Dec/15/2018 21:09 |
46 | C - Max Mex | GNU C++11 | data structures trees *2900 |
Dec/11/2018 00:07 |
45 | A - Company Merging | Java 8 | greedy *1300 |
Dec/09/2018 14:55 |
44 | K - King Kog's Reception | Java 8 | data structures *2400 |
Dec/02/2018 17:01 |
43 | B - Vova and Trophies | GNU C++11 | greedy *1600 |
Nov/28/2018 22:33 |
42 | C - Multi-Subject Competition | GNU C++11 | greedy sortings *1600 |
Nov/28/2018 22:25 |
41 | E - Increasing Frequency | GNU C++11 | binary search dp greedy *2000 |
Nov/28/2018 22:07 |
40 | A - Vasya and Book | GNU C++11 | implementation math *1200 |
Nov/28/2018 22:02 |
39 | F - Speed Dial | GNU C++11 | dp strings trees *2800 |
Nov/28/2018 21:36 |
38 | C - Pick Heroes | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation interactive sortings *1700 |
Nov/26/2018 01:03 |
37 | D - Decorate Apple Tree | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy sortings trees *1600 |
Nov/26/2018 00:46 |
36 | B - Divide Candies | GNU C++11 | math number theory *1600 |
Nov/26/2018 00:22 |
35 | A - Determine Line | GNU C++11 | implementation *800 |
Nov/26/2018 00:15 |
34 | E - Check Transcription | GNU C++11 | brute force data structures hashing strings *2100 |
Nov/26/2018 00:11 |
33 | B - Margarite and the best present | GNU C++11 | math *900 |
Nov/24/2018 15:38 |
32 | A - Petya and Origami | GNU C++11 | math *800 |
Nov/24/2018 15:36 |
31 | E - Sonya and Matrix Beauty | GNU C++11 | strings *2400 |
Nov/24/2018 15:31 |
30 | D - Sereja and Straight Lines | GNU C++11 | binary search data structures geometry sortings two pointers *2500 |
Nov/23/2018 19:08 |
29 | B - Views Matter | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation sortings *1400 |
Nov/22/2018 23:38 |
28 | C - Multiplicity | GNU C++11 | data structures dp implementation math number theory *1700 |
Nov/22/2018 23:33 |
27 | A - Coins | GNU C++11 | greedy implementation math *800 |
Nov/22/2018 23:07 |
26 | E - Maximum Matching | GNU C++11 | bitmasks brute force dfs and similar dp graphs *2400 |
Nov/21/2018 22:43 |
25 | B - The Unbearable Lightness of Weights | GNU C++11 | dp math *2100 |
Nov/19/2018 17:23 |
24 | A - Barcelonian Distance | GNU C++11 | geometry implementation math shortest paths *1900 |
Nov/18/2018 22:59 |
23 | C - Vasya and Maximum Matching | GNU C++11 | combinatorics dp trees *2400 |
Nov/18/2018 22:45 |
22 | F - Upgrading Cities | GNU C++11 | dfs and similar graphs *2900 |
Nov/14/2018 23:32 |
21 | E - Vasya and a Tree | GNU C++11 | data structures trees *1900 |
Nov/12/2018 21:10 |
20 | C - Meme Problem | GNU C++11 | binary search math *1300 |
Nov/12/2018 20:53 |
19 | B - Divisor Subtraction | GNU C++11 | implementation math number theory *1200 |
Nov/12/2018 20:46 |
18 | A - Minimizing the String | GNU C++11 | greedy strings *1200 |
Nov/12/2018 20:40 |
17 | B - Alice and Hairdresser | GNU C++11 | dsu implementation *1300 |
Nov/10/2018 22:36 |
16 | A - Metro | GNU C++11 | graphs *900 |
Nov/10/2018 22:22 |
15 | E - Segments on the Line | GNU C++11 | binary search dp *2500 |
Nov/10/2018 22:11 |
14 | B - Lost Array | GNU C++11 | implementation *1200 |
Oct/28/2018 23:27 |
13 | E - Train Hard, Win Easy | GNU C++11 | constructive algorithms greedy math sortings *1900 |
Oct/28/2018 23:12 |
12 | A - Elections | GNU C++11 | implementation math *800 |
Oct/28/2018 22:52 |
11 | F - Make It One | GNU C++11 | bitmasks combinatorics dp math number theory shortest paths *2500 |
Oct/28/2018 22:46 |
10 | F - Disjoint Triangles | GNU C++11 | geometry *2700 |
Oct/26/2018 19:16 |
9 | D - Large Triangle | GNU C++11 | binary search geometry sortings *2700 |
Oct/26/2018 18:52 |
8 | G - Yet Another LCP Problem | GNU C++11 | data structures string suffix structures *2600 |
Oct/25/2018 22:29 |
7 | D - Nudist Beach | GNU C++11 | binary search graphs greedy *2300 |
Oct/12/2018 16:01 |
6 | E - Hidden Bipartite Graph | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs interactive *2800 |
Oct/08/2018 18:14 |
5 | E - Sign on Fence | GNU C++11 | binary search constructive algorithms data structures *2500 |
Sep/27/2018 23:14 |
4 | D - Interstellar battle | GNU C++11 | math probabilities trees *2200 |
Sep/22/2018 20:53 |
3 | G - AI robots | GNU C++11 | data structures *2200 |
Sep/22/2018 19:52 |
2 | B - Space Isaac | GNU C++11 | hashing number theory *2400 |
Sep/22/2018 17:42 |
1 | I - Palindrome Pairs | GNU C++11 | hashing strings *1600 |
Sep/22/2018 16:53 |