Marine electrical engineer with master's degree, ex-PhD student in the field of Neural Networks. Currently working as a PLC programmer in the automotive industry for companies such as Mercedes, Volvo, Audi etc.
Felt in love with Python possibilities and programming in general. Interested in machine learning and AI, but for my current developer journey have chosen developing web applications.
- Python. Frameworks: Django, Flask, FastAPI; REST, Celery, JWT
- JavaScript. Frameworks: VueJS
- SQLite, PostgreSQL, Redis
- Docker, Dockercompose
- Linux
- Cloud services: Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Other: OOP, unit tests, web scraping, clean code, type hints,
- PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python - 26.04.2022
- Google Cloud Skill Badges - 09-10.2022 Google profile link
- Free Code Camp: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures - 20.02.2023
🌱 I’m currently working on: StockBroker-Django-Vue Repo Link
🎓 I’m currently learning: DRF testing
📚 I’m currently reading: Learning DevOps Second Edition
⚡ Fun fact: Passion to bboying since 2010 and still going
Last Update: 19.03.2023