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macOS Compilation Guide

PhucNgo1711 edited this page Oct 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

Compiling CaPTk for macOS

OS Requirements

CaPTk can be built and packaged on macOS 10.12 (Sierra) equivalents and later, as required by Qt 5.12.

Git Sub-modules

Run the following command to initialize sub-modules through git:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Library/Compiler Dependencies

Run the following command to install required libraries and dependencies and link them:

brew install caskroom/cask/mactex cmake make doxygen libomp openmpi glfw wget



If this is your first time building CaPTk, the Superbuild is the best option to pull in the external dependencies (OpenCV, VTK, ITK, DCMTK, Qt). It is assumed that you either downloaded the latest commit over git or extracted the zip file with the CaPTk source.

  1. Navigate to the root directory of CaPTk (typically the folder where the repository was cloned to)
  2. Create a build directory and navigate to it:
mkdir -p bin && cd bin
  1. Download precompiled binaries and Qt:
 wget -O
 wget -O
  1. Run cmake. Cmake will automatically detect that you need a Superbuild:
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/Library/TeX/texbin 

cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="./install"
  1. Build OpenCV, ITK, VTK, and DCMTK:

(Optionally, if your computer can handle it: $ make -j n will run with n threads. This is ideal for CaPTk.)

  1. Once the Superbuild has completed building OpenCV, ITK, VTK, and DCMTK, run:
cmake ../
rm CMakeCache.txt
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/Library/TeX/texbin"
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/ITK-build:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/DCMTK-build:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/qt/5.12.1/lib/cmake/Qt5:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
cmake -DITK_DIR=./ITK-build -DDCMTK_DIR=./DCMTK-build ../
  1. Run make or make -j n to build CaPTk


Once the make command has finished, run $ make package to package CaPTk using macdeployqt to generate a .app bundle and a .dmg installer.

The .dmg is one option for the CaPTk installer, but it poses a risk of the user running the a non-packaged version of CaPTk during the installation process.

The second option is to create a .pkg using pkgbuild and productbuild tools , which are available in macOS by default.

To generate a .pkg, run the following commands in the build directory:

version=$(grep -i -e "project_version:*" CMakeCache.txt | cut -c24-)
pkgbuild --version $version --identifier com.cbica.captk --install-location /Applications --component $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/_CPack_Packages/OSX/DragNDrop/CaPTk_$version/ALL_IN_ONE/CaPTk_$  ./CaPTk_$version.pkg

productbuild --synthesize --package CaPTk_$version.pkg ./distribution.xml
xml='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion="1">
    <license file="Combined.txt"></license>
    <pkg-ref id="com.cbica.captk"/>
    <options customize="never" require-scripts="false"/>
        <line choice="default">
            <line choice="com.cbica.captk"/>
    <choice id="default"/>
    <choice id="com.cbica.captk" visible="false">
        <pkg-ref id="com.cbica.captk"/>
    <pkg-ref id="com.cbica.captk" version="$version" onConclusion="none">CaPTk_'"$version"'.pkg</pkg-ref>     

echo $xml > "./distribution.xml"
productbuild --distribution ./distribution.xml --resources $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/_CPack_Packages/OSX/DragNDrop/CaPTk_$version/ALL_IN_ONE/CaPTk_$ --package-path . ./CaPTk_$pkgname.pkg