A package which provides a tutorial manager for incorporating interactive tutorials within JupyterLab. Front-end components provided by React Joyride: https://github.com/gilbarbara/react-joyride
- JupyterLab
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-tutorial
For a development install (requires npm version 4 or later), do the following in the repository directory:
npm install
npm run build
jupyter labextension link .
To rebuild the package and the JupyterLab app:
npm run build
jupyter lab build
- Go to the package repository/directory
cd <package/directory>
- Prepare the tar package with npm
npm pack
- Copy the package to home directory for simplicity
cp jupyterlab-tutorial-<version>.tgz ~
#Copy the package to the cache folder too if testing in JupyterLab:
cp jupyterlab-tutorial-extension-<version>.tgz ~/Library/Caches
- Go to the project directory where the package is needed for testing
cd <project/where/you/need/package>
- Install the package using the home directory
npm install ~/jupyterlab-tutorial-<version>.tgz