KNoT Cloud SDK in C is part of the KNoT project. It is a client-side library that provides an AMQP abstraction to the KNoT Cloud for C applications.
- build-essential
- automake v1.16.1
- autoconf v2.69
- libtool v2.4.6-11
- pkg-config v0.29.1
- ell v0.18
- json-c v0.14-20200419
- rabbitmq-c v0.10.0
- knot-protocol 891d01d
Other versions might work, but aren't officially supported
$ sudo apt-get install automake autoconf libtool
The Embedded Linux Library (ELL) provides core, low-level functionality for system daemons. To install libell, you have to follow the instructions below:
git clone git://
git checkout 0.18
to checkout to version 0.18- Follow instructions on
json-c provides helpers functions to manipulate JSON datas. To install json-c lib, you have to follow the instructions below:
git clone && cd json-c
git checkout json-c-0.14-20200419 && cd ..
- Follow instructions on
rabbitmq-c is a C-language AMQP client library for use with v2.0+ of the RabbitMQ broker. After install cmake, install rabbitmq-c. You have to follow the instructions below to install it:
git clone
git checkout v0.10.0
to checkout to version 0.10.0- Follow instructions on
KNOT Application layer protocol library provides the application layer messages definition for exchanging messages between KNoT Nodes (KNoT Thing Devices), KNoT Gateway and KNoT Apps. To install KNoT Protocol, you have to follow the instructions below:
git clone
git checkout ead9e66
to checkout to a hash on devel branch.- Follow instructions on
$ ./bootstrap-configure
$ make
$ make install
In case you want to create a test enviroment for your thingd, we provide a emulation of the cloud enviroment. To run this emulation you must:
Run a RabbitMQ docker image:
docker run -d --hostname rabbitmqhost --name rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management-alpine
Execute the as a listener:
python3 test/ listen
All KNoT Cloud SDK in C files are under LGPL v2.1 license, you can check
file for details.