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Ruggero edited this page Nov 27, 2019 · 1 revision

Blender materials to FDS SURFs

Default SURF panel

Blender materials are exported to FDS SURFs namelist groups. Generic SURF panel is reached by clicking on the following highlighted button of Blender property editor:

Here is the default SURF properties panel:

This displayed Blender material is going to be exported as:

&SURF ID='Hot wall' FYI='A fixed temperature boundary condition' RGB=255,140,0 TMP_FRONT=200. /

The dark orange color is translated to its RGB representation.

Some parameters are not going to be exported:

  • TRANSPARENCY, that is set to fully opaque, thus omitted;
  • MATL_ID, that has the exporting flag unchecked.

The free text parameter 'TMP_FRONT=200.' is appended untouched to the namelist. The free text input box can be used to freely input the details of any kind of FDS SURF parameter, for more information on this type of data field see free text.

<Assign to Selected Objects> button

By clicking this button, the displayed material is assigned to all currently selected objects. This can be very useful when having to assign the same SURF_ID boundary condition to many objects.

An example of a specialized SURF panel

Here is an example of a specialized SURF panel:

The displayed Blender material is going to be exported as:

&SURF ID='Burner' FYI='Est.d area...' HRRPUA=300.0 TAU_Q=-178.9 RGB=255,0,0 /

<Set t^2 Ramp> button

By clicking this button, the user can calculate the appropriate HRRPUA and TAU_Q values for setting up the desired ramping up burner. The input values required for this calculation are:

  • the maximum total heat release rate (HRR) value,
  • the fire growth rate,
  • the reference HRR, be it for Eurocode or US ramp.

The burner area is estimated by summing the area of all the surfaces currently linked to this boundary condition; the resulting value is used to calculate the HRRPUA as the ratio of the maximum heat release rate and the estimated burner area.

That burner area value shall be double checked by the savy user!

In fact BlenderFDS cannot be exactly sure of where the fuel gas is going to be injected into the domain during the FDS simulation: if a surface is obstructed by another solid object, FDS is not going to inject fuel gas from there...

If geometries are further modified and burner area changes, the calculated HRRPUA and TAU_Q values are not automatically updated.

Predefined SURFs

When starting a new project, BlenderFDS automatically creates the following FDS predefined SURF namelists: OPEN, INERT, MIRROR. Obviously these namelists are not exported to the FDS case file.