Saerom Ha, Sojin Oh, Jonghee Back, Sung-Eui Yoon, Bochang Moon
This code is the implementation of the method demonstrated in the paper Gradient Outlier Removal for Gradient-Domain Path Tracing by Ha et al. It is based on gradient-domain path tracing (G-PT) by Kettunen et al., and improves the rendering quality by adding gradient outlier detection & removal process to G-PT. For more details, please refer to our project page.
Our solution is separated into two parts.
- dependencies implemented on top of G-PT
- our gradient outlier removal project (RobustFit)
The first one is implemented on top of G-PT to get sample buffers, so G-PT framework which extended Mitsuba 0.5.0 should be set up beforehand. Please refer to the G-PT framework ( for more details.
Using the sample buffers, our method (the second one) conduct reconstruction with detecting and rejecting gradient outliers. This code is implemented and tested using Visual C++ 2013 and CUDA Toolkit 9.0 in Windows 10. Unfortunately, Linux and Mac OS are not supported yet.
If there is any problem, question or comment, feel free to contact us:
Saerom Ha(, Sojin Oh( or Jonghee Back(
Gradient-domain rendering framework must be prepared first.
- Prepare gradient-domain path tracing (G-PT) framework
- Build RobustFit project and copy RobustFit.lib and cudart_static.lib into dependencies folder of G-PT
- Copy into $(GPT_PATH)/dependencies/lib/x64_vc12/
- cudart_static.lib is located on $(CUDA_PATH)/lib/x64/
- Copy source code files in the RobustFit project (9 code files) into dependencies folder of G-PT
- Copy into $(GPT_PATH)/dependencies/include/RobustFit/
- Unzip and overwrite the files in G-PT framework
- Build gradient-domain path tracing (G-PT) and run mitsuba.exe the same as the usage of G-PT
Please make sure the xml scene files include attributes for using G-PT, as the scenes can be downloaded from G-PT project homepage (
All source code files in are released under the GNU GPLv3. A software list that we use is as follow.
- Mitsuba 0.5.0 released by Wenzel Jakob under the terms of the GNU GPLv3
Separately, the RobustFit project is under a BSD License. Please refer to our license file.
If you use our code or paper, please check below.
author = {Ha, Saerom and Oh, Sojin and Back, Jonghee and Yoon, Sung-Eui and Moon, Bochang},
title = {Gradient Outlier Removal for Gradient-Domain Path Tracing},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
year = {2019}
Initial version of robust-fit.