This repository contains a Web API which allows to run Oryza model.
The following steps are required to install the services
Before to start the service, the following packages should be installed
For installing the packages required, you should execute the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
The system requires set enviroments vars. For setting env vars you use:
set SECRET_KEY=Loc@lS3cr3t
- DEBUG: Set if you are debbuging or production enviroment
- SECRET_KEY: It is the secret key to chiper the password
- CURRENT_USER: Name of current user of the service
- CURRENT_PWD: User password
- ROOT_PATH: Path where the service is located
- PORT: Port in which services should be execute
- R_COMMAND: Path where R command is located
To execute in background
pip install waitress
pythonw > log.txt 2>&1
To stop
netstat -ano
taskkill /PID <PROCESS ID> /F