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Major Community Code Development Activities

Elizabeth Hunke edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 7 revisions

Large or lengthy efforts to develop and validate CICE and/or Icepack

To include or update your project, please provide only the pertinent information in the (WHICH) thread at the CICE Community Forum.

This page is under development. Suggestions:

  • Add a link to here from under the “Contributing to development” section.
  • Start a forum thread with an instruction message including: link to wiki; what to include in forum announcement (table elements); email (will be added to cice-users mailing list); discuss details in a separate thread as needed.
Project Dates Activity Contact Resource links Funding Comments
year(s) concise descriptor name
- design documents
- major PRs
- public repositories
- publications
project name
funding source
2017 Landfast ice JF Lemieux, ECCC CICE #52
2018-2019 EVP vectorization Till Rasmussen, DMI CICE #278
2019 Floe size distribution Lettie Roach, NIWA Icepack #281, CICE #382
2020 Viscous-plastic solver JF Lemieux, Philippe Blain, ECCC CICE #491
2020 Icepack and CICE validation for SHEBA Marte Hofsteenge, Wageningen Univ., The Netherlands 10.5281/zenodo.4058188 Msc Thesis Meteorology and Air Quality
2020 Icepack validation in FESOM Lorenzo Zampieri, AWI
2020 snow model upgrades Elizabeth Hunke, LANL E3SM
wind redistribution
snow metamorphosis/aging
2020 icebergs pin fast ice Till Rasmussen, DMI
2021 C-grid implementation Dave Bailey, NCAR
2021 radiation upgrades Andrew Roberts, LANL E3SM
MOSAiC validation
2021 tune delta-Eddington Martin Vancoppenolle
2021 Ising model melt ponds Ken Golden, U. Utah
2021 mushy MetOffice coupling Bin Zhao