This repository provides a setup for deploying a HAPI FHIR server along with a database and a file server. The file server can be used to import synthetic FHIR data into the HAPI FHIR server.
flowchart LR
fs(File Server) <-->|Provides synthetic FHIR data files upon request| hf(HAPI FHIR Server)
hf(HAPI FHIR Server) <-->|Stores FHIR data| db[(PostgreSQL Database)]
Here is a little sequence diagram explaining how it works.
participant HapIngest
participant HAPI-FHIR-Server
participant psql-db
Note over HapIngest: Start Process
HapIngest->>HAPI-FHIR-Server: Polls server until it is available
HAPI-FHIR-Server-->HapIngest: Responds when available
Note over HapIngest: Create Manifest
HapIngest->>HapIngest: Generates manifests based on resource dependencies
loop For each manifest
HapIngest->>HAPI-FHIR-Server: Posts manifest for bulk import
HAPI-FHIR-Server-->HapIngest: Responds with a job-id for bulk import
HAPI-FHIR-Server->>HAPI-FHIR-Server: Begins processing the manifest
HAPI-FHIR-Server->>HapIngest: Fetches resources specified in the manifest
HapIngest-->HAPI-FHIR-Server: Serves ndjson resources
HAPI-FHIR-Server-->psql-db: Persists the data into the database
loop Poll for job status
HapIngest->>HAPI-FHIR-Server: Polls the job-id status
HAPI-FHIR-Server-->HapIngest: Responds with job status (In progress/Completed)
Note over HapIngest: Process Complete
- HAPI FHIR Server: A fully functional FHIR server using HAPI FHIR jpa-starter.
- Database: Pre-configured database to store FHIR data.
- HAPIngest: A specialized file server for importing synthetic FHIR data into the HAPI FHIR server.
- Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
- Syntetic data files or the ability to run a Java program to generate it
Clone the repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Navigate to the project directory:
cd deploy
Generate synthetic data, (replace 10 with the amount of patients to generate)
cd synthea && \ ./ 10 && \ cp -R output/fhir/* ../fhir-data/ && \ cd ..
Start the services using Docker Compose:
docker compose up
To start the HAPI FHIR server and hapingest-fileserver, use the following command:
docker compose up
The FHIR server will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/fhir
- Place your synthetic FHIR data files in the
directory. - Run
docker compose up
Configuration options for the HAPI FHIR server, db and file server are located in the docker-compose.yml