MLCS 2019 - Workshop on Machine Learning for CyberSecurity Competition on Multi-Task Learning in Natural Language Processing for Cybersecurity Threat Awareness
Solution based on LSTM by TU Wien, Inst. of Telec., CN Group FIV, Aug 2019
Extract the zip and save your file for testing anywhere in the same folder. From a terminal, check Python3 dependencies. You can use...
python3 -e test_file
where "test_file" is a new file only containing tweets. The [data] folder contains some example files. By default, results are saved as "results.csv" in the same folder.
In case that you want to retrain models, use new training data, or start everything from scratch, execute...
python3 train_file entities_file
python3 -t test_file -e test_file -c config_file
You can find examples for the train_file, entities_file, test_file and config_file in [data/train.csv], [obj/entities], [data/test_file], and [config/config.txt] respectively. New files should keep the same format as the example files. The test_file is not required to contain evaluation/label columns, i.e., 'relevant', 'entities', 'A', 'B', and 'C' fields.
HEADER_TRAIN:1 # 1 if the training_file has header
HEADER_TEST:0 # 1 if the test_file has header
OUT2FILE:1 # 1 if the results/outputs are to be saved in a CSV file
EVAL:0 # 1 if the test_file must be evaluated (data for validation is required)
VERBOSE:0 # 0: only predictions, 1: predictions and real (if EVAL), 2: display complete info (if EVAL), 3: display only evaluation results (if EVAL)
SAVE_MODEL:0 # 1 saves trained models
ENT_FILE:obj/entities.csv, # file with entities tables for entity prediction
OUTPUT_FILE:results.csv, # file to save outputs/results (if OUT2FILE)
R_MOD_FILE:obj/model_r.h5, # file with the LSTM model for "relevance" prediction
A_MOD_FILE:obj/model_A.h5, # file with the LSTM model for "A" prediction
B_MOD_FILE:obj/model_B.h5, # file with the LSTM model for "B" prediction
C_MOD_FILE:obj/model_C.h5, # file with the LSTM model for "C" prediction
DICT_FILE:obj/lstm_dict.pkl # file with the LSTM-dictionary
-, check python dependencies
-, extracts the entity file with entities (i.e., words) and frequency values related to classification and identificaiton labels
-, executes lstm-nn-based classification and model training
-, this file
-, functions for tokenizing sentences and word extraction
-, functions to extract and display tweet and tweet analysis information
- The [data] folder contain competition data and the script for creating smaller training, test and validation splits for quick algorithm testing.