- Install Ruby 1.9.x and Gem
gem install bundler
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
bundle install
- cpc submit [contest] file...
- cpc submissions [user]
- cpc scoreboard [contest]
- cpc grade [contests]
- cpc contests [-a]
- cpc register
- cpc problems [contest]
- cpc help
config.yaml -- Only used during initialization
config.yaml -- Optional, only used during initialization
[username].[submission #]/
[user files]
[user files]
User: id, name, alias
Problem: id, competitionId, name, alias, points, type?
Contest: id, name, alias, start, end
Submission: id, userId, problemId, time, status, executionTime, errorId, score
Do users have to register to compete? Or just use the CSL login?
Error table? Or just an enumeration/string?
Where will contest and problem configuration options be saved?
What configuration options will be available?
What will the format of the config files look like?