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Solutions for leetcode problems in various programming languages.

LeetCode Solutions

# Problem Solution Time Space Difficulty
1 Two Sum Python O(N) O(1) Easy
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python O(N*4^N) O(N) Medium
20 Valid Parentheses Python O(N) O(N) Easy
22 Generate Parentheses Python O(N*4^N) O(N) Medium
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Python O(n+m) O(1) Easy
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Python O(NlogK) O(N) Hard
31 Merge k Sorted Lists Python O(N) O(!) Medium
39 Combination Sum Python O(2^t) O(N) Medium
40 Combination Sum II Python O(2^t) O(N) Medium
46 Permutations Python O(N*2^N) O(!) Medium
47 Permutations II Python O(N*2^N) O(N) Medium
50 Pow(x, n) Python O(N) O(!) Medium
56 Merge Intervals Python O(log N) O(1) Medium
71 Simplify Path Python O(N) O(N) Medium
75 Sort Colors Python O(N) O(1) Medium
77 Subsets Python O(N * 2^n) O(N) Medium
78 Combinations Python O(k*N^k) Ok*N^k() Medium
79 Word Search Python O(N+M*3^L) O(L) Medium
88 Merge Sorted Array Python O(N+M) O(1) Easy
90 Subsets II Python O(N*2^N) O(NlogN) Medium
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Easy
96 Unique Binary Search Trees Python O(N^2) O(N) Medium
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Python O(N) O(N) Medium
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Easy
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Medium
107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Python O(N) O(N) Medium
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Python O(N) O(N) Medium
112 Path Sum Python O(N) O(N) Easy
113 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Python O(N) O(N) Medium
124 Binary Tree Max Path Sum Python O(N) O(N) Medium
125 Valid Palindrome Python O(N) O(1) Easy
127 Word Ladder Python O(M^2*N) O(M^2*N) Hard
131 Palindrome Partitioning Python O(N*2^N) O(N) Medium
138 Copy List With Random Pointer Python O(N) O(1) Easy
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Easy
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Easy
146 LRU Cache Python O(1) O(capacity) Medium
156 Binary Tree Upside Down Python O(log N) O(H) Medium
162 Find Peak Element Python O(log N) O(1) Medium
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Python O() O() Medium
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Python O() O() Medium
200 Number Of Islands Python O(M*N) O(M*N) Medium
206 Reverse Linked List Python O(N) O(1) Easy
207 Course Schedule Python O(V+E) O(V+E) Medium
215 Kth Largest Element In An Array Python O(N) O(1) Medium
227 Basic Calculator II Python O(N) O(n) Medium
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Python O(N) O(1) Easy
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Python O(N) O(N) Medium
242 Valid Anagram Python O(N) O(1) Easy
249 Group Shifted Strings Python O(NK) O(NK) Medium
252 Meeting Rooms Python O(NlogN) O(1) Easy
253 Meeting Rooms II Python O(NlogN) O(N) Medium
257 Binary Tree Paths Python O(N) O(N) Easy
261 Graph Valid Tree Python O(V+E) O(V+E) Medium
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Medium
323 Number of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph Python O() O() Medium
339 Nested List Weight Sum Python O(N) O(N) Medium
344 Reverse String Python O(N) O(1) Easy
347 Top K Frequent Elements Python O(N) O(N) Medium
359 Logger Rate Limiter Python O(1) O(M) Easy
408 Valid Word Abbreviation Python O(N) O(1) Easy
415 Add Strings Python O(max(N1,N2)) O(max(N1,N2)+1) Easy
426 Add Strings Python O(V+E) O(V+E) Medium
429 N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Medium
494 Target Sum Python O(N*t) O(t) Medium
498 Diagonal Traverse Python O(M*N) O(1) Medium
509 Fibonacci Number Python O(N) O(1) Easy
512 Sort An Array Python O(NlogN) O(N) Medium
523 Continuous Subarray Sum Python O(N) O(k) Medium
528 Random Pick With Weight Python O(N) O(N) Medium
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Python O(N) O(N) Easy
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Python O(N) O(N) Medium
617 Merge Two Binary Trees Python O(N+M) O(N+M) Easy
636 Exclusive Time of Functions Python O(N) O(N) Medium
670 Maximum Swap Python O(N) O(N) Medium
680 Valid Palindrome II Python O(N) O(1) Easy
695 Insert Into a Binary Search Tree Python O(H) O(1) Medium
701 Insert Into a Binary Search Tree Python O(H) O(1) Medium
704 Binary Search Python O(log N) O(1) Easy
721 Accounts Merge Python O(NKlogNK) O(NK) Medium
733 Flood Fill Python O(M*N) O(M*N) Easy
766 Toeplitz Python O(M*N) O(1) Easy
784 Letter Case Permutation Python O(N*2^N) O(N*2^N) Medium
791 Toeplitz Python O(N) O(1) Medium
921 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Python O(N) O(1) Medium
938 Range Sum of BST Python O(N) O(N) Easy
953 Verifying an Alient Dictionary Python O(N+M) O(1) Easy
965 Max Area Of Island Python O(M*N) O(M*N) Medium
973 K Closest Points to Origin Python O(N) O(D) Medium
977 Squares of a Sorted Array Python O(N) O(N) Easy
1008 Consturct A Binary Search Tree From Its Preorder Traversal Python O(N) O(N) Medium
1011 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Python O(NLogN) O(1) Medium
1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String Python O(N) O(N) Easy
1213 Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays Python O(N) O(1) Easy
1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Python O(N) O(1) Medium
1382 Balance a Binary Search Tree Python O(N) O(N) Medium
1570 Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors Python O(N) O(1) Medium
1650 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Python O(h) O(1) Medium
1762 Buildings With an Ocean View Python O(N) O(1) Medium
1891 Cutting Ribbons Python O(N) O(N) Medium


Solutions for leetcode problems in various programming languages.







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