Verify file hashes of downloaded files easily in a GUI
This gui based Python3 app calculates 5 types of file hashes and can evaluate if a hash matches.
This is usable, when you download a file from a webpage. Often you also receive a hash value in order to check that the downloaded file has not been tempered with.
Supported hash types:
- MD5
- SHA1
- SHA256
- SHA512
- SHA3_256
A progressbar from 0% - 100% will show the actual status of the triggered verification. This is very useful when bigger files (e.g. 1GB) are verfied or verification is being processed on slower machines.
- Python3
- pip3 install PySimpleGUI
The LICENSE file in this repository has the following hashes:
SHA1 e204516c6dde9caa1a77ff28cf8a880924040d7b
MD5 55a0fb9781c803bb5bdc3ad02fff2032
SHA256 273b97556cfb88148d6b498f6592a52105fcc684ccbc2fb0de6547b5d8bc6934
SHA512 2dfafaf3c673025854ec52f950f4889c9a6c0d55d5811643ea117a4b6f859b279bd812067e1d5109c59c236c7b8779cc01f7c52fd2a4d5bb5c07faa8653ff6ab
SHA3_256 15a8d1e24d6313e00e6aa8819469af4159d3bfbb68ef3183010b714051bd0b30
Use it as a test file.
PySimpleGUI ->
File Hashing ->