A project for CPSC 362 Foundations of Software Engineering at CSUF Fall 2018
Initial iterations of an inventory, sales and employee management system built to meet the needs of a small business owner who deals in selling electronics online via sites like Ebay and Amazon.
When creating our initial repository github suggested "super-duper-spork" as its name.
At the time we were in need of a group name so we embraced the recommendation and Sporkify evolved from there.
David Feinzimer, Dayna Anderson, Joshua Ferrara, Marc Reyes, Stacey Frasier, Zachary Owen
To run this project you will need to download a few things. First up - Python:
Next skip down to the installation of pip & Django:
You will need to run the following command from your pip installer:
pip intall pandas
You should be good to go!