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Install Nodejs

Install dependencies with

npm install

Launch the app

node app.js

Run servers

Need to set up the MongoDB to get it working

  1. First download MongoDB for your system Mongo Website
  2. Create /data/db directories in your root folder
  3. Then navigate to the bin directory of the downloaded folder
  4. Run the mongo server (needs to have root permissions)
    sudo mongod --port 6969
  5. Then in other terminal run
    sudo mongo --port 6969
    This should connect you with the mongodb server running in other terminal
  6. Run the homebase server
    node homebase_server.js
  7. Run the rover server to post data to homebase
    node rover_server.js

To see if data was stored in the database in the terminal with mongo client running run this command
This should show all the data inserted into the database

If you want to change the data passed in the rover_server.js file modify the post_data object to whatever you want
Will need to have id in order for it to work

Send Joystick Data

  1. Start the joystick server first
    node joystick_receiver.js
  2. Then start the joystick sender
    node Joystick_Sender.js
  3. Play with the joystick
    As of now it only works on linux machines
    Might need to install joystick module on linux
    sudo apt-get install joystick

If you just want to see joystick data in the termianl

  1. Run jstest
    jstest /dev/input/js0
  2. Watch the values change