This document has instructions to get you started. Reach each section carefully.
If you have a Windows, Mac or Linux on your desktop you can use Docker and Development Containers in vscode to do local development. This is the fastest and easiest way to get setup and enables you to run the simulator and control the ROV on your computer. This is the recommended setup for everyone.
- Docker command line is sufficient on Linux
Follow the Dev Containers Tutorial
Follow the linked instructions on how to clone a repository locally, login to GitHub and when prompted, put in the repository URL:
You will be prompted to re-open the folder in a development container. Select yes. Confirm that you have the devconainer open by looking at the bottom left corner of VScode. It should look like the picture below:
Create a Terminal in your vscode window with the
Terminal -> New Terminal
Here are some steps to test your repository. These steps work on my setup at home. The simulation stack is very heavy and may require a reasonably powerful GPU. Run this command in the dev container terminal.
Build the software in your dev container:
Source the
file after the build is complete.source install/setup.bash
Launch a simulation:
ros2 launch ardupilot_gz_bringup
Control the simulation with a flight controller. There are a number of programs available. I have had success with QGroundControl.
Ardupilot has official tutorials here:
- Install ROS2
- ROS 2 with SITL in Gazebo
- ROS 2 waypoint goal inerface
- Cartographer SLAM with ROS 2 in SITL
None of the tutorial's setup steps are necessary. The development container is fully setup.