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Picsum photo-gallery

You can check the live version deployed on Netlify (


  • The requests of the paginations options are Debounced to reduce requests to the API.
  • This project uses Vue i18n to switch among languages.
  • Clicking the download button shows the corresponding image in an other another browser's tab, using the url field.
  • Users can
    • Set the number of images per page (Page size)
    • Navigate to next and revious pages
    • Go to an specific page. If the page doesn't have images the system remains in the current page.
    • Switch the appereance of an image among: Blur, Grayscale & Normal state.
    • Filter by Author's name
    • Switching language of the system (English/Spanish)
  • When click on an image shows a modal panel using an iFrame to show the unsplash site of the image selected. ()
    • But the unsplash site has X-Frame-Options seted to Sameorigin and doesn't work if you don't have an iFrame allow plugin installed on your browser
    • I recommend using the iFrame Allow plugin on Chrome

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Project of photo gallery using picsum API.






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