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A ruby library for building text based applications rapidly. It supports building whatsapp, ussd, telegram and various text or chat applications that communicate with your rails backend.


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A ruby library for building text based applications rapidly. It supports building whatsapp, ussd, telegram and various text or chat applications that communicate with your rails backend. With this library you can target multiple platforms(whatsapp, ussd, telegram, etc.) at once with just one codebase.

Table of Contents


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'joy_ussd_engine'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install joy_ussd_engine


The ussd engine handles user session and stores user data with redis. So in your Gemfile you will have to add the redis and the redis-namespace gem.

gem 'redis'
gem 'redis-namespace'

# Not required but you can add connection pool for redis if you want
gem 'connection_pool', '~> 2.2', '>= 2.2.2'

After installing redis you will need to setup the redis config in your rails application inside config/initializers/redis.rb

# With Connection Pool
require 'connection_pool'
REDIS = 10) {, :redis => }
# Without Connection Pool
REDIS =, :redis =>

Bootstrap the App

In your rails app inside a controller create a post route and initialize the JoyUssdEngine by calling and providing some parameters. Click here to view all the required parameters list.

class MyController < ApplicationController
  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token

  def create
    joy_ussd_engine =, JoyUssdEngine::HubtelTransformer, start_point: Ussd::Menus::StartMenu, end_point: Ussd::Menus::EndMenu)
    response = joy_ussd_engine.process
    render json: response, status: :created

  def ussd_params
    params.permit(:SessionId, :Mobile, :ServiceCode, :Type, :Message, :Operator, :Sequence, :ClientState)

The class takes the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
params hash Params coming from a post end point in a rails controller
data_transformer class A class to transform the incoming and outgoing request between a particular provider and JoyUssdEngine
start_point class Points to a menu that starts the application. This menu is the first menu that loads when the app starts
end_point class This menu will terminate the ussd session if a particular provider (data_transformer) returns true in the app_terminator method.


The rails terminal is very powerful and we can utilize it to generate menus easily.

  • Generate a Menu - rails g joy_menu <Menu_Name>
  • Generate a PaginateMenu - rails g joy_paginate_menu <Menu_Name>
  • Generate a Routing Menu - rails g joy_route_menu <Menu_Name>
  • Generate a DataTransformer - rails g joy_data_transformer <Transformer_Name>


A data transformer transforms the incoming request and outgoing response between a particular provider and the JoyUssdEngine so they can effectively communicate with each other. The JoyUssdEngine can accept any request object but there are two required fields that needs to be present for it to work properly. The required fields are session_id and message. This is why the DataTransformer is needed to convert the request so it can provide this two required fields (session_id, message).


Method Parameters Return Value Description
request_params params: hash hash Converts the incoming request into a format the ussd engine can understand. The hash is the params coming from the post request in a rails controller that calls
response message: string, app_state: string hash Converts the outgoing response coming from the ussd engine into a format the provider can understand. (eg of providers: Whatsapp, Twilio, Hubtel, Telegram, etc.)
release message: string hash Converts the outgoing response coming from the ussd engine into a format the provider can understand and then terminates the application. (eg of providers: Whatsapp, Twilio, Hubtel, Telegram, etc.)
app_terminator params: hash boolean Returns a true/false on whether to terminate the app when a particular condition is met based on the provider in use. (eg of providers: Whatsapp, Twilio, Hubtel, Telegram, etc.)
expiration none Date/Time Sets the time for which to end the user's session if there is no response from the user. Default value is 60 seconds


When using hubtel we need to convert the hubtel request into what the JoyUssdEngine expects with the request_params method. Also we need to convert the response back from JoyUssdEngine to hubtel with the response and release methods. With this approach we can easily extend the JoyUssdEngine to target multiple providers like (Twilio, Telegram, etc) with ease. The app_terminator returns a boolean and terminates the app when a particular condition is met(For example: On whatsapp the user sends a message with text end to terminate the app)

class Ussd::Transformers::HubtelTransformer < JoyUssdEngine::DataTransformer
    # Transforms request payload between hubtel and our application
    # The session_id and message fields are required so we get them from hubtel (session_id: params[:Mobile] and message: params[:Message]).
    # And we pass in other hubtel specific params like (ClientState: params[:ClientState], Type: params[:Type])
    def request_params(params)
            session_id: params[:Mobile],
            message: params[:Message],
            ClientState: params[:ClientState],
            Type: params[:Type],
            data: params

    # We check if hubtel sends a params[:Type] == 'Release' and terminate the application
    # OR
    # the hubtel params[:Type] is not a string with value "Initiation" and state data is blank (@context.get_state.blank?)
    def app_terminator(params)
        params[:Type] == 'Release' || (params[:Type] != "Initiation" && @context.get_state.blank?)

    # Transforms response payload back to the format hubtel accepts by setting the message field (Type: "Response",Message: message, ClientState: client_state)
    def response(message, client_state)
            Type: "Response",
            Message: message,
            ClientState: client_state

    # Transforms response payload back to the format hubtel accepts by setting the message field (Type: "Response",Message: message, ClientState: client_state) and then end the user session
    def release(message)
            Type: "Release",
            Message: message,
            ClientState: "End"

    # Time for which the session has to end if the user does not send a request.
    def expiration


Menus are simply the views for our application. They contain the code for rendering the text that display on the user's device. Also they contain the business logic for your app.

Menu Properties

Properties Type Description
@context object Provides methods for setting and getting state values
@field_name* string The name for a particular input field. This name can be used to later retrieve the value the user entered in that field. (Required)
@menu_text* string The text to display to the user. (Required)
@error_text string If there is an error you will have to set the error message here. (Optional)
@skip_save boolean If set to true the user input will not be saved. Default: false (Optional)
@menu_items array <{title: '', route: JoyUssdEngine::Menu}> Stores an array of menu items with their corresponding routes.
@field_error boolean If set to true it will route back to the menu the error was caught in for the user to input the correct values.

Lifecycle Methods

Methods Description
before_render Do all data processing and business logic here.
render Render the ussd menu here. This is for only rendering out the response. (Only these methods joy_release, joy_response, load_menu can be used here)
after_render After rendering out the ussd menu you can put any additional logic here.
on_validate Validate user input here.
on_error This method will be called when the field_error value is set to true. You can change the error message and render it to the user here.

Render Methods

Methods Parameters Description
joy_response Menu This method takes a single argument (which is a class that points to the next menu) and is used to render out the text stored in the @menu_text variable to the user.
joy_release none This method renders the text in the @menu_text variable to the user and ends the users session
load_menu Menu This method takes a single argument (which is a class that points to the next menu) and is used with the Routing and Paginating Menus to render out menu items.

Other Methods

Methods Description
show_menu Returns the menu text to be rendered out. This method is used with only Routing and Paginating Menus
get_selected_item Gets the users selection from the @menu_items array
raise_error Takes an error message as an arguments and renders the message to the user before ending the user's session
has_selected? Checks if the user has selected an item from the @menu_items array

Create a menu

class Ussd::Menus::MainMenu < JoyUssdEngine::Menu
    def on_validate
        # use this method to validate the user's input

        # use @context.get_state with the @field_name value set in the before_render method to get the user inputs
        if @context.get_state[:request] != "john doe"
            # in case of errors set the @field_error value to true and set an error message in @error_text
            @field_error = true
            @error_text = "Wrong Value enter the correct value"

    def before_render
        # Implement before call backs

        # store the input name for this ussd menu in the @field_name variable
        @field_name = "request"

        # store the text to show or render out in the ussd menu with the @menu_text variable
        @menu_text = "Type you name"

    def on_error
        # this method will be executed if @field_error is set to true

        # catch errors and display the errors in the ussd menu by setting the @menu_text to include the error_message from @error_text
        @menu_text = "#{@error_text}\n#{@menu_text}"

    def after_render
        # Implement after call backs

    def render
        # Render ussd menu here

        # the joy_response renders out the ussd menu and takes the class of the next menu to route to as an argument.

This will be rendered out to the user when this menu is executed for the first time.


When the user enters a value which is not the string "john doe" an error will be displayed like we see in the screenshot below.


Execution Order of Lifecycle Methods

  • before_render

    This is the first method that gets executed. It is used for querying the db and handling the business logic of our application. This method also is used to set the text (@menu_text) to be rendered and the input name (@field_name) for the current menu.

  • on_error

    This is the next method that gets executed and it is used to set error messages. It will only be executed if the @field_error value is set to true.

  • render

    This method is used for rendering out the menu by using the text stored in the @menu_text variable. There are only three methods that should be used in the render method. Which are joy_release, joy_response, and load_menu.

  • after_render

    Use this method to do any other business logic after the menu has been rendered out and awaiting user response.

  • on_validate

    This method will be executed when the user submits a response. We use this method to validate the user's input and set an error_message to display when there is an error. Normally we will set @field_error value to true and store the error message in @error_text. Then we can later access the error_message in the on_error lifecycle method and append the error message to @menu_text so it will be rendered out to the user.

Execution Order Diagram

The Diagram below shows how these methods are executed

Lifecycle Diagram

Get Http Post Data

We can access the post request data coming from the rails controller in any menu with the @context object. The @context object can be used to access post data by reading values from the params hash of a post request. This hash consist of the session_id, message and any other additional data returned by the request_params method in the DataTransformer class.

# Just call @context.params[key] to access a particular value coming from a post request made available to our app through the DataTransformer.request_params method.

@context.params[:message] # Gets the message the user enters from the post end point.

Saving and Accessing Data

We can save and access data in any menu with the @context object. The @context object has two methods set_state and get_state which are used for saving and retrieving data. The saved data will be destroyed once the user session ends or is expired and it is advisable to persist this data into a permanent storage like a database if you will need it after the user session has ended.

# Just call @context.set_state(key: value) to set a key with a particular value
@context.set_state(selected_book: selected_book)

# To access the values @context.get_state[:key]

Also by default any menu that has the @field_name variable set. Will automatically save the users input with a key matching the string stored in the @field_name variable.

Note: However if the @skip_save variable is set to true the user input will not be store for that particular menu. By default this value is false.

# This stores the name of the input field for this menu
@field_name = "user_email"

# @skip_save = true -  user input will not be saved

# We can now get the user's input any where in our application with @context.get_state.

Error Handling

We can throw an error with a message and terminate the user session any where in our application by returning the raise_error(error_message) method and passing an error_message as an argument into the function.

# We raise an error in our application
return raise_error("Sorry something went wrong!")

There is also another way to handle errors without ending or terminating the user session. We can use the on_validate lifecycle method to validate user input and when there is an error we set the @field_error variable to true and the @error_text variable to include the error message.

Then in the on_error lifecycle method we can append the @error_text variable to the @menu_text variable so it displays the error when render an output to the user.

Note: The on_error method will only be invoke if the @field_error variable is set to true.

View the example code on error handling here

Routing Menus

You can show a list of menu items with their corresponding routes. When the user selects any item it will automatically route to the selected menu. When the user selects a menu that is not in the list an error is displayed to the user and the user session wil be terminated.

class Ussd::Menus::InitialMenu < JoyUssdEngine::Menu

    def before_render
        # Implement before call backs
        @skip_save = true

        # Store a list of menu items with their routes
        @menu_items = [
            {title: 'Make Payments', route: Ussd::Menus::MakePayments},
            {title: 'View Transaction', route: Ussd::Menus::ViewTransaction}

        # Show menu items on screen with the show_menu method.
        # The show_menu takes an optional parameter which is used to display the title of the page.
        @menu_text = show_menu('Welcome to JoyUssdEngine')

    def render
        # Render ussd menu here

        # Use the `load_menu` method to load the menus on screen
        # The `get_selected_item` method automatically listens to user inputs and passes the selected menu into the `load_menu` method

This will be rendered out when this menu is executed


If the Ussd::Menus::ViewTransaction has a structure like this.

class Ussd::Menus::ViewTransaction < JoyUssdEngine::Menu

    def before_render
        # Implement before call backs

        @menu_text = "Transactions. \n1. ERN_CODE_SSD\n2. ERN_DESA_DAS\nThanks for using our services."

    def render
        # Render ussd menu here

When the user enters 2 in the Ussd::Menus::InitialMenu menu then the following will be rendered and the user session will be terminated.


The Ussd::Menus::ViewTransaction menu uses the joy_release method to render out the text stored in the @menu_text variable and ends the user session.


A PaginateMenu handles pagination automatically for you. You can store an array of items that you want to paginate and they will be paginated automatically. A PaginateMenu has all the properties and methods in a Menu in addition to the following properties.

PaginateMenu Properties

A PaginateMenu has the following properties in addition properties in Menu.

Properties Type Description
@paginating_items array Stores an array of items to paginate on a particular menu.
@items_per_page integer The number of items to show per page. Default: 5
@back_key string A string holding the input value for navigating back. Default: '0'
@next_key string A string holding the input value for navigating forward. Default: '#'

PaginateMenu Methods

Methods Description
paginate Returns a list of paginated items based on the page the user is currently on.
show_menu Takes a list of paginated items and a page title as a parameter and renders it out on the screen
get_selected_item Returns the selected item
has_selected? Returns true if the user has selected an item

PaginateMenu Example

 class Ussd::Menus::Books < JoyUssdEngine::PaginateMenu

        def before_render
            # Implement before call backs

            # set an array of items that are going to be paginated
            @paginating_items = [
                {title: "Data Structures", item: {id: 1}},
                {title: "Excel Programming", item: {id: 2}},
                {title: "Economics", item: {id: 3}},
                {title: "Big Bang", item: {id: 4}},
                {title: "Democracy Building", item: {id: 5}},
                {title: "Python for Data Scientist", item: {id: 6}},
                {title: "Money Mind", item: {id: 7}},
                {title: "Design Patterns In C#", item: {id: 8}}

            # The `paginate` method returns a list of paginated items for the current page when it is called
            paginated_list = paginate

            # In a PaginateMenu the `show_menu` method takes a list and two optional named parameter values (title,key).

            # The title shows the page title for the menu.

            # The key stores the key of the hash which contains the text to be rendered for each list item.

            # If the key is not set the paginating_items is treated as a string and rendered to the user.

            # eg: @paginating_items = ["Data Structures","Excel Programming","Economics","Big Bang","Democracy Building","Python for Data Scientist","Money Mind","Design Patterns In C#"]

            @menu_text = show_menu(paginated_list, title: 'My Books', key: 'title')

            # In other to select a paginating item we have to wrap the selection logic in an if has_selected? block to prevent some weird errors.
            if has_selected?
                # the get_selected_item is used to get the selected item from the paginating list
                selected_book = get_selected_item

                # We save the selected book so we can access later
                @context.set_state(selected_book: selected_book)

        def render
            # Render ussd menu here

            # The load_menu function points to a menu to load when a book is selected.

To use a PaginateMenu we have to store the items to be paginated in the @paginating_items variable. Then we call the paginate method and store the result in a variable (paginated_list). We can now pass the variable (paginated_list) into the show_menu method and specify a title for the page if we have any. The show_menu method can also accept a key which is used to get the key containing the string to be rendered in a paginating_item. If the key is left blank the @paginating_items are treated as strings and rendered automatically.

In order to get the item the user has selected we have to wrap the selection login in an if has_selected? block to prevent some weird errors, then we can access the selected item with the get_selected_item method.

The following screenshots shows the paginating menu when it's first rendered.


When the user enters '#' we move to the next page in the list.


In the next menu (Ussd::Menus::ShowBook) we have code that looks like this.

class Ussd::Menus::ShowBook < JoyUssdEngine::Menu
    def before_render
        # Implement before call backs
        book = @context.get_state[:selected_book]
        @menu_text = "The selected book is \nid: #{book[:item][:id]}\nname: #{book[:title]}"

    def after_render
        # Implement after call backs

    def render
        # Render ussd menu here

When th user selects an item in the PaginateMenu we get the users selection with @context.get_state[:selected_book] and display the selected item back to the user and end the session.


Transformer Configs

Transformer configs for various providers. This configs can be used if you use any of these providers.

Hubtel Transformer

class HubtelTransformer < JoyUssdEngine::DataTransformer
    # Tranforms request and response payload between hubtel and our application
    def request_params(params)
            session_id: params[:Mobile],
            message: params[:Message],
            ClientState: params[:ClientState],
            Type: params[:Type]
            data: params

    def app_terminator(params)
        params[:Type] == 'Release' || (params[:Type] != "Initiation" && @context.get_state.blank?)

    def response(message, client_state)
            Type: "Response",
            Message: message,
            ClientState: client_state

    def release(message)
            Type: "Release",
            Message: message,
            ClientState: "End"

    def expiration

Twilio Transformer

class TwilioTransformer < JoyUssdEngine::DataTransformer
    ACCOUNT_SID = "932843hwhjewhje7388"
    AUTH_TOKEN = "3473847hewjrejrheeee"

    def client
        @client ||=, AUTH_TOKEN)

    # Tranforms request and response payload between twilio and our application
    def request_params(params)
            session_id: "0#{params[:From].last(9)}",
            message: params[:Body],
            Mobile: "0#{params[:From].last(9)}",
            data: params

    def app_terminator(params)
        params[:Body] == 'end'

    def response(message, client_state)
            from: from,
            to: to,
            body: message
        {message: message}

    def release(message)
            from: from,
            to: to,
            body: message
        {message: message}

    def expiration
        # set expiration for different providers

    def to

    def from


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the JoyUssdEngine project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


A ruby library for building text based applications rapidly. It supports building whatsapp, ussd, telegram and various text or chat applications that communicate with your rails backend.




Code of conduct





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