Youddit is made up of customizable python scripts. These scripts include a reddit web scraper that looks for urls of a selected subreddit. A downloading script is then called that will search each url to look and see if a video is attached to the url, if so the video will be downloaded. Once a whole grouping of videos are downloaded they are randomly compiled into 5 minute compilations. Once the video is created it is uploaded to YouTube.
- Install the required pip packages (moviepy, praw, youtube_dl)
- Input your own client id for reddit ( inside of scraper/
- Go to ./
- Decide which subreddits you would like to download videos from and add/remove them from the list “subredditList”
- Change what you would like your channel name to be, this will be the name of the directory where the clips are temporarily stored
- Add the absolute path for downloading to “pathToDownload”
- Add the absolute path for your final save location “finalSave”
- Create a directory at root called “copyrightFreeMusic”
- Move your copyright free music into the directory from above
- Type python3 ./ into termal to start
- Video Downloader
- Scrape reddit for videos to download
- Resizing tool for videos
- Create a distrubutor to organize videos into 5 minute montages
- Discard clips over a certian length
- Compile the videos together
- Overlay music to videos
- Stress test it to make sure it can handle 5000+ clips compiling down to 150+ videos
- Finish a youtube uploader
- Create a config file tool so that a user can quickly switch between subreddits and youtube channels