Warning: This is a Legacy Project, I've released an update, but it may require tinkering to get working
This was a computer vision project for real-time car counting in traffic. The design is fairly straight forward and the in-code documents should be fairly clear and extensive in how the program works. I'll provide a a quick visual high-level overview of what the program does below. I also have the demo file that I was using to test the application. The videos I was using to test it are not available here, obviously, but you can easily find your own if you want. Unfortuntely I don't have any unit-tests available for this application. I know, sue me.
The specifications and requirements that this program met are listed below:
- Count cars in traffic going in any given direction
- Capture and isolate the car image when it's counted for later analysis
- Record any other data that can be extracted immediately from the footage (extrapolating additional information was not in scope.)
- Multithreading (Multiple jobs can count cars along multiple paths at the same-time)
- Account for day and night cycles (changing light conditions)
- Account for stopped traffic
- Work in real-time
- Modular, can easily replace certain parts of the code.
This is a fairly general overview, primarily from memory:
Car enters here! Cars exit here!
_____________ _____________
| | | |
| Start | Direction of traffic | End |
| Region | ---------------------------------------------------> | Region |
| | | |
|_____________| |_____________|
|_ _|
|_ _|
|_ _|
|+---------------> Make entry in Remove Entry <----+|
Transit Ledger From Transit Ledger
| |
| |
| |
| Car A -> Car B -> Car C |
Persistency/Missing Checker Image Processors
| Subroutines keep tabs | Subrountines that |
| On the objects marked | clean up images, |
| in the transit ledger | do background subtraction, |
| and maintains a notion | histogram analysis, etc |
| of continium across | |
| consecutive frames | |
Simply follow the installation guide for OpenCV installation provided here:
http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-last-rst/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.htmlClone my repository to your local and proceed as followed:
- Go to Vista-core-API and run:
mkdir _build
cd _build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../_install
make install
- Go to Vista-cmd-example and re-run the above command. Note that you need to change to your own path in the cmakelist.txt of this project:
target_link_libraries(vista-example -lm -ldl -pthread ${OpenCV_LIBS} /home/vanya/Repos/vista/Vista-core-API/_install/lib/libvista-core.a -ldl)
It should compile succesfully (I had some warnings using default flags, will try to get rid of them if I have time). I have included a proper cmake list files in the repository that you can use to generate a makefile and then run make. You can include the resulting binary as a dependency in another project. Or if you prefer you can include the source directly in your project and compile it using your own makefile.