Scilla codes for Carbon Token Staking Contract
carbon testnet: 0x3e1b442f12c57449464c7daa162803765606b81f
Do Raise any issues found via the issues section
TestCases done on new contract:
- Only owner is able to call
- Data cycleCount, cycleAmount, Stakers balance passed over
- Only Owner is able to call
- Data removeStaker, removeBlock RewardAll
- Correct Amount given to all, in totalStaked increased and ownerAvailable decreased correctly
- Overwrite if transition is called by same sender 2 times latest address is capture with amount
- Transferred to contract wrong amount will reject the transaction
- Transferred to contract the right amount pending is gone, correct amount is given to the address pending.
- If whitelisting is in effect, the pending address also has to be whitelisted
- if address already has staked, it will add on to their stake
withdrawal functions
- withdrawStake working
- RemoveStake working
- instantWithdrawal
When removed totalStaked and totalUnstaked is adjusted accordingly totalStakers number is also accurate
Added pending to other addresses tried to send wrong amount (Failed) If correct amount sent, the stake is added in for the pending address
Remove pending if change of mind
rewardCycle seperated into new transition If rewardCycle count not met no rewards is given
Calculated rewardsAll given and deducted from owner correctly Calculated rewardCycle given and deducted from owner correctly
Tested whitelisting