Kanji Karma(漢字カルマ) is a full-stack application designed to help you better search for, save and study all of the Jōyō Kanji (常用漢字), or the Chinese characters found in Japanese. Coupled with that will be a location on the website to help you quickly look up and study Japanese Hiragana(ひらがな), and Katakana(カタカナ), as well as basic phrases you'll need if you ever want to visit Japan. This will include vocabulary or sentences you might hear in everyday scenarios -- Introducing yourself, restaurant vocabulary etc. Help better immerse yourself in Japanese with the help of Kanji Karma!
- JavaScript
- React / Redux
- Chakra-UI
- Font Awesome
- Hosted live on Heroku
- Python
- Flask
- Flask-Migrate
- PostgreSQL database
- Alembic
- SQLAlchemy
- User authentication is handled using Werkzeug's Security Helpers for password hashing.
- Grants access to features like creating Kanji character learning cards to logged in users.
- Designed around a relational database schema, which allows users to create an account, search for a variety of Kanji characters saved on the database, save them to their own profile, view them or delete them.
- Makes use of AJAX / API Routes to render elements such as reading, creating and removing Kanji character learning cards.
- Includes csrf attack protection and performs front-end and back-end validation on forms.