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Martin Polanka edited this page Feb 14, 2017 · 4 revisions


Local commanding officers can have LEO or LORE roles. Both of them have the same set of permissions in CUK system.

Welcome Screen

On the welcome screen you have privileges to manage displayed news. These items are visible to all CUK system users. News can be added only by users with LEO privileges or higher. This can be done through Add News button on welcome screen. Deletion of news is also possible and again it can be done only with LEO privileges or higher. For purposes of deletion there is trash button on each news card.

Add News


As the LEO or LORE you have some extended options how to manage officers from your faculty. You are allowed to modify IFMSA credentials of officers and also delete officer profile if needed. Management pages can be found in Officers Management section in left sidebar.

Modify IFMSA Credentials

IFMSA credentials are used for remote connections to There are officers who are not allowed to modify them directly (Local Assistants). Therefore there has to be mechanism where higher officers can set credentials for them. As Local officer you are allowed only to modify credentials for officers from your faculty. National Assistants and higher can modify IFMSA credentials of all officers.

Modifying of IFMSA credentials can be found in profile of officer which is accessible through List of Officers page. In there in the first table you can see IFMSA Credentials row and there should be Edit link which will lead you to editation page. Due to security reasons you are not allowed to see current credentials of officer and have to type them from scratch. Do not forget to submit form with Change IFMSA Credentials button.

Delete Officer

As for IFMSA credentials you are allowed to delete only officers from your faculty. Again this feature is accessible on officers profile page. In the first row of detail table there should be visible username of officer and on the right from it you can find trash image. After clicking on it, officer will be immediatelly and irreversibly deleted from CUK system.


Management of incomings is possible through Incomings Management section in the left sidebar where you can find List of Incomings page. In here you can display information about incomings from your faculty. On the incomings profile you can find further details about incoming and also one additional feature, deletion of incoming.

Deletion can be done through trash button near incoming username in the first row of the detail table. After clicking on trash button incoming will be instantly deleted and will not be able to log into the system.