Label propagation algorithm that supports heterogeneous data and includes homophily and/or heterophily during propagation. Implemented on 2 multimodal remote sensing data sets: Trento & Houston 2013. Both datasets contain a fully-overlapping hyperspectral and LiDAR image. The algorithm outputs a label prediction for each pixel in the input image(s).
Two cases are distinghuised:
Case 1: Images of different modalities are fully overlapping --> homogeneous graph with one node and one edge type. This case is referred to as 'full overlap'.
Case 2: Images of different modalities are not fully overlapping --> heterogeneous graph with 2 node types and 3 edge types. This case is referred to as 'hyperspectral' or 'lidar', depending on the type of modality that is found in the non-overlapping region.
The method contains 5 hyperparameters (kNN, ep, sig_spe, sig_spa and r), which are tuned via a random search using k-fold cross validation on the training set. This happens in '' and '', where dataset is 'Trento' or 'Houston'. The optimal hyperparameters are then stored in 'optimal_rs_dataset.pickle' .
The file runs label propagation on the test set, using the optimal hyperparameters.
Due to scalability issues, the original test set is divided into subsets (folds) and label prop. is run on the different subfolds to obtain a label for each sample in the test set. The subfolds are created via the function 'generateFoldDictionary' (imported from '') which works as follows: the test set is split into k folds (for Trento and Houston 6 folds is used), in a stratified fashion in order to maintain class (dis)balances like in the original test set. Next, the label propagation method is run on each subfold to obtain classification of the entire test set.
- Create a virtual environment (e.g. X-modalBP) with python>=3.7
- Activate the virtual environment and install the following packages:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- scikit-image
- tifffile
- loguru
- gdal
- Create a seperate directory called e.g. 'data' with subdirectories 'Trento' and 'Houston', which contain the Trento and Houston data sets, respectively. The path to the 'data' directory needs to be added in (see Usage).
Complete required user-input in
- dataset: which data set to use ('Trento' or 'Houston')
- choice: which case to run (case 1: 'full overlap', case 2: 'hyperspectral' or 'lidar')
- realDataDir: specify path to data directory
Run label propagation on the command line by using: python
Catherine Taelman
For questions or suggestions: