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Stephan Schauberger edited this page May 23, 2023 · 9 revisions


Forking Workflow

Do not create any branches on the official public repository. Instead: Fork the project and use Pull Requests to merge back into develop. (Atlassian Tutorial explaining this workflow)

Official Public Repository Branches

Never push any changes directly to those branches! Always create Pull Requests!

  • develop: The develop branch is our development branch and represents the current state of the project including all already merged changes for the next release. This is the branch you should be working with and merge your PRs into.
  • master: The master branch represents the current state of the share and should be the only branch that gets released to the public.
  • release/XYZ: Before releasing a new release branch is created (from develop). This branch will be tested and hot-fixed, but no new features will be added. When releasing this branch will be merged into develop and master and then deleted.

Checking out the newest version of the project

Before starting to work on your ticket make sure to work with the latest version of the projects official public repository, lets call the remote catroweb.

git checkout develop
git pull catroweb develop

Do not forget to reset the project.

# install packages
composer install
npm install

# reset db
bin/console catrobat:reset --hard

# build assets
npm run dev

Then create and check out a new branch for your ticket XXX.

git checkout -b SHARE-XXX

That's it! Now you can start working on your ticket.

Creating a Pull Request

Test everything! When tests are failing the PR will not be accepted.

Also, make sure that every commit has the correct commit message layout so it shows up on JIRA.

Must read: How to Write a Git Commit Message, by Chirs Beams

Line 1: SHARE-XXX Fitting Title (< 50 chars)
Line 2: empty line 
Lines 3 - X: actual commit message; first focusing on WHY then focusing on WHAT you have changed.

Squash your commits, there must be only 1 commit! (X is the number of your commits)

git reset --soft HEAD~X &&
git commit

When there is only one commit and you just need to change the commit message you can use:

git commit --amend

Go to GitHub and create a Pull-Request from your forked repository into the official repository.

  • check that you create the PR from your correct ticket branch!
  • check that PR goes to the develop branch and not master branch!
  • "allow edits from maintainers" must be ticked off, this allows the Seniors to rebase your PR if needed

After creating the PR

The PR has merge-conflicts?
Resolve them and rebase your PR.

git checkout develop
git pull catroweb develop
git checkout SHARE-XXX
git rebase -i develop

Resolve the conflicts. E.g. Phpstorm has great tools to resolve such conflicts.

git rebase --continue
git push -f

I need to make changes?
After resolving the changes, don't forget to squash your commits and force push the branch.