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Statistics Snapshot

Erin Braswell edited this page Apr 12, 2015 · 10 revisions

Pre-Beta Snapshot of Current Stats for scrAPI projects

  • As of December 7, 2014

Github Repo:

Harvester Names - for Reference

    <td> columbia  </td>
    <td> Columbia Adacemic Commons </td>
    <td> dataone </td>
    <td> DataONE: Data Observation Network for Earth </td>
    <td> figshare </td>
    <td> figshare </td>
    <td> mit </td>
    <td> DSpace@MIT </td>
    <td> opensiuc </td>
    <td> OpenSIUC at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale </td>
    <td> plos </td>
    <td> Public Library Of Science </td>
    <td> spdataverse </td>
    <td> Scholars Portal Dataverse </td>
    <td> scitech </td>
    <td> SciTech Connect </td>
    <td> stcloud </td>
    <td> theRepository at St. Cloud State </td>
    <td> texasstate </td>
    <td> DSpace at Texas State University </td>
    <td> trinity </td>
    <td> Digital Commons@Trinity </td>
    <td> uceschol </td>
    <td> California Digital Library eScholarship System </td>
    <td> uiucideals </td>
    <td> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois Digital Enviornment for Access to Learning and Scholarship </td>
    <td> upenn </td>
    <td> University of Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons </td>
    <td> utaustin </td>
    <td> University of Texas Digital Repository </td>
    <td> uwdspace </td>
    <td> ResearchWorks at the University of Washington </td>
    <td> vtechworks </td>
    <td> Virginia Tech VTechWorks </td>
    <td> wayne </td>
    <td> DigitalCommons@WayneState </td>
arxiv_oai ArXiv
calpoly Digital Commons at Cal Poly
cmu Carnegie Mellon University Research Showcase
crossref CrossRef
doepages Department of Energy Pages
## Document Counts

total - 251596

arxiv_oai, 49634
crossref, 38448
scitech, 18456
dataone, 17022
clinicaltrials, 8341
figshare, 6853
plos, 6351
uwdspace, 3022
mit, 1972
upenn, 1452
uceschol, 853
vtechworks, 633
opensiuc, 360
columbia, 349
calpoly, 283
cmu, 278
wayne, 273
doepages, 66
trinity, 32
spdataverse, 14
utaustin, 9
pushtest, 3

texasstate, 3 stcloud, 2

Missing Fields

Percents missing a DOI

uwdspace: 100.0
vtechworks: 99.3680884676
utaustin: 100.0
wayne: 100.0
scitech: 18.4467088956
mit: 48.4446710862
trinity: 100.0
stcloud: 100.0
arxiv_oai: 59.917937412
uceschol: 94.0533980583
upenn: 100.0
clinicaltrials: 100.0
dataone: 86.918587514
calpoly: 100.0
cmu: 64.7482014388
spdataverse: 100.0

Percents Missing a Title

crossref: 0.646469073577
uceschol: 0.121359223301
spdataverse: 27.27

Properties Fields

The top 10 fields are...

  • permissions is in 3 different providers
  • coverage is in 3 different providers
  • identifiers is in 4 different providers
  • relation is in 5 different providers
  • publisher is in 5 different providers
  • language is in 7 different providers
  • source is in 8 different providers
  • publisherInfo is in 8 different providers
  • format is in 10 different providers
  • type is in 13 different providers

All Properties Fields and their Sources

Properties by Field, provider, and Numbers of Entries Per Provider as a percent

    "preferredReplicationMN": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "issued": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "set_spec": {
        "arxiv_oai": 100.0,
        "opensiuc": 100.0
    "datePublished": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "relation": {
        "uceschol": 100.0,
        "doepages": 100.0,
        "vtechworks": 100.0,
        "scitech": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0
    "sku": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "member": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "pubDate": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "source": {
        "upenn": 100.0,
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0,
        "wayne": 99.0,
        "calpoly": 100.0,
        "cmu": 100.0,
        "opensiuc": 100.0,
        "mit": 66.0
    "formatId": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "secondary_outcomes": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "articleType": {
        "scitech": 100.0,
        "plos": 100.0
    "pdf_download": {
        "opensiuc": 99.0
    "format": {
        "uceschol": 100.0,
        "doepages": 100.0,
        "upenn": 100.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0,
        "wayne": 99.0,
        "calpoly": 100.0,
        "scitech": 100.0,
        "opensiuc": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0,
        "arxiv_oai": 100.0
    "sponsors": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "authorSurName": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "isFDARegulated": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "replicaMN": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "eissn": {
        "plos": 100.0
    "condition": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "permissions": {
        "uceschol": 100.0,
        "vtechworks": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0
    "researchCountry": {
        "scitech": 100.0
    "numberReplicas": {
        "dataone": 0.0
    "investigator": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "armGroup": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "scientificName": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "isDocumentedBy": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "identifier": {
        "dataone": 100.0,
        "doepages": 96.0
    "page": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "fileID": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "primaryOutcome": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "isSection801": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "responsible_party": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "referenceCount": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "researchSponsor": {
        "scitech": 100.0
    "numberOfArms": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "score": {
        "plos": 100.0,
        "crossref": 100.0
    "verificationDate": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "replicationAllowed": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "identifier-purl": {
        "doepages": 96.0
    "intervention": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "issue": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "eligibility": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "journal": {
        "plos": 100.0
    "checksumAlgorithm": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "dateEntered": {
        "scitech": 100.0
    "publisher": {
        "calpoly": 100.0,
        "opensiuc": 100.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0,
        "columbia": 100.0,
        "crossref": 100.0
    "authorGivenName": {
        "dataone": 4.0
    "language": {
        "columbia": 100.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0,
        "uwdspace": 100.0,
        "doepages": 96.0,
        "vtechworks": 100.0,
        "scitech": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0
    "lastChanged": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "dateUploaded": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "checksum": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "hasExpandedAccess": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "datasource": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "studyDesign": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "resource_type": {
        "columbia": 99.0
    "identifierReport": {
        "doepages": 96.0
    "origin": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "locationCountries": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "oversightAuthority": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "typeQualifier": {
        "doepages": 96.0
    "size": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "replicaVerifiedDate": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "identifierInfo": {
        "scitech": 100.0
    "deposited": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "researchOrg": {
        "scitech": 100.0
    "type": {
        "uceschol": 100.0,
        "doepages": 100.0,
        "upenn": 100.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0,
        "wayne": 99.0,
        "uwdspace": 100.0,
        "calpoly": 100.0,
        "cmu": 100.0,
        "opensiuc": 100.0,
        "vtechworks": 100.0,
        "arxiv_oai": 100.0,
        "crossref": 100.0
    "citation": {
        "uceschol": 100.0
    "dataUrl": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "volume": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "link": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "resourceMap": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "depositedTimestamp": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "published-in": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "rights": {
        "doepages": 96.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0
    "enrollment": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "authoritativeMN": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "updateDate": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "ISBN": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "identifierOther": {
        "doepages": 96.0
    "rightsHolder": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "site": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "formatType": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "author": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "ISSN": {
        "crossref": 100.0
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        "doepages": 96.0
    "updatePolicy": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "indexed": {
        "crossref": 100.0
    "dateModified": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "status": {
        "clinicaltrials": 100.0
    "isPublic": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "publisherInfo": {
        "uceschol": 100.0,
        "doepages": 100.0,
        "upenn": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0,
        "wayne": 99.0,
        "uwdspace": 100.0,
        "cmu": 100.0,
        "vtechworks": 100.0
    "documents": {
        "dataone": 12.0
    "coverage": {
        "uceschol": 100.0,
        "doepages": 100.0,
        "scitech": 100.0
    "date": {
        "opensiuc": 99.0
    "readPermission": {
        "dataone": 100.0
    "identifiers": {
        "opensiuc": 100.0,
        "mit": 100.0,
        "uwdspace": 100.0,
        "utaustin": 100.0


Technical Overview

Creating a Harvester

Running Harvesters with ScrAPI

Consuming Notifications - Feed Options

Issues & Using the Issue Tracker

Metadata Schema


Provider Names

Statistics Snapshot

Experimental Push API

Use Cases

SHARE is a project of the ARL, AAU, and APLU. Development of the SHARE Notification Service is being carried out in partnership with the Center for Open Science and is supported by generous funding from The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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