Generator for applications and components
This generate is in alpha, with time i add better features and improve the code, performance and other things, i build this for use it in personal projects fast and easy with the minimum setup
You need have installed node and yeoman
npm install -g generator-academy
yarn global add generator-academy
This generator can generate project taking arguments directly from command line or prompting questions to user.
For example to generate a react app you can use the next command in your CLI
yo academy <appname> <app-description> --type react
If you ignore anyone field the generator show your the prompt to request you the missing parameter
Run the next commands to startup the project
cd <appname>
yarn run dev
If you wanna generate a react component, you can use the next command in your CLI
yo academy:component awesome-component --type react
This generate a react component with the follow root: src/components/AwesomeComponent/index.js
Two things you need to know:
If you use this command in the root folder of the project (generated with this generator), you don't need specify the type of component.
For default the components generated always use the src folder how base path and components how path. If you invoke this command inside a folder with src name, the generator will use actual folder how base path. If you need change this behavior you can use the flag --without-base-path to use actual folder how base path and you can specify path using the argument --path follow by the route
- Obviously generate a better documentation :3
- Add support to polymer 3
- Add support to Vue
- Add support to Angular