The course is structured around the #100DaysOfCode challenge.
So you can look forward to a 100 days of lovingly crafted content that is
Going to cover every aspect of Python programming from Web Development to Data Science.
- You'll build a bot 🤖 that texts you in the morning. If it will rain ☔️ that day.
- You'll build classic arcade games 👾 like Snake and Pong to impress your friends 😮
- You'll learn to make sense of complex data and create beautiful visualizations
- You'll create a program that automatically sends "Happy Birthday" emails to your
- You'll work on projects that clone real-world startups.
- Cheap flight club: ✅ Build your own blog: ✅. Twitter bot: ✅.
And there are so many more projects waiting to be discovered by you!
100 projects in total.
Learnings: printing, commenting, debugging, string manipulation and variables.
project 1: band name generator
Learnings: Data Types & Converstions, Numbers, Operations, and f-strings.
project 2: Tip Calculator
Learnings: Conditional Statements, Logical Operators, Code Blocks and Scope.
project 3: Treasure Island
Learnings: Randomisation and Python Lists.
project 4: Rock Paper Scissors
Learnings: Loops and Range().
project 5: Password Generator
Learnings: Function, Code Blocks and While Loop().
project 6: Escaping the Maze
Learnings: Hangman().
project 7: Hangman
Learnings: Functions with inputs, Arguments and Parameters.
project 8: Caesar Cipher
Learnings: Dictionaries and Nesting.
project 9: Secret Auction
Learnings: Functions with Outputs and Docstrings.
project 10: Calculator
Learnings: The Blackjack Capstone Project.
project 11: The Blackjack Capstone Project
Learnings: Namespaces-Local vs Global.
project 12: Number Guessing Game
Learnings: Debugging-How to find and Fix the error.
Project 14: Higher Lower Game Project.