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rohitphogat19 edited this page May 28, 2019 · 22 revisions

APIs Related to Users

Get Users List

let getUserSearchQuery = QueryBuilder.instance.createUserListFilter()
getUserSearchQuery.searchQuery = query
getUserSearchQuery.limit = defaultLimit
getUserSearchQuery.skip = 0
CHService.main.getUsersList(queryFilter: getUserSearchQuery, completion: {(users,error) in
    // Do your Stuff here

Get a User with User Id

CHService.main.getUser(userId:"20456",completion:{(user,error) in
    // Do your Stuff here

Block a user

CHService.main.blockUser(userId:"20456",completion:{(status,error) in
    // Do your Stuff here

Get Blocked Users List

let blockedUsersQuery = QueryBuilder.instance.createBlockedUsersListFilter()
blockedUsersQuery.limit = 30
blockedUsersQuery.skip = 0
CHService.main.getBlockedUsers(queryFilter:blockedUsersQuery,completion:{(users,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

Get Friends list

let friendsFilter = QueryBuilder.createUserFriendsListFilter() = true
friendsFilter.limit = 30
friendsFilter.skip = 0
friendsFilter.includeBlocked = true
friendsFilter.skipUserIds = "20456,20576,20789"
friendsFilter.searchQuery = "Leo"
friendsFilter.sort = .DESC
CHService.main.getFriendsList(queryFilter:friendsFilter,completion:{(users,error) in
    // Do your Stuff Here

Get Total Friends Count

let friendsCountFilter = QueryBuilder.instance.createUserFriendsCountFilter() = false
friendsCountFilter.includeBlocked = true
friendsCountFilter.searchQuery = "James"
CHService.main.getFriendsCount(queryFilter:friendsCountQueryFilter,completion:{(count,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

UnBlock a User

CHService.main.unblockUser(userId:"20456",completion:{(status,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

Get Total Users Count

let userCountsFilter = QueryBuilder.createUserFriendsCountFilter()
userCountsFilter.includeBlocked = true = true
userCountsFilter.searchQuery = "James"
CHService.main.getUserCounts(queryFilter:userCountsFilter,completion:{(count,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

Get Blocked Users Total Count

CHService.main.getBlockedUsersCount(queryFilter:friendsCountFilter,completion:{(count,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

Get Online Users

let friendsQuery = QueryBuilder.instance.createUserFriendsListFilter() = true
friendsQuery.limit = defaultLimit
friendsQuery.skip = 0
CHService.main.getOnlineUsers(queryFilter: friendsQuery, completion: {(users,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

Change a User Visibility

let visibility = false
CHService.main.changeUserVisibility(isVisible: visibility, completion: {(user,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

Change Notification Settings

CHService.main.changeNotificationSetting(isNotificationOn: false, completion: {(user,error) in
    // Do your stuff here

APIs Related to Messages

Send a Text Message

let textBody = "Hello, How are you?"
var params = [String:Any]()
if currentConversation != nil{
} else{
CHService.main.sendTextmessage(textMessage:textBody,messageParams:params,conversation:currentConversation,completion:{(message,error) in
    // Do your Stuff here

Send File Messages

CHService.main.sendFileMessage(messageParams: params, fileParams: params, thumbnailData: nil, fileData: audioData, messageType: .AUDIO, conversation: self?.chat, completion: {(message,error)
    // Do your Stuff here

Send A Quoted Message

// quotedMessage is the message which you want to quote
let messageText = "Hello, this is a quoted message"    
var params = [String:Any]()
var quotedParams = [String:Any]()
let owner = ["displayName":quotedMessage.userDisplayName,"id":quotedMessage.ownerId]
switch quotedMessage.attachmentType{
     case "text":
        quotedParams.updateValue(quotedMessage.body!, forKey: "body")
     case "image","video","audio":
        let attachment = ["fileUrl":quotedMessage.file?.fileUrl]
        quotedParams.updateValue(attachment, forKey: "attachment")
     case "sticker","gif":
        quotedParams.updateValue(quotedMessage.previewUrl!, forKey: "downsampledUrl")
     case "location":
        let data = ["latitude":quotedMessage.messageData?.latitude,"longitude":modelMessage.messageData?.longitude]
        quotedParams.updateValue(data, forKey: "data")
CHService.main.sendQuotedMessage(messageParams:params,messageText:messageText,,quotedMessageParams:quotedParams,conversation:conversation,completion:{(message,error) in

Send A Location Message

var params = [String:Any]()
var locationParams = [String:Any]()
locationParams.updateValue("Madison Square Garden",forKey:"title")
locationParams.updateValue("4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 10001, USA",forKey:"address")
  CHService.main.sendLocationMessage(messageParams:params,locationParams:locationParams,conversation:conversation,completion: {(message,error) in
    // Do your Stuff here 

Send GIFs and Stickers Messages

var params = [String:Any]()
var gifStickParams = [String:Any]()
CHService.main.sendGIFStickerMessage(messageParams: params, gifStickerParams: gifStickParams,messageType: .GIF conversation: conversation, completion: {(message,error) in
    // Do your Stuff here     

Get Total Messages Count of a conversation

let messageCountQuery = QueryBuilder.createConversationMessageCountFilter()
messageCountQuery.attachmentType = "image,video,text,location,gif,sticker,audio"
messageCountQuery.contentType = 0 // Possible Values 0,1,2,3
messageCountQuery.ownerId = 20456
CHService.main.addGroupAdmin(chatId:"2004589",userId:"55",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Get Messages of a Conversation

let getMessageQuery = QueryBuilder.instance.createConversationMessageFilter()
getMessageQuery.limit = 30
getMessageQuery.skip = 0
getMessageQuery.attachmentType = "image,audio,video"
getMessageQuery.contentType = 0
getMessageQuery.sort = .DESC
CHService.main.getMessages(queryFilter: getMessageQuery, chatId: self.chatId!, completion: {(messages,error) in
    guard error == nil else {
        print("Error in Getting Messages")
    "Do your stuff with Messages"

Delete Messages

To delete messages, call deleteMessages function of CHService class. Parameters needed are messageIds as string array of message ids

/// - parameter messageIds: Array of Message Ids
/// - parameter completion: Completion Handler with Status as Bool and optional Error
/// ## Usage:
let messageIds = ["d37175a3-1926-45f9-a302-3b5b238850ff","d37175a3-1926-45f9-a302-3b5b23885012"]
CHService.main.deleteMessages(messageIds: messageIds, completion: {(status,error) in
    if status{
        print("Messages Deleted")
    } else{

Forward Messages

To forward call forwardMessages function of CHService class.

You can Forward Multiple Message to multiple users and Groups. Pass userIds as an array of String containing userIds, groupsIds as an array of String containing groups ids and messageIds as an array of String containing message ids to be forwarded

/// You can Forward Multiple Message to multiple users and Groups. Pass `userIds` as an array of String containing userIds, `groupsIds` as an array of String containing groups ids and `messageIds` as an array of String containing message ids to be forwarded
/// - parameter userIds: array of String containing userIds
/// - parameter groupIds: array of String containing groups ids
/// - parameter messagesIds: array of String containing message ids
/// - parameter completion: Completion handler with a Bool value for API call status and Optional Error
/// ## Usage
let userIds = ["20465","20573","20984"]
let groupIds = ["30465","30573","30984"]
let messageIds = ["d37175a3-1926-45f9-a302-3b5b238850ff","d37175a3-7890-45f9-a302-3b5b23885192"]
CHService.main.forwardMessages(userIds: userIds, groupIds: groupIds, messagesIds: messageIds, completion: {(status,error) in
    if status{
        print("Message Forwared")
    } else{

Get Total Unread Messages Count

To get total unread message count, call getUnreadMessageCounts function of CHService class. Completion handler will provide count of unread message and optional error.

CHService.main.getUnreadMessageCounts(completion: {(count,error) in
    guard error == nil else{

Mark a Message Read

To mark a message as read, call markMessageAsRead function of CHService class. Parameters needed are messageId as id of the respective message. Completion handler will provide a Bool value as status of API call and an optional error.

/// - parameter messageId: Id of the message to be mark as Read
/// - parameter completion: Completion handler with a Bool value for API call status and Optional Error
/// ## Usage
let id = "d37175a3-1926-45f9-a302-3b5b238850ff"
CHService.main.markMessageAsRead(messageId:id,completion: {(status,error) in
    if status{
        print("Message Forwared")
    } else{

APIs Related to Conversation

Get Recent Chat Count

Get Conversations

let conversationQuery = QueryBuilder.instance.createConversationListFilter()
conversationQuery.inclued = "membersList"
conversationQuery.limit = defaultLimit
conversationQuery.offset = offset
CHService.main.getChats(queryFilter: conversationQuery, completion: {(conversations,error) in
    // Do your Stuff Here

Add a Admin to the Group

To leave a group conversation call addGroupAdmin method of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective group conversation and userId as id of the user you want to make admin. Completion handler will provide you a bool value and an optional error. /// /// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id /// - parameter userId: Id of the user whome you want to make Admin /// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error /// ## Usage:

CHService.main.addGroupAdmin(chatId:"2004589",userId:"55",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Remove a Member from Group

To remove members from a group conversation call removeGroupMember method of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective group conversation and userId as id of the user you want to remove. Completion handler will provide you a bool value and an optional error. This call should be made only from an admin of the group.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter userId: Id of the user whome you want to remove from Group Conversation
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Notes:
/// Must be called from Admin of the Group
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.removeGroupMember(chatId:"2004589",userId:"55",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Leave A Group Conversation

To leave a group conversation call leaveConversation method of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective group conversation.Completion handler will provide you a bool value and an optional error.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.leaveConversation(chatId:"2004589",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Clear a Conversation

To clear a conversation call clearConversation method of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective conversation.Completion handler will provide you a bool value and an optional error.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Notes:
/// It will only clear all Messages. It will not delete the Conversation

/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.clearConversation(chatId:"2004589",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Delete a Conversation

To delete a conversation call deleteConversation method of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective conversation.Completion handler will provide you a bool value and an optional error.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Notes:
/// It will Delete all Messages and conversation
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.deleteConversation(chatId:"2004589",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
    "Operation Failed"

Add Members to the Group Conversation

To add members to a coversation, call addMembersToConversation function of CHService class. This method should be called from an admin of the group. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective conversation, userIds as an string array containing members ids. Completion handler will give you a Bool value and an optional error.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter userIds: A string Array object containin member Ids
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Notes:
/// Must be called from Admin of the Group
/// ## Usage:
let chatId = "2004859"
 let usersIds = ["20456","20152"]
 CHService.main.addMembersToConversation(chatId:chatId,userIds:usersIds,completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Mark all Message as Read Of a Conversation

To mark all messages read of a conversation, call markAllMessageAsRead function of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective conversation. Completion handler will provide a Bool value and an optional error.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.markAllMessageAsRead(chatId:"2004589",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Get Members of a Conversation

To get members of a conversation, call getConversationMembers function of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of respective conversation. Completion handler will provide you an array object of CHUser and optional error.

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have an array of `CHUser` object and optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.getConversationMembers(chatId:"2004589",completion:{(users,error) in
    guard error == nil else {
        print("Error occured")
    "Do your Stuff with Users List"

Update Title of the Group

To update title of a group call updateConversationTitle function of CHService class. Parameters needed are title as New title of the group, chatId as the conversation id of respective group. Completion handler will return a Bool value and an optional error

/// - parameter title: New Title Of the Group
/// - parameter chatId: Id of the Group
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool response and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.updateConversationTitle(title:"New Title",chatId:"205578344",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Mute or UnMute a Conversation

To mute or unmute a conversation call muteUnmuteConversation function of CHService class. Parameters needed are chatId as id of the respective conversation, isMuted as Bool value. Completion handler will give you status as true or false and an option error

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter isMuted: True or False. True => Mute Conversation False => Unmute Conversation
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.muteUnmuteConversation(chatId:"2004589",userId:"55",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Get Conversation Object with a Conversation Id

Get a conversation Object with a conversation Id. Parameters needed are chatId as id of the Conversation

/// - parameter chatId: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have CHConversation Object and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.getConversationWithId(chatId:"20456",completion:{(conversation,error) in
    guard error == nil else{
        print("Error in Getting Conversation")
    "Do your Stuff Here with Conversation object"

Get A conversation With A user Id.

Get a conversation Object related to a user. Parameters needed are recipientId as id of the User. Important use when you are creating a one-to-one chat with a new user.

/// - parameter recipientId: User Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have CHConversation Object and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.getConversationWithRecipientId(recipientId:"20456",completion:{(status,error) in
    guard error == nil else{
        print("Error in Getting Conversation")
    "Do your Stuff Here with Conversation object"

Update a Group Profile Photo

To update a group Profile Photo call updateGroupProfilePhoto function of CHService class. Parameters needed are profileImageData and groupId as Group Conversation id.

/// - parameter profileImageData: Conversation or Group Id
/// - parameter groupId: Group Id
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have Bool reponse and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:
CHService.main.updateGroupProfilePhoto(profileImageData:imageData,groupId:"20000545938",completion:{(status,error) in
    if status{
        "Do your Stuff Here"
    } else {
        "Operation Failed"

Create a New Group Conversation

To create a new Group Conversation call CHService class createGroup function. Parameters needed to create a group are groupTitle,profileImageData if want to create group with a profile photo, memberIds as a String Array containing members ids. Completion handler will provide a CHConversation object if group created successfully, else it will return error.

/// - parameter groupTitle: New Group Title
/// - parameter profileImageData: Group Profile Image Data [Optional]
/// - parameter memberIds: A string Array object containing User ids of Group
/// - parameter completion: The closure called when the API response comes. Closure will have CHConversation Object and a Optional Error
/// ## Usage:

CHService.main.createGroup(groupTitle:"New Group 51",profileImageData:imageData,memberIds:["20456","20657"],completion:{(conversation,error) in
    guard error == nil else {
        print("Error in Creating New Group")
    "Do you stuff with conversation Object"