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Test Page 2

rohitphogat19 edited this page Dec 6, 2019 · 1 revision

id: ios-ui-sdk-files-pods title: Pods and Files sidebar_label: Pods and Files

Pods Installation

  • You need to install a few dependency pods just after you are done with copying SDK in your project. Otherwise, the project will not compile.
  • The following Pods are required for UI SDK. Add these pods to your existing pod-file which we create when installing API SDK
pod 'ChannelizeUI'
pod 'Chatto',  :git => '', :branch => 'bigstep/v4.0'
pod 'ChattoAdditions',  :git => '', :branch => 'bigstep/v4.0'
  • Run pod install after setting up pods in your project.

Embed GiphyCore SDK Frameworks

Giphy has updated their SDK for iOS and remove the older SDK from Pod. We have not updated our Channelize UI SDK to latest Giphy SDK, so to avoid any issue, please embed their pre-build framework in your project.

GIPHY SDK Framework file for Xcode 11

Click here to download framework file for Xcode 11. After downloading,extract the zip file and embed framework as shown below

GIPHY SDK Framework file for Xcode 10

Click here to download framework file for Xcode 10. After downloading,extract the zip file and embed framework as shown below

Xcode 11 Pod

If you are using Xcode 11, then please use ChannelizeUI pod starting with version 4.11.0

pod 'ChannelizeUI', '~> 4.11.0'

Xcode 10 Pod

If you are using Xcode 10, then please use ChannelizeUI pod starting with version 4.10.0

pod 'ChannelizeUI', '~> 4.10.0'

Required Files

You need to create .plist file with name as Channelize-Info.plist, and put following keys.

Note: If you don't want location messages, you are not required to set MAP_API_KEY. But you have to disable location messages as given in this section. Also, the same as if you don't want stickers or GIF messages, you are not required to set GIPHY_API_KEY. But you have to disable sticker and GIF messages

<string>xxxx Map Key xxxx</string>
<string>xxxx PublicKey xxxx</string>
<string>xxxx GIPHY API Key xxxx</string>

You also need to create a .string file with the name as "CHLocalizable.strings" in your project directory. Copy all entries from this file and change them according to you. CHLocalizable.strings

App Permission

Make sure you have the following permissions in your info.plist file.

  • NSCameraUsageDescription is for camera permission. If you don't want image messages and your app is not using any camera functionality, then remove this key from the info.plist file. Same goes for all other keys
  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription -> For location messages
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription -> For location messages
  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription -> For photo library permission for image messages.
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription -> For microphone permission to send audio messages.
  <string>You can take photos to document your job.</string>
  <string>This app wants to access your location</string>
  <string>This app wants to access your location</string>
  <string>You can select photos to attach to reports.</string>
  <string>This app wants to access your Microphone</string>

Using SDKs Method and Properties

Note: Where ever you want to use Channelize, please import following

import Channelize
import Channelize_API