is a wrappper script for data-diff to compare data between two databases and tables.
I wrote this script to automate the process of comparing data between two databases and tables from multiple servers synchronously. I will come back to this script to add more features and make it more user-friendly. The goal is to be able to do this without using zsh or bash as a wrapper on top.
- Docker
- data-diff is included in the docker image
- Python 3.10 and above will work
Build the image first
docker build -t data-diff:latest -f .
The python script starts the container to run data-diff.
This script will read from your ~/.my.cnf to get the user and password. You need configparser.
Check the requirements.txt file.
I use pipenv and pyenv to manage my python environment. Others use Poetry or pip.
usage: [-h] -s SOURCE_SERVER -d DEST_SERVER -db DEST_DB -t TABLE -k PRIMARY_KEY error: the following arguments are required: -s/--source_server, -d/--dest_server, -db/--dest_db, -t/--table, -k/--primary_key
typeset -A servers=(
for key val in "${(@kv)servers}"; do
echo "Source server: ${key}, Database: ${val}, Table: ${table}"
./ -s ${key} -d -db ${val} -t ${table} -k id
sleep 1
Source server:, Database: db1, Table: my-table
- 39976
Source server:, Database: db2, Table: my-table
Source server:, Database: db3, Table: my-table
- 9525
- 9526
- 9527
- 9528
- 9529
- 9530
- 9531
- 9532
- 9533
- 9534
- 9535
- 9536
- 9537
- 9540
- 9541
- 9545
- 9546
- 9547
- 9548
- 9549
- 9550
- 9551
- 9552
- 9553
Source server:, Database: db4, Table: my-table
To sync your data:
mysqldump --skip-opt --single-transaction -t -n --replace --hex-blob --quick --extended-insert db3 my-table --where="id IN (9525, 9526, 9527, 9528, 9529, 9530, 9531, 9532, 9533, 9534, 9535, 9536, 9537, 9540, 9541, 9545, 9546, 9547, 9548, 9549, 9550, 9551, 9552, 9553)" > $(hostname)-diffs-db3-my-table-$(date +%F).sql
mysqldump --skip-opt --single-transaction -t -n --replace --hex-blob --quick --extended-insert db1 my-table --where="id IN (39976)" > $(hostname)-diffs-db1-my-table-$(date +%F).sql
Sync the data:
for i in $(ls -1 *-2024-01*.sql); do db=$(echo $i | awk -F'-' '{print $(NF-3)}'); echo "Current file is ${i} and database ${db}"; cat ${i} | mysql ${db} ; sleep 1; done
In a second Terminal:
mysqladmin proc -i1 | grep -i insert
./ -s ${key} -d dest_server -db ${val} -t ${table} -k primary_key
- 8296
Diff the given tables.
table1 (TableSegment) – The “before” table to compare. Or: source table
table2 (TableSegment) – The “after” table to compare. Or: target table
An iterator that yield pair-tuples, representing the diff. Items can be either - (‘-’, row) for items in table1 but not in table2. (‘+’, row) for items in table2 but not in table1. Where row is a tuple of values, corresponding to the diffed columns.
Test Env is a moded version of mysql56-docker
Using mysql_random_data_load from Percona Labs to seed the table with data:
mysql_random_data_load chaos employees 300000 --host=192.168.x.x --user=root --password=xxxxx
Delete some records from the replica and run a checksum on it:
mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_primary1 -e "checksum table chaos.employees" & mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_replica1 -e "checksum table chaos.employees" &
[1] 5198
[2] 5199
| Table | Checksum |
| chaos.employees | 1612533927 |
[1] - done mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_primary1 -e "checksum table chaos.employees"
| Table | Checksum |
| chaos.employees | 4062362216 |
[2] + done mysql --defaults-group-suffix=_replica1 -e "checksum table chaos.employees"
./ -s ${source} -d ${dest} -db ${schema} -t ${table} -k id -b 20 -th 4
- 1
- 31
usage: [-h] -s SOURCE_SERVER -d DEST_SERVER -db DEST_DB -t TABLE -k PRIMARY_KEY [-b BISECTION_FACTOR] [-th THREADS] error: the following arguments are required: -s/--source_server, -d/--dest_server, -db/--dest_db, -t/--table, -k/--primary_key
Note: The default port used for the source and destination is :3306 Work to make that an argument will be done in a few days.
Link to DOC