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A Design of 3D Dynamic Display System Based on Voice Control. ✨ Purpose only! Copyright and commercial use rights are received.


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LightCube 💠
A 3D Dynamic Display System Based on Voice Control

[Paper (Chinese)] | [Poster] | [Slides] | [Patents]


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张 伟
(扬州大学 物理科学与技术学院,江苏扬州 225000 )



关键词:光立方;语音控制;STM32;全彩显示;裸眼 3D

Design of a 3D Dynamic Display System Based on Voice Control

Wei Zhang *
*School of Physical Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225000, China


Light Cube, as a new type of naked eye 3D display technology, can achieve the naked eye 3D display without wearing any viewing aids. Especially, it brings a new visual experience to people and has become a research hot spot in research organizations home and abroad for the past few years. In this paper, a 3D dynamic display system based on voice control is presented, which solves the existing light cube display color single, low resolution, poor human-computer interaction performance, complex design, high cost, etc. The LD3320 non-specific vocal speech recognition chip and STM32F407 are used as controller core to realize the full-color high-order voice controlled light cube. The voice recognition module sends the voice recognition result to the STM32 via UART serial port as a control command for controlling the display animation and working mode of the optical cube, and playing the background music with the speaker provided by the module. The SM16126 cascade-to-cascade drive output circuit design reduces system power consumption and provides a viable implementation for high-order optical cube designs. Finally, tests show that this light cube display system has fast voice command recognition response speed, high recognition accuracy and stable work performance, which can make people's life more intelligent and user-friendly.

Key words:Light cube; voice control; STM32; full-color display; naked eye 3D

(click this picture to watch a video)


If you are browsing around the source tree, and want to see some of the major functional chunks, here are a few pointers:

  • 📂 01_LightCube-Project: CORE code folder, which cantains code for all this repo, including:
    • 📂 01_LightCube: STM32F407 firmware
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/CORE: AMR Cortex M4 core
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/FWLIB: stm32f4xx firmware library
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/HARDWARE/LED_CUBE: light cube led driver
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/HARDWARE/SD: SD card peripheral driver which cantains LightCube display pattern data
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/HARDWARE/SM12126: SM12126 peripheral driver, serial to parallel
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/HARDWARE/TFCard: TFCard peripheral driver, which cantains some audio files
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/OBJ: object files
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/SYSTEM: stm32f4xx system resources, including spi, timer, delay, sys, usart
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/USER: debug files in Keil
      • 📂 /LED_CUBE/fatfs: SPI_MSD0_Driver.c
    • 📂 02_SD文件(STM32)/控制底板SD.rar/: cantains LightCube display pattern data
    • 📂 02_SD文件(STM32)/语音模块SD/: cantains some audio files
    • 📂 04_Data Sheet&Circuit Schematic: cantains data sheet and PCB
    • 📂 05_LDV5语音识别模块-配套资料

Quick Start

System Block
Figure 1. System Block

More details can be seen at design report, click HERE.

👉 Step 1. Prepare the required software and hardware components

  • software: Keil-ARM, (download)
  • hardware
    • STM32F407 development board or minimum system
    • some essential Dupont line
    • 12x12x12 LEDs, iron wire (350mm)
    • JLink
    • 12V Power Adapter
    • PCB, physical reference

👉 Step 2. Download this repo

In Terminal, run

git clone

or Download ZIP

Then, open the project with Keil5-ARM ./01_LightCube-Projects/01_LightCube/LED_CUBE/USER/Template.uvprojx.

👉 Step 3. Set the device style in STM32F407XX and the debuger in ST-Link, compile to produce object file.

the main.c is at ./01_LightCube-Projects/01_LightCube/LED_CUBE/USER/main.c.

System Setting
Figure 2. Setting block

device style
Figure 3. Set the device style

Figure 4. Set the debuger

👉 Step 4. Download code to STM32 flash memory

✨ Awesome JOB! ✨




@Charmve, @Fuzhou.


在此,我要非常感谢我的伙伴:沈福周,是他一直陪伴我把这个项目做下去,他在这个项目中也贡献了十分大的力量。在大学阶段遇到这样一位伙伴,我十分荣幸。同时,我也要感谢我的指导老师:陈磊老师,是他给我们提供指导和来自学校的资金支持。没有你们的帮助,是不能顺利完成这个项目的。PS:整个项目耗时半年,焊接整个光立方花了20多天 -_- (在此,也得感谢我的室友们,以及孙吉乔跟我们一起焊接!)

English Version: Here, I would like to thank my partner: Shen Fuzhou, who has been with me to continue this project, and he has also contributed a lot to this project. I am honored to meet such a partner in college. At the same time, I would also like to thank my instructor: Mr. Chen Lei, who provided us with guidance and financial support from the school. Without your help, this project cannot be successfully completed. PS: The whole project took half a year, and it took more than 20 days to weld the entire light cube -_- (Here, I have to thank my roommates and Sun Jiqiao for welding with us!)


本项目因为是基金项目,一方面为了公益性而开源,另一方面为了著作权所有而申请了国家专利保护📑。 如有商业用途,请与我联系。

English Version: Because this project is a funded project, on the one hand, it is open source for public welfare, and on the other hand, it has applied for national patents protection 📑 for copyright ownership. If you have any commercial use, please contact me.

If you have any questions or idea, please let me know 📧


Use this bibtex to cite this repository:

  title={A Design of 3D Dynamic Display System Based on Voice Control},
  journal={GitHub repository},

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