Incorporates elements from a handful of 3D Mario titles, like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 64. Also comes with a bare-bones level-editor that you can build off for your own in-game level designers!
Playable (Bugfixing and fine tuning)
(Currently accepting feedback!)
- FLUDD mechanics
- Misc player movement mechanics
- Implement rumble and motion controls into gameplay
- Player camera
- Player health and attacking
- Proper enemy support
- Basic enemy AI
- Level Editor properties system
- Cutscene editor
- Dialogue system
You can use Super Mario Solar Engine for any projects that fit under the MIT license. It is expected you use it as a foundation for your own Mario-inspired games.
You can open the project file using the Godot game engine.
Physics values and toggles will be present in the properties of their respective nodes.
Most classes contain documentation that you can find using the Help menu in the Godot editor.
Help - Search Help
Charlotte "Charpurrr" Fox - Project lead and programmer
"CardboardCarl" - Additional programming
"Unequipped" - Additional programming
"aloelucidity" - Additional programming
"goatsoup.mp3" - Synth Stratnum soundtrack
Mack "masterminer176" - Miscellaneous sprites
"KrystalPhantasm" - Miscellaneous sprites
"KenneyNL" - UI Input Icons
"KingAsylus91" - Mario & Luigi sprites
"TuffTony" - Mario & Luigi sprites
"NineBit" - Mario & Luigi sprites
Robert "runouw" Hewitt - Main inspiration