Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree: Trajectroy Generation
This implementation of the A* search algorithm uses the bicycle model.
The breadth first search algorithm which does not
use any heuristics to improve its efficiency.
State(x, y, theta, g, f)
: An object which storesx
coordinates, directiontheta
, and currentg
: The speed of the vehicle used in the bicycle model.LENGTH
: The length of the vehicle used in the bicycle model.NUM_THETA_CELLS
: The number of cells a circle is divided into. This is used in keeping track of which States we have visited already.
While there are still states to explore,
Sort the states by f-value and start search using the state with the lowest f-value.
The f-value improves search efficiency by indicating where to look first.
Check if the x and y coordinates are in the same grid cell as the goal.
Otherwise, expand the current state to get a list of possible next states.
sort(opened.begin(), opened.end(), compare_maze_s);
maze_s current = opened[0]; //grab first elment
opened.erase(opened.begin()); //pop first element
int x = current.x;
int y = current.y;
if(idx(x) == goal[0] && idx(y) == goal[1])
cout << "found path to goal in " << total_closed << " expansions" << endl;
maze_path path;
path.came_from = came_from;
path.closed = closed;
path.final = current;
return path;
vector<maze_s> next_state = expand(current, goal);
for(int i = 0; i < next_state.size(); i++)
int g2 = next_state[i].g;
double x2 = next_state[i].x;
double y2 = next_state[i].y;
double theta2 = next_state[i].theta;
if((x2 < 0 || x2 >= grid.size()) || (y2 < 0 || y2 >= grid[0].size()))
//invalid cell
int stack2 = theta_to_stack_number(theta2);
if(closed[stack2][idx(x2)][idx(y2)] == 0 && grid[idx(x2)][idx(y2)] == 0)
closed[stack2][idx(x2)][idx(y2)] = 1;
came_from[stack2][idx(x2)][idx(y2)] = current;
total_closed += 1;
vector<HBF::maze_s> HBF::expand(HBF::maze_s state, vector<int> goal) {
int g = state.g;
double x = state.x;
double y = state.y;
double theta = state.theta;
int g2 = g+1;
vector<HBF::maze_s> next_states;
for(double delta_i = -35; delta_i < 40; delta_i+=5)
double delta = M_PI / 180.0 * delta_i;
double omega = SPEED / LENGTH * tan(delta);
double theta2 = theta + omega;
if(theta2 < 0)
theta2 += 2*M_PI;
double x2 = x + SPEED * cos(theta);
double y2 = y + SPEED * sin(theta);
HBF::maze_s state2;
state2.f = g2 + heuristic(x2, y2, goal);
state2.g = g2;
state2.x = x2;
state2.y = y2;
state2.theta = theta2;
return next_states;