Building Command-line Applications with Perl
1.1 (2013-06-13)
This talk is about command-line applications.
It starts out with some of the basic core modules for building command-line applications that most people should be familiar with.
From there, it introduces some modern techniques and CPAN modules that help build modular, maintainable command-line applications.
Approximately 90 minutes.
Can be split into two sections, "core" and "CPAN modules".
- Getopt::Long
- Pod::Usage
- Modulinos
- MooseX::Runnable
- MooseX::Getopt
- App::Cmd
- Basic knowledge of Perl
One of the community-approved beginner books will work splendidly.
- Modern Perl
- Moose
One section of this talk involves a Moose-based module.
- Basic command-line knowledge
How to open a command-line. How to run a Perl program from the command-line.
Doug Bell <>
(c) 2013 Doug Bell
This presentation and associated code is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself (Artistic License 1.0 or GPL 1.0 at your discretion).