1.0 (2013-10-11)
This talk is about automated testing with Perl.
It starts out with a section on why to write automated tests, then goes into how to write them in Perl.
Approximately 90 minutes.
- Test::More
- Test::Differences
- Test::Exception
- Test::Deep
- Test::Most
- Test::Kit
- Test::Class::Moose
- Basic knowledge of Perl
One of the community-approved beginner books will work splendidly.
- Modern Perl
- Moose
One section of this talk involves a Moose-based module.
- Basic command-line knowledge
How to open a command-line. How to run a Perl program from the command-line.
Doug Bell <preaction@cpan.org>
(c) 2013 Doug Bell
This presentation and associated code is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself (Artistic License 1.0 or GPL 1.0 at your discretion).