perldelta - The Changes in Perl from 5.10 to 5.20
1.0 (2014-04-26)
This talk is about the important changes in Perl since 5.8.
These are the things that are generally useful and remained useful to the modern Perl.
Approximately 50 minutes.
If you upgrade to 5.10 you get:
- say
- state
- defined-or (//)
- Switch (given/when)
- Module::CoreList – List the modules your Perl has in core
If you upgrade to 5.12 you get:
- The yada-yada operator (…)
- each(), keys(), and values() on arrays
- autodie
If you upgrade to 5.14 you get:
- Non-destructive substitution (s///r)
- More reliable exception throwing
- HTTP::Tiny
If you upgrade to 5.16 you get:
- Reference to the current running sub (__SUB__)
If you upgrade to 5.18 you get:
- Lexical subroutines (my sub, our sub, state sub)
Awaiting us in 5.20:
- Hash-based slices (%hash{…} and %array[…])
- Postfix dereference operators ($ref->%*)
- Subroutine signatures (sub mysub( $foo, $bar, @baz ) { … })
- IO::Socket::IP
- Basic knowledge of Perl
One of the community-approved beginner books will work splendidly.
Doug Bell <>
(c) 2014 Doug Bell
This presentation and associated code is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself (Artistic License 1.0 or GPL 1.0 at your discretion).
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- Around line 39:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '–'. Assuming UTF-8