OpenRMF OSS v1.8.0
Updates in this v1.8.0 release:
- 👍🏼 Templates are updated to the DISA May 10, 2022 and earlier checklists they released recently!
- Updated the POAM format to better match DoD and eMASS type format
- Allow creating checklists from a template record page
- .NET Core 6
- Keycloak 15
- MongoDB 5
- NATS 2.8
- Consolidated Save, Upload, Compliance into Read API
- Consolidated Checklist MSG client into System MSG Client
YOU MUST RUN the "" or "update-mongodb.cmd" to set your MongoDB compatibility for the database or the newer 5.0.6 MongoDB will keep restarting. Do that BEFORE you shut down and copy over YML and CONF files.
If you are upgrading, stop the current OpenRMF stack. Then unzip the contents of the OpenRMF ZIP file into the folder you are currently using and overwrite the YML and other script files. Be careful on the .env as you will have one setup for your environment.
Relaunch the OpenRMF stack and clear your browser cache.
Login and run! Verify the .env file is correct with the correct IP/DNS entry.
This release is for AMD or Intel based 64-bit operating systems and machines. ARM machines such as Windows Surface and Raspberry Pi are not supported and do not work correctly .
Step by Step Instructions use these once you download each ZIP into its own folder.
IMPORTANT: You must look at the .env file to set the Keycloak/OpenID location and realm. Check the .env file in the OpenRMF folder you unzip to set the IP address correctly. The docker-compose stack YML files read that .env file to launch. These cannot be "localhost" as "localhost" inside a docker container is that container, not the host it is running on.
Make sure Keycloak is running correctly with a new "openrmf" realm before starting OpenRMF. This keeps it separate from other realms. We included a separate Keycloak setup ZIP file below. There are Linux, Mac, and Windows scripts to auto-create the Keycloak realm.