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RW Drupal configuration documentation

The recycling system backend is a Drupal Commerce installation. This repository will, soon, contain the details of the setup & configuration.

This now contains a preliminary site installation profile and drush makefile to prepare a suitable Drupal site.


  • Apache
  • PostgreSQL (or MySQL if you so prefer)
  • php
  • drush

Prepare site profile

  • make rw

Prepare PostgreSQL database

  • createuser --pwprompt --encrypted --no-createrole --no-createdb rwdrupal

Give a suitable password at the prompt.

  • createdb --encoding=UTF8 --owner=rwdrupal rwdrupal

Create site

  • make pgsql-site DB=rwdrupal DBUSER=rwdrupal DBPASS=(what-you-set)


For now manual configuration is required. To be fixed.

Services configuration

See services-configuration-export.txt