midirandia is a random midi generator and player
It creates a random MIDI file, converts it to WAV using a soundfont file, then plays and deletes that wav.
It's basically a funny little noisemaker.
generate_midi_randomly.py - generates random midi
convert_midi_to_wav_with_soundfont.py - converts midi, with assistance of a soundfont, to a wav
play_wav_file.py - super-basic wav file player
It does some fun stuff with known musical scales, and at least makes an attempt at a percussion track. Doesn't usually work out though.
Sorry, but you may need to place your soundfont in c:\util2\soundfonts\current-soundfont.fs2 --, though you can change that location in the source.
I highly recommend the FluidR3 GM+GS merged soundfont, which is good for many reasons, including having different velocities of each not sampled. You can downloadt it from this page: https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/1229 or directly from this link: https://archive.org/download/fluidr3-gm-gs/FluidR3_GM_GS.sf2
Install the appropriate packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Just run the "RUN-ME-FOR-DEMO!!!!!.bat" over and over ;)
I use TCC -- Take Command Command Line. Technically, my .BAT files are .BTM files. They're really for me, but sometimes I include them in my repo since I want them version controlled, too.