This program translates one character to another character (or string of characters) using .lang files
This was created entirely for fun and you're free to make edits / forks of this repo, however I would appreciate the author credit left within the code.
To create new langfiles check the existing examples in the /lang/ directory within this repo. The general system is
char1/char2/char3/etc {
what to make it
example here
test 3
char4 {
example 5
Use "/" between characters in the lang file to use that output with multiple inputs (eg: "a/A {" == for both "a" and "A" use the code within the {})
It is important to keep the "{" on the same line as the input characters and "}" on a line by itself after the output string.
You do not need to have all of the outputs lines be the same length, the code will make all characters the same length (Eg: Spaces = * in this example)
a {
would output to
in the final output as to avoid spacing issues
a {
b {
_ {
with the translation input of "a b a" would become
1 1
1 2 1
1 2 1
keeping spacing consistent.
Spaces are automatically converted to "_" characters when translated, to include a space translation add:
_ {
Space Translation Here
Any characters which are not defined in the lang file will be skipped in the final output.