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Remove dependence on OrdinaryDiffEq #2183
main branchjulia> @time_imports using ClimaAtmos
[ Info: Precompiling ClimaAtmos [b2c96348-7fb7-4fe0-8da9-78d88439e717]
0.1 ms CUDA_Driver_jll
0.1 ms JuliaNVTXCallbacks_jll
0.1 ms NVTX_jll
0.2 ms Adapt → AdaptStaticArraysExt
0.2 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceCUDAExt
0.2 ms Compat
0.2 ms DataValueInterfaces
0.2 ms PackageExtensionCompat
0.2 ms PrecompileTools
0.2 ms TableTraits
0.2 ms TruncatedStacktraces
0.3 ms Adapt
0.3 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceGPUArraysCoreExt
0.3 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt
0.3 ms AxisAlgorithms
0.3 ms CommonSolve
0.3 ms Compat → CompatLinearAlgebraExt
0.3 ms ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
0.3 ms CubedSphere
0.3 ms CUDA_Runtime_jll
0.3 ms Distances → DistancesSparseArraysExt
0.3 ms ExprTools
0.3 ms FillArrays → FillArraysStatisticsExt
0.3 ms FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffBandedMatricesExt
0.3 ms FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt
0.3 ms IntervalSets → IntervalSetsStatisticsExt
0.3 ms IteratorInterfaceExtensions
0.3 ms JLLWrappers
0.3 ms MPIPreferences
0.3 ms Requires
0.3 ms Scratch
0.3 ms SimpleUnPack
0.3 ms StaticArrays → StaticArraysStatisticsExt
0.3 ms SuiteSparse
0.3 ms TextWrap
0.3 ms Tricks
0.3 ms UnPack
0.4 ms AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsTestExt
0.4 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceBandedMatricesExt
0.4 ms BandedMatrices → BandedMatricesSparseArraysExt
0.4 ms CommonSubexpressions
0.4 ms CustomUnitRanges
0.4 ms DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseDistributionsExt
0.4 ms Elliptic
0.4 ms FastBroadcast
0.4 ms GaussQuadrature
0.4 ms GilbertCurves
0.4 ms IfElse
0.4 ms LinearSolve → LinearSolveCUDAExt
0.4 ms LogExpFunctions
0.4 ms MPI → CUDAExt
0.4 ms MuladdMacro
0.4 ms Parameters
0.4 ms Reexport
0.4 ms SIMDTypes
0.4 ms SnoopPrecompile
0.4 ms StatsAPI
0.5 ms AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt
0.5 ms BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions
0.5 ms ColorVectorSpace → SpecialFunctionsExt
0.5 ms ConcreteStructs
0.5 ms ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
0.5 ms DiffRules
0.5 ms EnumX
0.5 ms FunctionWrappersWrappers
0.5 ms HDF5 → MPIExt
0.5 ms LinearSolve → LinearSolveKernelAbstractionsExt
0.5 ms LogExpFunctions → LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
0.5 ms LoopVectorization → SpecialFunctionsExt
0.5 ms NaNMath
0.5 ms TensorCore
0.5 ms ZygoteRules
0.6 ms ForwardDiff → ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt
0.6 ms ProgressBars
0.6 ms SpecialFunctions → SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
0.6 ms StatsFuns → StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt
0.6 ms SymbolicIndexingInterface
0.6 ms VertexSafeGraphs
0.7 ms FastClosures
0.7 ms FastGaussQuadrature
0.7 ms Inflate
0.8 ms ArtifactWrappers
0.8 ms AtmosphericProfilesLibrary
0.8 ms Rmath
0.8 ms SciMLNLSolve
0.8 ms StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceOffsetArraysExt
0.9 ms Dierckx
0.9 ms MosaicViews
0.9 ms Polyester
0.9 ms Statistics
0.9 ms TerminalLoggers
1.0 ms ArrayLayouts → ArrayLayoutsSparseArraysExt
1.0 ms DelimitedFiles
1.0 ms DocStringExtensions
1.0 ms OpenSpecFun_jll
1.0 ms Zstd_jll
1.1 ms ClimaComms
1.1 ms GPUArraysCore
1.1 ms PreallocationTools
1.1 ms Ratios → RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt
1.1 ms SortingAlgorithms
1.2 ms Random123
1.2 ms Rmath_jll
1.2 ms StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceStaticArraysExt
1.3 ms AMD
1.3 ms Bzip2_jll
1.3 ms ConstructionBase
1.3 ms HypergeometricFunctions
1.3 ms libaec_jll
1.3 ms Libiconv_jll
1.3 ms RuntimeGeneratedFunctions
1.4 ms Calculus
1.4 ms CommonDataModel
1.4 ms CPUSummary
1.4 ms DataAPI
1.4 ms Insolation
1.4 ms NetCDF_jll
1.4 ms XML2_jll
1.5 ms ArgParse
1.6 ms FFTW_jll
1.6 ms LLVMOpenMP_jll
1.7 ms CEnum
1.8 ms StaticArraysCore
1.9 ms CLIMAParameters
2.0 ms ArrayInterface
2.0 ms Distributions → DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt
2.0 ms UnsafeAtomicsLLVM
2.2 ms NLsolve
2.3 ms LDLFactorizations
2.3 ms OpenLibm_jll
2.4 ms DiffResults
2.4 ms FiniteDiff
2.4 ms PaddedViews
2.6 ms ADTypes
2.6 ms LoopVectorization → ForwardDiffExt
2.6 ms NonlinearSolve
2.6 ms StackViews
2.7 ms UnsafeAtomics
2.7 ms Zlib_jll
2.9 ms TranscodingStreams
3.0 ms ManualMemory
3.0 ms TriangularSolve
3.1 ms BFloat16s
3.1 ms SLEEFPirates
3.1 ms StatsFuns
3.1 ms WoodburyMatrices
3.2 ms HDF5_jll
3.3 ms RootSolvers
3.3 ms StringEncodings
3.5 ms IrrationalConstants
3.5 ms SimpleTraits
3.6 ms Sparspak
3.7 ms CloseOpenIntervals
3.7 ms DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseMPIExt
3.7 ms FillArrays → FillArraysSparseArraysExt
3.7 ms LLVMExtra_jll 72.68% compilation time
3.8 ms Functors
3.8 ms YAML
4.0 ms OpenSSL_jll
4.1 ms ComputationalResources
4.2 ms MappedArrays
4.2 ms Ratios
4.3 ms Distances
4.6 ms ArnoldiMethod
4.7 ms StaticArrayInterface
5.0 ms LayoutPointers
5.0 ms Thermodynamics
5.1 ms LeftChildRightSiblingTrees
5.2 ms NVTX
5.3 ms MPICH_jll
5.4 ms ArrayInterfaceCore
5.4 ms MacroTools
5.4 ms ProgressLogging
5.6 ms LineSearches
5.7 ms FastLapackInterface
6.1 ms NLSolversBase
6.3 ms SparseDiffTools
6.4 ms LambertW
6.4 ms OrderedCollections
6.4 ms QuadGK
6.6 ms CloudMicrophysics
6.7 ms PolyesterWeave
6.8 ms DiffEqCallbacks
7.1 ms Atomix
7.1 ms Preferences
7.5 ms SpecialFunctions
7.9 ms RRTMGP
8.1 ms RandomNumbers
8.2 ms Lazy
8.2 ms TiledIteration
9.1 ms CFTime
9.3 ms ThreadingUtilities
10.1 ms LinearOperators
10.2 ms RecipesBase
11.0 ms KernelAbstractions
11.0 ms RecursiveArrayTools
11.6 ms Missings
11.7 ms FFTViews
12.0 ms CatIndices
12.2 ms FunctionWrappers
12.3 ms SciMLOperators
12.5 ms SurfaceFluxes
12.7 ms AbstractFFTs 65.42% compilation time (100% recompilation)
13.2 ms DualNumbers
13.6 ms CompilerSupportLibraries_jll 20.19% compilation time
14.1 ms TimerOutputs
15.6 ms HostCPUFeatures
17.1 ms GenericSchur
17.8 ms Setfield
18.2 ms KLU
20.1 ms IntervalSets
20.3 ms Krylov
20.5 ms ChainRulesCore
21.0 ms LLVM
21.4 ms Static
22.0 ms Tables
22.3 ms ClimaTimeSteppers
22.3 ms StatsBase
22.7 ms MPI
23.1 ms AbstractTrees
23.6 ms ImageBase
26.9 ms PDMats
27.4 ms FixedPointNumbers
30.2 ms Interpolations
34.8 ms Graphs
35.7 ms TaylorSeries
37.6 ms SuiteSparse_jll
38.4 ms ColorTypes
40.1 ms Colors
42.8 ms ForwardDiff
43.9 ms OffsetArrays
52.2 ms DataStructures
55.5 ms PkgVersion
59.9 ms HDF5 17.87% compilation time (100% recompilation)
62.0 ms GPUArrays
62.0 ms NCDatasets
68.4 ms FillArrays
70.7 ms FFTW
103.3 ms LoopVectorization
116.1 ms Dierckx_jll 98.80% compilation time (100% recompilation)
117.8 ms FileIO
118.2 ms ColorVectorSpace 4.27% compilation time (100% recompilation)
123.1 ms ClimaCore
135.6 ms BlockArrays
137.9 ms GPUCompiler 3.10% compilation time
149.8 ms SimpleNonlinearSolve
173.0 ms JLD2 12.28% compilation time
180.3 ms VectorizationBase
187.5 ms RecursiveFactorization
203.4 ms SciMLBase 3.20% compilation time (100% recompilation)
211.3 ms StrideArraysCore
222.6 ms ImageFiltering
242.6 ms DiffEqBase
242.6 ms StaticArrays
293.7 ms ImageCore 1.48% compilation time (100% recompilation)
338.5 ms BandedMatrices
376.5 ms Distributions
400.9 ms ClimaAtmos
451.1 ms LinearSolve
604.7 ms CUDA
612.4 ms OrdinaryDiffEq
976.0 ms ArrayLayouts
1137.7 ms ExponentialUtilities This branchjulia> @time_imports using ClimaAtmos
[ Info: Precompiling ClimaAtmos [b2c96348-7fb7-4fe0-8da9-78d88439e717]
0.1 ms CUDA_Driver_jll
0.1 ms JuliaNVTXCallbacks_jll
0.2 ms Adapt → AdaptStaticArraysExt
0.2 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceCUDAExt
0.2 ms AxisAlgorithms
0.2 ms CommonSolve
0.2 ms Compat
0.2 ms Compat → CompatLinearAlgebraExt
0.2 ms CubedSphere
0.2 ms CUDA_Runtime_jll
0.2 ms DataValueInterfaces
0.2 ms IteratorInterfaceExtensions
0.2 ms NVTX_jll
0.2 ms PrecompileTools
0.2 ms TableTraits
0.2 ms TruncatedStacktraces
0.2 ms UnPack
0.3 ms Adapt
0.3 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceGPUArraysCoreExt
0.3 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt
0.3 ms ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt
0.3 ms DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseDistributionsExt
0.3 ms Distances → DistancesSparseArraysExt
0.3 ms ExprTools
0.3 ms FillArrays → FillArraysStatisticsExt
0.3 ms FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffBandedMatricesExt
0.3 ms FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt
0.3 ms GaussQuadrature
0.3 ms GilbertCurves
0.3 ms IfElse
0.3 ms IntervalSets → IntervalSetsStatisticsExt
0.3 ms JLLWrappers
0.3 ms LogExpFunctions
0.3 ms MPIPreferences
0.3 ms MuladdMacro
0.3 ms Parameters
0.3 ms Requires
0.3 ms StaticArrays → StaticArraysStatisticsExt
0.3 ms StatsFuns → StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt
0.3 ms SuiteSparse
0.3 ms TextWrap
0.4 ms AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt
0.4 ms AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsTestExt
0.4 ms ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceBandedMatricesExt
0.4 ms BandedMatrices → BandedMatricesSparseArraysExt
0.4 ms BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions
0.4 ms CustomUnitRanges
0.4 ms Elliptic
0.4 ms EnumX
0.4 ms FastBroadcast
0.4 ms FastClosures
0.4 ms FastGaussQuadrature
0.4 ms MPI → CUDAExt
0.4 ms NaNMath
0.4 ms OpenSpecFun_jll
0.4 ms Reexport
0.4 ms Scratch
0.4 ms SIMDTypes
0.4 ms StatsAPI
0.4 ms Tricks
0.4 ms Zstd_jll
0.5 ms ArtifactWrappers
0.5 ms Bzip2_jll
0.5 ms ColorVectorSpace → SpecialFunctionsExt
0.5 ms CommonSubexpressions
0.5 ms HDF5 → MPIExt
0.5 ms LogExpFunctions → LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
0.5 ms ProgressBars
0.5 ms Rmath
0.5 ms SymbolicIndexingInterface
0.5 ms TensorCore
0.6 ms AtmosphericProfilesLibrary
0.6 ms ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt
0.6 ms DiffEqBase → DiffEqBaseMPIExt
0.6 ms DiffRules
0.6 ms ForwardDiff → ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt
0.6 ms SpecialFunctions → SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt
0.6 ms StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceOffsetArraysExt
0.6 ms TerminalLoggers
0.6 ms XML2_jll
0.7 ms DataAPI
0.7 ms FFTW_jll
0.8 ms Dierckx
0.8 ms Libiconv_jll
0.8 ms LLVMOpenMP_jll
0.8 ms MosaicViews
0.8 ms NetCDF_jll
0.8 ms ZygoteRules
0.9 ms ArrayLayouts → ArrayLayoutsSparseArraysExt
0.9 ms CLIMAParameters
0.9 ms Polyester
0.9 ms SortingAlgorithms
1.0 ms Calculus
1.0 ms DelimitedFiles
1.0 ms Distributions → DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt
1.0 ms DocStringExtensions
1.0 ms HypergeometricFunctions
1.0 ms Rmath_jll
1.0 ms StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceStaticArraysExt
1.0 ms Statistics
1.1 ms ClimaComms
1.1 ms GPUArraysCore
1.1 ms Insolation
1.1 ms PreallocationTools
1.1 ms Ratios → RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt
1.2 ms AMD
1.2 ms CommonDataModel
1.2 ms FunctionWrappersWrappers
1.2 ms OpenSSL_jll
1.2 ms Random123
1.2 ms RuntimeGeneratedFunctions
1.4 ms ArgParse
1.4 ms ManualMemory
1.5 ms ConstructionBase
1.6 ms libaec_jll
1.8 ms CEnum
1.8 ms CPUSummary
1.8 ms LDLFactorizations
1.9 ms ArrayInterface
1.9 ms HDF5_jll
1.9 ms OpenLibm_jll
1.9 ms UnsafeAtomicsLLVM
2.0 ms PaddedViews
2.0 ms StaticArraysCore
2.1 ms DiffResults
2.2 ms FiniteDiff
2.2 ms NLsolve
2.4 ms StackViews
2.5 ms StatsFuns
2.6 ms Zlib_jll
2.7 ms UnsafeAtomics
2.9 ms ADTypes
3.0 ms StringEncodings
3.0 ms TranscodingStreams
3.1 ms BFloat16s
3.1 ms RootSolvers
3.1 ms WoodburyMatrices
3.2 ms MappedArrays
3.3 ms Functors
3.3 ms ProgressLogging
3.4 ms YAML
3.6 ms FillArrays → FillArraysSparseArraysExt
3.6 ms MPICH_jll
3.7 ms CloseOpenIntervals
3.7 ms IrrationalConstants
3.8 ms ComputationalResources
3.9 ms LLVMExtra_jll 71.47% compilation time
4.0 ms LeftChildRightSiblingTrees
4.1 ms Ratios
4.3 ms LayoutPointers
4.5 ms Distances
4.7 ms Thermodynamics
5.1 ms CloudMicrophysics
5.1 ms LambertW
5.2 ms QuadGK
5.4 ms MacroTools
5.6 ms LineSearches
5.6 ms OrderedCollections
5.7 ms NLSolversBase
5.8 ms DiffEqCallbacks
6.0 ms StaticArrayInterface
6.6 ms NVTX
6.9 ms PolyesterWeave
6.9 ms TiledIteration
7.1 ms Atomix
7.4 ms RRTMGP
7.6 ms SpecialFunctions
7.9 ms Missings
8.0 ms Preferences
8.0 ms RandomNumbers
8.2 ms LinearOperators
8.2 ms ThreadingUtilities
8.3 ms CFTime
8.3 ms Lazy
9.7 ms FFTViews
9.9 ms RecipesBase
9.9 ms SurfaceFluxes
10.1 ms CatIndices
10.1 ms DualNumbers
10.4 ms RecursiveArrayTools
10.8 ms CompilerSupportLibraries_jll 26.68% compilation time
10.9 ms PkgVersion
11.1 ms KernelAbstractions
11.2 ms SciMLOperators
12.6 ms AbstractFFTs 65.21% compilation time (100% recompilation)
13.3 ms FunctionWrappers
14.4 ms StatsBase
14.9 ms TimerOutputs
17.3 ms AbstractTrees
17.6 ms ClimaTimeSteppers
18.6 ms PDMats
18.7 ms Static
19.0 ms Krylov
19.6 ms Setfield
20.3 ms LLVM
20.4 ms ChainRulesCore
20.8 ms IntervalSets
21.5 ms ImageBase
23.2 ms MPI
25.1 ms Interpolations
29.2 ms SuiteSparse_jll
31.0 ms FixedPointNumbers
33.7 ms Tables
34.0 ms TaylorSeries
41.0 ms ColorTypes
41.9 ms ForwardDiff
42.1 ms OffsetArrays
43.7 ms Colors
47.8 ms DataStructures
47.9 ms HDF5 22.36% compilation time (100% recompilation)
52.3 ms FFTW
60.9 ms NCDatasets
61.7 ms GPUArrays
65.1 ms FillArrays
79.4 ms ColorVectorSpace 4.79% compilation time (100% recompilation)
106.4 ms FileIO
112.0 ms Dierckx_jll 99.47% compilation time (100% recompilation)
114.1 ms ClimaCore
126.2 ms GPUCompiler 3.44% compilation time
131.6 ms BlockArrays
155.8 ms JLD2 12.26% compilation time
186.5 ms ImageFiltering
187.7 ms ClimaAtmos
207.6 ms StrideArraysCore
207.8 ms SciMLBase 3.17% compilation time (100% recompilation)
234.2 ms Distributions
236.3 ms DiffEqBase
240.1 ms ImageCore 1.53% compilation time (100% recompilation)
254.1 ms StaticArrays
340.9 ms BandedMatrices
611.4 ms CUDA
983.3 ms ArrayLayouts main branchjulia> @time using ClimaAtmos
10.005621 seconds (25.39 M allocations: 1.805 GiB, 3.84% gc time, 10.84% compilation time: 91% of which was recompilation) this branchjulia> @time using ClimaAtmos
7.041344 seconds (17.92 M allocations: 1.396 GiB, 4.76% gc time, 15.34% compilation time: 90% of which was recompilation) |
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The code change looks good to me. I didn't check the actual integral, maybe it would be good for @dennisYatunin to check?
Remove use of OrdinaryDiffEq Fixes Use ClimaCore operator Fix merge conflict
bors r+ |
2183: Remove dependence on OrdinaryDiffEq r=charleskawczynski a=charleskawczynski This PR removes the dependence on OrdinaryDiffEq 💥. I did have to add a function for computing indefinite integrals: ```julia function column_indefinite_integral!( f::Function, ᶠintegral::Fields.ColumnField, x₀, ᶜzfield::Fields.ColumnField, average = (a, b) -> (a + b) / 2, ) ``` (I guess we could maybe get rid of `ᶜzfield` and extract it from `ᶠintegral`?) Which returns a new `ColumnInterpolatableField` object: ```julia struct ColumnInterpolatableField{F, D} f::F data::D function ColumnInterpolatableField(f::Fields.ColumnField) zdata = vec(parent(Fields.Fields.coordinate_field(f).z)) fdata = vec(parent(f)) `@assert` length(zdata) == length(fdata) data = Dierckx.Spline1D(zdata, fdata; k = 1) return new{typeof(f), typeof(data)}(f, data) end end (f::ColumnInterpolatableField)(z) = Spaces.undertype(axes(f.f))(f.data(z)) ``` Ultimately, this replaces `ODE.solve`, which itself is not an issue, but `ODE.Tsit5()` (and every other ODE algo implementation) is (reasonably) not in SciMLBase. 2282: Increase job memory for perf jobs and lower allocations r=charleskawczynski a=Sbozzolo Co-authored-by: Charles Kawczynski <kawczynski.charles@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Gabriele Bozzola <gbozzola@caltech.edu>
Build failed (retrying...): |
2183: Remove dependence on OrdinaryDiffEq r=charleskawczynski a=charleskawczynski This PR removes the dependence on OrdinaryDiffEq 💥. I did have to add a function for computing indefinite integrals: ```julia function column_indefinite_integral!( f::Function, ᶠintegral::Fields.ColumnField, x₀, ᶜzfield::Fields.ColumnField, average = (a, b) -> (a + b) / 2, ) ``` (I guess we could maybe get rid of `ᶜzfield` and extract it from `ᶠintegral`?) Which returns a new `ColumnInterpolatableField` object: ```julia struct ColumnInterpolatableField{F, D} f::F data::D function ColumnInterpolatableField(f::Fields.ColumnField) zdata = vec(parent(Fields.Fields.coordinate_field(f).z)) fdata = vec(parent(f)) `@assert` length(zdata) == length(fdata) data = Dierckx.Spline1D(zdata, fdata; k = 1) return new{typeof(f), typeof(data)}(f, data) end end (f::ColumnInterpolatableField)(z) = Spaces.undertype(axes(f.f))(f.data(z)) ``` Ultimately, this replaces `ODE.solve`, which itself is not an issue, but `ODE.Tsit5()` (and every other ODE algo implementation) is (reasonably) not in SciMLBase. Co-authored-by: Charles Kawczynski <kawczynski.charles@gmail.com>
Build failed: |
bors r+ |
Build succeeded! The publicly hosted instance of bors-ng is deprecated and will go away soon. If you want to self-host your own instance, instructions are here. If you want to switch to GitHub's built-in merge queue, visit their help page. |
2284: Remove explicit use of CUDA in benchmark_step r=charleskawczynski a=charleskawczynski This PR removes an explicit use of CUDA in `benchmark_step!`, so that we have no direct package loading of CUDA. 2288: Remove OrdinaryDiffEq from environments r=charleskawczynski a=charleskawczynski This PR removes OrdinaryDiffEq from the environments, a followup to #2183. Now, OrdinaryDiffEq is only a weakdep, which conditionally comes in (if used) through DiffEqCallbacks. Co-authored-by: Charles Kawczynski <kawczynski.charles@gmail.com>
This PR removes the dependence on OrdinaryDiffEq 💥.
I did have to add a function for computing indefinite integrals:
(I guess we could maybe get rid of
and extract it fromᶠintegral
?)Which returns a new
object:Ultimately, this replaces
, which itself is not an issue, butODE.Tsit5()
(and every other ODE algo implementation) is (reasonably) not in SciMLBase.