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zero flux if zero lai/sai [skip ci]
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kmdeck committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent 97f06a1 commit 6d320d2
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,267 additions and 67 deletions.
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions Artifacts.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
git-tree-sha1 = "37177736bb2a1d14416961561911e06c24942c4a"

git-tree-sha1 = "ec424296df6b60cfe273ac8f981701fbbed0bd8a"

git-tree-sha1 = "8e28b4274b10020b6cdd54b8e7585221379d9d33"

sha256 = "97dcf1158cba03b1fd397262bdfaf85a523f57038c337bcce163e32664d3616b"
url = ""

git-tree-sha1 = "ec424296df6b60cfe273ac8f981701fbbed0bd8a"
270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions experiments/standalone/Vegetation/no_vegetation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
import SciMLBase
using CairoMakie
using Statistics
using Dates
using Insolation

# Load CliMA Packages and ClimaLand Modules:

using ClimaCore
import ClimaParams as CP
import ClimaTimeSteppers as CTS
using StaticArrays
using ClimaLand
using ClimaLand.Domains: Point
using ClimaLand.Canopy
using ClimaLand.Canopy.PlantHydraulics
import ClimaLand
import ClimaLand.Parameters as LP
const FT = Float32;
earth_param_set = LP.LandParameters(FT);
f_root_to_shoot = FT(3.5)
SAI = FT(0.0)
plant_ν = FT(2.46e-4) # kg/m^2
n_stem = Int64(0)
n_leaf = Int64(1)
h_leaf = FT(9.5)
compartment_midpoints = [h_leaf / 2]
compartment_surfaces = [FT(0), h_leaf]
land_domain = Point(; z_sfc = FT(0.0))
joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaLand), "experiments/integrated/fluxnet/data_tools.jl"),
time_offset = 7
lat = FT(38.7441) # degree
long = FT(-92.2000) # degree
atmos_h = FT(32)
site_ID = "US-MOz"
data_link = ""


z0_m = FT(2)
z0_b = FT(0.2)

shared_params = SharedCanopyParameters{FT, typeof(earth_param_set)}(
ψ_soil0 = FT(0.0)

soil_driver = PrescribedSoil(
root_depths = SVector{10, FT}(-(10:-1:1.0) ./ 10.0 * 2.0 .+ 0.2 / 2.0),
ψ = t -> ψ_soil0,
α_PAR = FT(0.2),
α_NIR = FT(0.4),
T = t -> 298.0,
ϵ = FT(0.99),

rt_params = TwoStreamParameters(
G_Function = ConstantGFunction(FT(0.5)),
α_PAR_leaf = FT(0.1),
α_NIR_leaf = FT(0.45),
τ_PAR_leaf = FT(0.05),
τ_NIR_leaf = FT(0.25),
Ω = FT(0.69),
λ_γ_PAR = FT(5e-7),
λ_γ_NIR = FT(1.65e-6),

rt_model = TwoStreamModel{FT}(rt_params);

cond_params = MedlynConductanceParameters(FT; g1 = FT(141.0))

stomatal_model = MedlynConductanceModel{FT}(cond_params);

photo_params = FarquharParameters(FT, Canopy.C3(); Vcmax25 = FT(5e-5))

photosynthesis_model = FarquharModel{FT}(photo_params);

AR_params = AutotrophicRespirationParameters(FT)
AR_model = AutotrophicRespirationModel{FT}(AR_params);

function fakeLAIfunction(t)
if t < 30 * 24 * 3600
elseif t < (364 - 30) * 24 * 3600.0
max(2.0 * sin(2 * π / (730 * 24 * 3600) * (t - 30 * 24 * 3600)), 0)

f_root_to_shoot = FT(3.5)
SAI = FT(0)
RAI = FT(2 * f_root_to_shoot)
ai_parameterization =
PrescribedSiteAreaIndex{FT}(TimeVaryingInput(fakeLAIfunction), SAI, RAI)
rooting_depth = FT(1.0);

function root_distribution(z::T; rooting_depth = rooting_depth) where {T}
return T(1.0 / rooting_depth) * exp(z / T(rooting_depth))

K_sat_plant = FT(1.8e-8)
ψ63 = FT(-4 / 0.0098)
Weibull_param = FT(4)
a = FT(0.05 * 0.0098)

conductivity_model =
PlantHydraulics.Weibull{FT}(K_sat_plant, ψ63, Weibull_param)

retention_model = PlantHydraulics.LinearRetentionCurve{FT}(a);

ν = FT(0.7)
S_s = FT(1e-2 * 0.0098)

plant_hydraulics_ps = PlantHydraulics.PlantHydraulicsParameters(;
ai_parameterization = ai_parameterization,
ν = ν,
S_s = S_s,
root_distribution = root_distribution,
conductivity_model = conductivity_model,
retention_model = retention_model,

plant_hydraulics = PlantHydraulics.PlantHydraulicsModel{FT}(;
parameters = plant_hydraulics_ps,
n_stem = n_stem,
n_leaf = n_leaf,
compartment_surfaces = compartment_surfaces,
compartment_midpoints = compartment_midpoints,

energy_model = ClimaLand.Canopy.BigLeafEnergyModel{FT}(

canopy = ClimaLand.Canopy.CanopyModel{FT}(;
parameters = shared_params,
domain = land_domain,
autotrophic_respiration = AR_model,
radiative_transfer = rt_model,
photosynthesis = photosynthesis_model,
conductance = stomatal_model,
energy = energy_model,
hydraulics = plant_hydraulics,
soil_driver = soil_driver,
atmos = atmos,
radiation = radiation,

Y, p, coords = ClimaLand.initialize(canopy)
exp_tendency! = make_exp_tendency(canopy);

ψ_leaf_0 = FT(-2e5 / 9800)

S_l_ini = inverse_water_retention_curve(retention_model, ψ_leaf_0, ν, S_s)

Y.canopy.hydraulics.ϑ_l.:1 .= augmented_liquid_fraction.(ν, S_l_ini)

t0 = 0.0
N_days = 10
tf = t0 + 3600 * 24 * N_days
dt = 225.0;
evaluate!(, atmos.T, t0)
set_initial_cache! = make_set_initial_cache(canopy)
set_initial_cache!(p, Y, t0);

n = 16
saveat = Array(t0:(n * dt):tf)
sv = (;
t = Array{Float64}(undef, length(saveat)),
saveval = Array{NamedTuple}(undef, length(saveat)),
saving_cb = ClimaLand.NonInterpSavingCallback(sv, saveat);

updateat = Array(t0:1800:tf)
updatefunc = ClimaLand.make_update_drivers(atmos, radiation)
driver_cb = ClimaLand.DriverUpdateCallback(updateat, updatefunc)
cb = SciMLBase.CallbackSet(driver_cb, saving_cb);

timestepper = CTS.RK4();
ode_algo = CTS.ExplicitAlgorithm(timestepper)

prob = SciMLBase.ODEProblem(
CTS.ClimaODEFunction(T_exp! = exp_tendency!, dss! = ClimaLand.dss!),
(t0, tf),

sol = SciMLBase.solve(prob, ode_algo; dt = dt, callback = cb, saveat = saveat);

savedir = joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaLand), "experiments/standalone/Vegetation");
T = [parent(sol.u[k][1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)]
T_atmos = [parent(sv.saveval[k].drivers.T)[1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)]
ϑ = [parent(sol.u[k].canopy.hydraulics.ϑ_l.:1)[1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)]
GPP = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.photosynthesis.GPP)[1] * 1e6 for
k in 1:length(sol.t)
resp = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.autotrophic_respiration.Ra)[1] * 1e6 for
k in 1:length(sol.t)
SW_abs = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.radiative_transfer.SW_n)[1] for
k in 1:length(sol.t)
LW_abs = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.radiative_transfer.LW_n)[1] for
k in 1:length(sol.t)
SHF = [parent(sv.saveval[k][1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)]
LHF = [parent(sv.saveval[k][1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)]
RE = [
parent(sv.saveval[k][1] for
k in 1:length(sol.t)
R = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.hydraulics.fa_roots)[1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)
Tr = [parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.hydraulics.fa.:1)[1] for k in 1:length(sol.t)]
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "Time (days)", ylabel = "Temperature (K)")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, T, label = "Canopy")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, T_atmos, label = "Atmos")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 1], xlabel = "Time (days)", ylabel = "Volumetric Water")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, ϑ, label = "Canopy")
ax = Axis(fig[3, 1], xlabel = "Time (days)", ylabel = "LAI")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, fakeLAIfunction.(sol.t), label = "Canopy")
save(joinpath(savedir, "no_veg_state.png"), fig)
fig2 = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig2[1, 1], xlabel = "Time (days)", ylabel = "Energy Fluxes")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, SW_abs, label = "SW")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, LW_abs, label = "LW")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, SHF, label = "SHF")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, LHF, label = "LHF")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, RE, label = "RE")
ax = Axis(fig2[2, 1], xlabel = "Time (days)", ylabel = "Water Fluxes")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, Tr, label = "Transpiration")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, R, label = "R")

ax = Axis(fig2[3, 1], xlabel = "Time (days)", ylabel = "Carbon Fluxes")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, GPP, label = "GPP")
lines!(ax, sol.t ./ 24 ./ 3600, resp, label = "Respiration")
save(joinpath(savedir, "no_veg_fluxes.png"), fig2)

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