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RXWatcher edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

#Invoice Ninja

  1. Edit the settings.yml and add:
   subdomain: invoiceninja

You can change the subdomain to fit your own needs.

  1. Run the role as a normal community role.
cd ~/community
sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags invoiceninja
  1. Visit the invoice ninja site at and the setup screen will appear.

Make the following changes on the setup page:

  • Check the checkbox that says "HTTPS Required" (this will be automatically checked in future revisions).
  • Select the "Test Connection" button under mysql. It should come back with Success
  • Fill in your email server information Optional
  • Update the Firstname, Lastname, Email and Password
  • Agree to the Terms of Service
  • Agree to the Privacy Policy
  • Hit Submit

  • Log into Invoice Ninja

  • You will see an error on the screen:

Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja:update-key

  • Go to the shell and run this: docker exec -ti invoiceninja sh -c "php artisan config:clear && php artisan key:generate && php artisan config:cache && php artisan config:clear"

  • You will be prompted to run the command. Answer 'yes'

  • You will see several 'Success' messages.

  • Go back to the Invoice Ninja website, refresh the browser.

  • Log back in and the error message is gone. You can begin to use Invoice Ninja now.

Cron: It is set to send invoices and reminders daily at 8am server time. There are logs in the /opt/invoiceninja/logs/cron directory.

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