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title : Reactive P2P Chat author : name : Tadeusz Łazurski twitter : lazurski github : lzrski style : cleaver-theme/style.css theme : cleaver-theme

P2P Chat

Powered by React.js, Simple Peer and love

Set up new project

In your terminals execute:

mkdir p2p-chat
cd p2p-chat
git init
npm init

Just press enter for every question.


Make sure build artifacts won't clutter your source control. Put this in the .gitignore file:


Install development dependencies...

npm install --save-dev \
  browserify \
  watchify \
  babelify \
  babel-preset-react \

Then commit changes:

git add --all .
git commit -m 'Install development dependencies'

PRO TIP: commit on each step

Bootstrap some code

Make two new files:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Let's Chat!</title>
    <script src="build/application.js"></script>


console.log("Hello, there. Let's chat!")

Transform and bundle our script

mkdir -p build
./node_modules/.bin/browserify \
  -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 react ] ] \
  -o build/application.js \

You should have a file called build/application.js with weird looking code. It's a bundle. Note that we reference it in index.html file.

Open the html file

xdg-open index.html # Linux
open index.html     # OSX

Then, in the browser, open the console (alt-ctrl-j / alt-cmd-j).

You should see:

Hello, there. Let's chat!


Let's avoid typing this terrible thing by using NPM scripts. In package.json find scripts section and add a new script called build:

"scripts": {
  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
  "build": "mkdir -p build; browserify -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 react ] ] -o build/application.js src/index.js"

Now you can execute more friendly command:

npm run build

Avoid manual recompilation every time we save a file by adding develop script with watchify command and debug option for source maps:

"scripts": {
  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
  "build": "mkdir -p build; browserify -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 react ] ] -o build/application.js src/index.js",
  "develop": "mkdir -p build; watchify -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 react ] ] -o build/application.js --debug src/index.js"

Now run

npm run develop

Enter Simple Peer

Let's play with some P2P connectivity. We will use feross/simple-peer for that:

npm install --save simple-peer

In process communication

We start with two peers running in same webpage. It's not very useful on it's own, but it's a good starting point.

import Peer from 'simple-peer'

const p1 = Peer({trickle: false, initiator: true})
const p2 = Peer({trickle: false})

Make some noise

To have some insight in the operations of peers, let's make them output logs whenever something of interest happens. They are event-emitters, so we need to hook into their events.

p1.on('signal', (data) => console.log('p1 signal', data))
p1.on('connect', () => console.log('p1 connected'))
p1.on('data', (data) => console.log('p1 received', data))
p1.on('error', (error) => console.error('p1 error', error))
p1.on('close', () => console.log('p1 connection closed'))

// Same for p2...

And reload your browser.

Let's connect

In order to connect, peers need to exchange so called signaling data. Internally they use it to find each other.

The initiator peer will emit signal immediately after it's created. You should see it in the console. It's this weird looking thing:

{"type":"offer","sdp":"v=0\r\no=- 1363672724809654390 2 IN IP4\r\ns=-\r\nt=0 0\r\na=msid-semantic: WMS\r\nm=application 9 DTLS/SCTP 5000\r\nc=IN IP4\r\na=ice-ufrag:zeBNQizxw4zejNZa\r\na=ice-pwd:fyTyIOTAhitF1MJxxCrOMti3\r\na=fingerprint:sha-256 A2:38:96:A2:E0:F9:04:72:E1:E4:62:54:66:79:7D:B0:CC:4A:24:9A:29:A0:97:8D:FA:9C:E7:B5:52:DD:14:0B\r\na=setup:actpass\r\na=mid:data\r\na=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024\r\n"}

Don't worry - we don't need to comprehend the meaning of this.

Instead we need to pass this signal to the other peer. Let's change the signal handler function of p1:

p1.on('signal', (data) => {
  console.log('p1 signal', data)

Now in the console we should see, that the p2 is also emitting a signal. Note, that it is not the same thing we passed. In particular the type field is answer instead of offer.

This signal from p2 needs to be passed to p1 in turn.

p2.on('signal', (data) => {
  console.log('p2 signal', data)

At some point the connection will be established and connect events triggered.

Once we have a connection, let's send something. It can be anything, so let's start with a simple hello:

p1.on('connect', () => {
  console.log('p1 connected')
  p1.send('Hello, p2. How are you?')

And let p2 respond with in a friendly manner:

p1.on('data', (data) => {
  console.log('p1 received', data)
  p2.send('Fine, thanks. How about you p1?')

Do you see the numbers in the console? Looks like some robot speech. Not friendly at all!

That's because whatever is sent is converted to a thing called buffer. Fortunately it's quite easy to convert it back to a string:

p1.on('data', (data) => {
  console.log('p1 received', data.toString('utf-8'))
  // ...

How about a commit?

Time for React

Before we separate the pears we should add some UI. We will use facebook/react for this. It comes in two modules:

npm install --save react react-dom

Theory warning

React and the DOM

In browsers, there is an API called DOM: Document Object Model. What you see on your screen when you visit a web page is a document, and the DOM API gives you access to it.

The DOM API is rather terrible - interacting with it is slow and cumbersome. However if you want browser to display something new it's the only way other then giving your browser entire new HTML file.

Same for processing user interactions like clicking a button or filling a form. Without DOM API you can only send it to the server, process it there and send back new HTML.

That is called full page refresh cycle and until recently it was the only way of building web apps.

Virtual DOM

In react we very seldom use DOM API directly. React handles it for us. In most applications it's only when you call render function from react-dom module.

Other then that we use a different API called Virtual DOM. It's similar, but smarter.


Just as DOM, Virtual DOM deals mainly with elements.

Each element has a type, like div, a, p etc. It also has a thing called props (which can affect the behavior of an element just like attributes you define in HTML). It can also have children - text or other elements.

Almost done

We create an element by calling a createElement function from react module. Put following code above our P2P logic:

import React, { createElement } from 'react'

const link = createElement(
  'a', // type
    href: '',
    title: 'Read the docs'
  }, // props
  'Hello, React!' // Children

And render it using render function from react-dom module.

import { render } from 'react-dom'

const container = document.getElementById('app-container')
  link,     // The element
  container // Where to render it - see next slide

We also need a place in the document where the element is to be rendered. In index.html add an container for it:


<div id='app-container'><!-- The app goes here --></div>

<script src="build/application.js"></script>

Now refresh a browser and you should see a link we have created in previous slide.

Commit and rejoice :)

We will build our app UI as a tree of elements. Let's add two more:

const link = createElement(
  'a', // type
    href: '',
    title: 'Read the docs'
  }, // props
  'Hello, React!' // Children
const heading = createElement('h1', {}, "It's all just elements")
const root = createElement('div', {}, heading, link)
  root,     // Look out! It have changed.

It should be familiar, because that's how you build a document using HTML. In fact, there is a thing called JSX that gives you a syntax for writing elements that is very similar to HTML. We will use it:

const root = (
    <h1>It's all elements</h1>
      title = 'Read the docs'
      href = ''
      Hello, React!
render(root, container)

Being reactive

Remember our peers? The p1 and p2 guys? Let's make our UI react to the changes in the state of p1 peer. First we need to record them. Let's create an array for that and call it messages, and also a helper function that will update the array.

const p1 = Peer({trickle: false, initiator: true})
const p2 = Peer({trickle: false})

let messages = []
const update = (message) => {
  messages = messages.concat(message)

Next let's populate this array with messages:

p1.on('signal', (data) => {
  console.log('p1 signal', data)

p1.on('connect', () => {
  console.log('p1 connected')
  p1.send('Hello, p2. How are you?')

p1.on('data', (data) => {
  const message = data.toString('utf-8')
  update('> ' + message)
  console.log('p1 received', message)

p1.on('error', (error) => {
  update('!!! ' + error.message)
  console.error('p1 error', error)

p1.on('close', () => {
  update('Connection closed')
  console.log('p1 connection closed')

Update the UI

We update UI by rendering entire tree. To let this happen we need a function that will return different tree depending on it's arguments. Let's call it Root (with capital R):

const Root = (props) => {
  return (
      { => <p>{ message }</p>)

Note how we jump from JSX to JavaScript syntax using curly braces ({}).

const Root = (props) => {
  return (              <-- Here it's still JavaScript
    <div>               <-- and here it is JSX
      {                 <-- and JavaScript again! => <p>{ message }</p>)
      }                                 ^  ^
    </div>                         JSX -'  '--- JavaScript

Then inside update function, let's create and render a new root element every time it is called:

let messages = []
const update = (message) => {
  messages = messages.concat(message)
  const root = createElement(Root, { messages })

Stateless components

Note that we have used Root function as a type argument to createElement, just as we have been doing with 'div', 'a', and 'h1' before. You can do that!

This kind of function is called stateless component and it is often used in React development. We will use this approach later.

Stateless components

To make it work you have to honor a following deal: it will return single element (in our case it's an element of type 'div'):

return (

Stateless components

The props passed to createElement will be passed to your function as first argument. You can use them in your function to change what will get rendered or how it will behave. In our case we render the messages based on the props: => <p>{ message }</p>)

UI for connecting peers

Our goal is to banish one of the peers from our code and connect to one running in another instance of app operated by another user somewhere on the Internet.

To be able to do that, we need a way to provide signaling data to the peer without it having direct connection to the other one. After all signaling data is needed to establish the connection in the first place.

Let's remove the line where p1 passes signaling data to p2:

p1.on('signal', (data) => {
  console.log('p1 signal', data)

And create a new component for supplying the signaling data to p2:

let signal_input = null
const ConnectForm = () => (
      ref = { (el) => signal_input = el }
      placeholder = 'Enter signaling data here...'
      onClick = { () => p2.signal(signal_input.value) }

At last, let's use it in our Root component:

const Root = (props) => (
    <ConnectForm />
    { => <p>{ message }</p>)

Now for peers to connect you need to copy signaling data from p1 into the form and click connect. Only then p2 will receive it and will be able to connect.

TIP: Triple click on the signaling data should select it all.

Now, let's add an input for chat messages:

let message_input = ''
const MessageForm = () => (
      ref = { (el) => message_input = el }
      placeholder = 'Enter something nice here...'
      onClick = { () => {
        const message = message_input.value
        update('< ' + message)
      } }

Let's use our new component:

const Root = (props) => (
    <ConnectForm />
    { => <p>{ message }</p>)
    <MessageForm />

and remove the line when p1 sends a message right after it connects:

p1.on('connect', () => {
  console.log('p1 connected')

Note that we should only display one of the forms. Either we are not connected and need a ConnectForm, but MessageForm doesn't make sense yet, or we are connected and it's the other way around.

Let's keep track of the connection status:

let connected = false
let messages = []
const update = (message) => {
  messages = messages.concat(message)
  if (message === 'connected') { connected = true }
  // ...

And use it in Root component logic:

const Root = (props) => (
    { !props.connected ? <ConnectForm /> : "" }
    { => <p>{ message }</p>)
    { props.connected ? <MessageForm /> : "" }

NOTE: What you see are ternary operators (x ? y : z) I think they are ugly and confusing, but that's the best you can get in JS.

Wait for the user to initiate a connection

Right now the initiator peer is created right away. Because after a separation of peers we wont know if the one in our instance should initiate the session or wait for signal, we need to provide user a mean to initiate only if she thinks it's appropriate.

First let's not initiate new p1 on startup anymore:

let p1 = null
const p2 = Peer({trickle: false})

Note that we have changed const to let. That's because the value of p1 won't be constant anymore. We will change it soon.

Now we need a button and a function. First a button in a ConnectForm component:

const ConnectForm = () => (
      ref = { (el) => signal_input = el }
      placeholder = 'Enter signaling data here...'
      onClick = { () => p2.signal(signal_input.value) }

      onClick = { () => initiate() }


Then a function. Let's call it initiate. This is a little tricky. Basically it wraps the creation and setup of p1 peer:

initiate = () => {
  p1 = Peer({trickle: false, initiator: true})

  p1.on('signal', (data) => {
    console.log('p1 signal', data)

  // other event handlers...

  p1.on('close', () => {
    update('Connection closed')
    console.log('p1 connection closed')

Now the tricky part. Since it needs to have access to update function, we need to define it after the definition of update.

const update = (message) => {
  // ...
initiate = () => {
  // ...

But we call this new initiate function inside the ConnectForm component, which in turn is called from Root component, which in turn is called by update function.

update -> Root -> ConnectForm -> initiate
  ^                                 |

This is called a circular reference and often poses a difficult problem to solve in software development.

For now we will use a little dirty hack. Note that the initiate function is not called immediately when the ConnectForm is called, but only when user presses a button (i.e. asynchronously).

So we don't actually need it to do anything yet, only to be visible. Let's define the variable before, but instantiate it later:

let initiate = null
let signal_input = null
const ConnectForm = () => (
  // ...

That way we have a reference to initiate inside the ConnectForm, and by the time the user clicks a button, it will already become a function.

This is how closures work.

NOTE: But it's not how they should be used. It's a temporary hack, not a best practice.

HELP! Everything disappeared and I don't see my the button now!

That's because we only call render inside update, and we only call update when the p1 gets some events. But now the p1 doesn't even exist until we click a button, and the button doesn't exist until we render it.

This starts to smell like a spaghetti.

For now let's just make another quick and dirty hack and call the update once right after we start. It expects a string, so let's give it an empty one:

const update = (message) => {
  // ...

Now it should work again.

Try pressing initiate, then copy signaling data to the input and press connect. Then you should be able to chat with p2.


Time to banish p2 from our memory

It's no fun talking to this robot, especially when all it ever answer is:

Fine, thanks. How about you p1?

Instead of keeping second peer in the same process we will connect to another instance of this app and talk to it.

Connect function

First let's make a connect function. It will take a signaling data and pass it to p1. As with initiate we need to make it visible in ConnectForm.

let initiate = null // This is an ugly hack!
let connect = null
let signal_input = null
const ConnectForm = () => ( ... )

Connect function

Then inside ConnectForm, instead of calling p2.signal, let's call this new function:

  onClick = { () => connect(signal_input.value) }

Connect function

And now time to define the connect function. First of all, we do not know if the p1 is already instantiated. We may have it because initiate was called before (in which case p1 in the initiator of the connection), or maybe we have received a signal from external peer and need to set up p1 to accept the signal.

Connect function

We need to check if p1 is null (i.e. it does not exist yet)) in which case we create it and set it's signal event handler.

connect = (data) => {
  if (p1 === null) {
    p1 = Peer({trickle: false})
    p1.on('signal', (data) => {
      console.log('p1 signal', data)

TIP: You can copy and paste the body of if statement from initiate. Just remove the initiator: true part.

Connect function

Consider that we only need to set up rest of the events (i.e. connect, message, error, close) if the p1 received a signal from external peer. Otherwise there is no chance for this events to be triggered.

Let's just move those statements from initiate to connect.

Connect function

connect = (data) => {
  // ... if statement

  p1.on('connect', () => {
    console.log('p1 connected')
  // ...message and error handlers
  p1.on('close', () => {
    update('Connection closed')
    console.log('p1 connection closed')

Connect function

Finally, remove all references to p2. We don't need it anymore.

Also, since naming things is important, rename p1 to peer.

Let's play!

Open index.html in a new browser window, place it next to the first one and try to connect. It's an arcade game - you have about 30 seconds to accomplish this steps in correct order:

  1. Click initiate in one window.
  2. Copy signaling data to input in the second window and click answer.
  3. Copy signaling data from second window to input in the first one.
  4. Click answer...
  5. Done!

Did it?

If everything went fine, you can now chat with yourself in two different browser windows. How cool is that!

Time for level 2 - AKA multiplayer arcade game. Try to connect to the person sitting next to you.

TIP: Use slack to exchange signaling data.


You have made your own peer to peer chat with about 100 LOC.

Where to go from here

Ideas for further improvements

Where to go from here

Where to go from here

  • Refactor the spaghetti code

    Avoid reassigning the variables (always use const).

    TIP: modularize and use Redux to manage state

Where to go from here

  • Enable cross network communication

    Sad fact: with this implementation you will likely be unable to connect to anybody on the Internet. It will only work on the same local network :(

    That's because we have set trickle option to false.

    TIP: If you set trickle to true you will have to exchange multiple signals before peers connect.

Where to go from here

  • Automate signaling data exchange

    TIP: Probably easiest way is to use Firebase.

Where to go from here

  • Connect to multiple peers


A chat using simple-peer and react






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