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Roblox Group Ally Setup Guide

Discord-server :

I haven't tested this because the sending ally algorithm is the same as last version tested one. If it didn't work, DM me. For MultiCookie, The format in cookies.json should look like this

and so on

If rbxcheckid is empty, put "" else ".rbxcheck id here"

Version 8 :

  • Removed webhook
  • Removed AutoUpdate
  • Added MultiCookie
  • Improved Input system

Version 7 :

  • Added Proxy : roproxy, without proxy , custom proxy[proxy.txt]
  • Added Discord webhook
  • Save Configuration
  • AutoUpdate


  • Node.js and npm installed on your system
  • Roblox account with the necessary permissions
  • Roblox Group ID

Initial Steps

  1. Install NodeJs:

  2. Install EditThisCookie Extension:

  3. Open Command Prompt:

    • Press Win + R key, type cmd, and press enter.
    • Execute the following commands:

1. Navigate to Desktop

cd Desktop

2. Clone the Repository / Download this repository

To clone the Roblox Group Ally repository:

git clone

3. Navigate to the Project Directory

cd Roblox-Group-Ally

4. Install Dependencies

Install required dependencies using npm:

npm install

5. Start the BOT

node .

6. Getting Required Data for Configuration

  • Visit Roblox.
  • Open EditThisCookie, copy/paste all the required cookies into the configuration. Go to the Roblox group (e.g.,, where 6290210 is the group id, and paste it into the configuration.
  • Set the range for group id generation (Min, Max).
  • Optionally, use a proxy to bypass request limitations (5 requests per 10 minutes).
  • Configure "send message" settings if you want to message the group owner.

Free Proxy List[ Not recommend as well as extermely slow ]

Note : Proxy must support http protocol


  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access the Roblox API for the intended group.
  • Double-check the correctness of the provided cookie.
  • Proxy must support HTTP protocol

DM on Discord for more information: _mrunknown_