Tickts is a webshop for festival tickets for all around the world.
- Rodrigo de Siqueira-Lima Perez-Moreno
- David Herrera Garcia
- Rodrigo Díez Alonso
- Miguel Cendrero Ortega
- Jesús Élez Sánchez
- Artists: attend to Events.
- Events: contain Artists who attend to the Events.
- News: updates about Events & Artists.
- Users: buy tickets for Events.
- Anonymous User: an user should be able to see all festivals, all artists that participate on the festivals around the world. Also should be able to register on the webpage to buy tickets.
- Registered User: an registered user should be able to do all the things that an anonymous user can do and also access his profile page to see all the tickets that have been bought.
- Administrator: the administrator should be able to do all the things that an user can do, but also manage all festivals and artist, being able to add and delete at his pleasure. Also adding and removing News as well as seeing all the tickets bought by each user.
- Artists: one profile picture.
- Events: one or more pictures about the event.
- News: one or more pictures.
- Users: one profile picture.
- Mapbox GL: maps API that allow us to display the location of the events.